OMR Request Form

OMR Services, Assessment Centre

Office of Assessment Teaching & Learning


  • Use the correct candidate answer sheets (GPAS-240R)
  • Brief candidates on key OMR requirements (see Briefing Sheet)
  • Include this completed form together with the candidate answer sheets.
  • Enter the correct answers on a blank answer sheet with 00000000 as the Student ID
  • Answer sheets are to be delivered and picked up in person

Contact details:

Unit SPK number
Instructor Name
School / Faculty
Email (for return of results)
Phone (in case of problems)
Any special instructions?

Results requested: (default reports are pre-selected)

Select? / Report Title / Description
√ / Excel Summary / This file (comma separated values, CSV) has six columns: Name, ID, Number correct, Number incorrect, % Score and Curtin Grade.
Excel Dump / This file (comma separated values, CSV) contains all data from the form plus summary analyses.
101 / Scores and Grades / This PDF file shows a table of student names, IDs, their Curtin Grade, the number answered correctly and their % score.
√ / 103 / