The University of Arizona





1.Provide information regarding the proposed organization creation of change in the format requested on the attached pages. Respond to each item individually. Indicate “not applicable” where appropriate.

2.Obtain signatures of the proposed unit administrator, department or committee head and college deanor Director of Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs. In some situations signatures of more than one dean or department head may be required. If the disestablished program had a commitment of resources from other than the initiating unit, the signature of the collaborating department/committee head and collaborating college dean is also required. If you have any questions, please contact Patti J. King, CCIT 337, 621-4107.

3.Forward the original and one copy to the college office for the dean’s signature and retain a copy for departmental files.

4.The dean should forward the original to the Curriculum Office - Academic Programs, Attn: Patti J. King, CCIT 337, and retain the remaining copy for college files. An electronic version of the documents with appropriate signatures is preferred but not required. For electronic submission, only the signature page should be submitted as a PDF.

5.Documents must be submitted in a timely manner to move through the campus/tri-university/Arizona Board of Regents approval process. UA campus protocols include review by appropriate subcommittee(s) of the Undergraduate/Graduate; full Undergraduate/Graduate/Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs Advisory Council review; Provost Management Group and Academic Council (deans) review; Instruction and Curriculum Policy Committee of the Faculty Senate and the Faculty Senate. Once through the UA campus protocols, proposals are sent for review by the Office of the Provost’s Office to the Chief Academic Officers at ArizonaStateUniversity and NorthernArizonaUniversity as well as to the Board staff at the Arizona Board of Regents, for final review prior to submission to the Arizona Board of Regents for formal approval.

Complete proposal packet consists of:

1.Signature cover page with all appropriate signatures - Please include additional signature pages if needed. The proposal will not be forwarded for review without all appropriate signatures being present.

2.Proposal Document - Respond to each item individually. Indicate “not applicable” where appropriate.

  1. Proposed Budget – Use the form referenced in of this packet. Instructions for completion are included with the form.
  1. Executive Summary - Respond to each item individually. Indicate “not applicable where appropriate. Be as concise as possible while providing key points of the proposal. The Executive Summary is submitted to ABOR for inclusion in meeting documents.

The University of Arizona





Initiating college, department, or committee: ______

Title of this Proposal: ______

Is this proposal for an academic or non-academic unit? ______

Unit Administrator: (name and title) ______

Unit Administrator’s Signature: ______Date:______

College Dean’s Signature:______Date:______




Please provide the following information:

I.Description of the Proposed Organizational Unit orChange

A.Identify the name of unit(s) affected by the change and its place in the organizational structure of the university.

B.Explain the nature of the change; i.e., formation of a new unit or reorganization of an existing unit.

II.Purpose and Activities of the Unit

A.Explain the rationale for the change and the relationship to the Mission and Scope Statements adopted by the Board.

B.Identify the basic goals and objectives of the new reorganized units.

C.Describe the activities, projects, and programs that will be conducted by the new or reorganized unit. Identify the curricular implications of the activities, projects, and programs.

D.Identify the unit(s) that will assume the responsibilities of any units that are recommended for elimination.

E.For instructional units, project the number of majors for the next three years.


A.Faculty and Staff

1.List the name, rank, highest degree, and estimate of the level of involvement of all current faculty and professional staff who will participate in the new or reorganized unit. Also, indicate the position each person will hold in the new unit.

2.List the clerical and support staff positions that will be included in the new unit.

3.Indicate the number of graduate assistants who will be assigned to the new unit.

4.Project the number and type of new faculty and staff positions thatwill beneeded by the unit during each of the next three years.

B.Physical Facilities and Equipment

1.Identify the physical facilities that will be required for the new unit and indicate whether those facilities are currently available.

2.List all additional equipment that will be needed during the next five years and the estimated cost.

C.Library Resources, Materials, and Supplies

1.Identify any additional library acquisitions that will be needed during the next three years and the estimated cost.

2.List any special materials or supplies, other than normal office supplies, that will be required by the new unit.

D.Other Information

1.Identify any implications of the proposed change for regional or programmatic accreditation.

2.Provide any relevant information, not requested above, that will assist reviewers in evaluating the proposed addition or change.


1.Explain the university’s plan for providing adequate financing for the unit.

2.Identify potential sources for external funding for the unit.

3.If state funds will be used, indicate whether new appropriations will be requested or existing appropriations will be reallocated.

4.Complete the New Organizational Unit Budge Projections sheet, projecting the operating budget for the proposed unit for the next three years.

5.Estimate the amount of external funds that may be received by the unit during each of the first three years.

IV.Other Information – Important instructions for completion of Section IV-A are found on the following page. Please read carefully prior to completion of the section.

A.Describe the internal evaluative process for reviewing the proposed unit. (Important instructions for completion of Section IV-A are found on the following page. Please read carefully prior to completion of this section).

