Please print on school headed paper

For completion by the school:

Name, Full Address and Postcode of family
(please print clearly)
School contact name
School contact number

The family are: (please tick which is most relevant)

Currently in receipt of free school meals
Have previously received free school meals
Are not eligible for free school meals but are financially vulnerable
Other (please specify)

Please find below details of how many people make up the household. (Please write in words not figures and put a cross through the box if there are none in that age group.)

0 -4 years / 5 – 11 years / 12 – 16 years / 17-24 years / 25 – 64 years / 65+ years

We ask that Ealing Foodbank recognises this letter, along with proof of identity, as evidence of need.

I can confirm that the information is correct.

Signed / Dated
Position in School

Information for families. Please be advised that:

  • Contents of food parcels may vary in accordance with what’s available
  • Please take this letter to your nearest foodbank to collect your food parcel (see below)
  • This letter must be presented at each visit and will expire on Saturday 14th April 2018
  • You can visit the food bank twice between Friday 30th March to Saturday 14th April 2018. At your second visit, this letter will be retained by the foodbank.

Day / Time / Location / Address
Monday 1 – 3pm &
Saturday 10am – 12pm / Greenford / Greenford Methodist Church, Ruislip Road, UB6 9QN
Wednesday 10am-12pm / Hanwell / St Mellitus Church, 1 Church Road, Hanwell, W7 3BA
Thursday 1 – 3pm / Southall / St Anselm’s RC Church, The Green, Southall, UB2 4BE
Thursday 1 – 3pm / Northolt / Northolt Park Baptist Church, Eastcote Lane, UB5 4HN
Friday 2 – 4pm / Acton / Oak Tree Anglican Fellowship, 216 High Street, W3 9NX