B.Provide any other information not requested above that may be useful in evaluating the proposal.

Important instructions for completion of Section IV-A

(Do not submit this instruction page as part of proposal)

For new centers, institutes, laboratories, and bureaus not offering academic programs, it is the responsibility of the head of the proposed unit to describe the process and criteria by which the unit will be evaluated. The unit will be expected to provide annual reports in conformity with the University’s annual report process. The annual report will be compiled and submitted through the appropriate dean’s office to the Office of the Provost. Additionally, the proposing unit must describe the process it wishes to follow for a more comprehensive review, to take place every three to five years, and no later than every five years. When writing the proposal to create the unit, it will be the responsibility of both the proposing unit and the dean’s office to which the unit will report to articulate when the comprehensive review will take place and the evaluative criteria to be used in the comprehensive review. The proposing unit and the dean’s office will conduct the review and report to the Office of the Provost the outcomes of the review, including recommendations to continue, not continue, or refocus the unit. This change in Board policy applies to the establishment/disestablishment/name changes of units that are not offering academic courses and/or degree programs, that is, units that are established to facilitate research and/or outreach initiatives. Creating, changing, or disestablishing an academic unit that offers academic courses and/or degree programs uses the same template form but follows a separate process and requires formal Regental approval. As broad considerations, proposals will be reviewed internally on the basis of:

  • Clearly stated mission, goals, and objectives of the unit
  • Demonstrable partnerships and partnership support that arise from the creation of the unit (e.g., how does formal creation of this unit directly promote the fostering of collaborative and synergistic research and outreach beyond what is already happening on campus with existing entities?)
  • Alignment of the proposed unit’s purpose to the reporting unit and the University’s strategic goals
  • Documented support from affiliated faculty, department heads, and deans. At the college level, alignment of the proposed unit’s goals and objectives to the college’s recruitment plan and programmatic priorities
  • Clear statement of the evaluative criteria to be used in the comprehensive review (How will the proposed unit demonstrate success?)


The attached document should be used for budget projections for proposed new or changed organizational units

(departments, centers. institutes, etc.)


1.Please submit an original copy of the budget.

2.Project the unit budget by indicating the initial base budget in Column I and the incremental changes in each expenditure area for each of the following two years (columns 2-3). Each column should include only new costs for each year.

3.Do not include projections for inflationary or routine salary pay changes.

4.On the TOTALS lines, list separately the reallocated state appropriated funds from the new state-appropriated funds. All reallocated funds are assumed to be permanent reallocations unless otherwise indicated.

5.For local funds, attach a separate list showing the major sources of local funds and a brief explanation of each source.



Name of Proposed New Academic Unit:______

EXPENDITURE ITEMS / Column 1 / Column 2 / Column 3
First Year / Second Year / Third Year
19___ - ___ / 19___ - ___ / 19___ - ___
Continuing Expenditures
State / ______/ ______/ ______
Local / ______/ ______/ ______
Other Personnel
State / ______/ ______/ ______
Local / ______/ ______/ ______
Graduate Assistantships
State / ______/ ______/ ______
Local / ______/ ______/ ______
Operations (materials, supplies, phones, etc.)
State / ______/ ______/ ______
Local / ______/ ______/ ______
Other Items (Attach description)
State / ______/ ______/ ______
Local / ______/ ______/ ______
One-Time Expenditures
Construction or Renovation
State / ______/ ______/ ______
Local / ______/ ______/ ______
Start-up Equipment
State / ______/ ______/ ______
Local / ______/ ______/ ______
Replacement Equipment
State / ______/ ______/ ______
Local / ______/ ______/ ______
Library Resources
State / ______/ ______/ ______
Local / ______/ ______/ ______
Other Items (Attach description)
State / ______/ ______/ ______
Local / ______/ ______/ ______
TOTALS (Incremental) / ______/ ______/ ______
State-Reallocated Funds / ______/ ______/ ______
-New Funds / ______/ ______/ ______
Local Funds*

*List major sources of local funds with a brief explanation of each source. ABOR #4, 11/8

Executive Summary

Request to Establish New Academic Unit or Reorganize an Existing Unit

Academic Unit Name

Requested by – Include the department and college

Description of Proposed New Unit or Unit Change

Purpose and Activities of Unit

Resources Available for the Unit

  1. Faculty and Staff
  2. Physical Facilities and Equipment
  3. Library Resources, materials, Supplies
  4. Other Information

Sources of Funding

Other Information

Note:In order to ensure consistency, this format should be followed. Leave a one-inch margin at the top for pagination of documents at the ABOR Office. An electronic version of the documents with appropriate signatures is preferred but not required. For electronic submission, only the signature page should be submitted as a PDF.

Academic Program Planning Proposal_Packet_Revised_5-30-2006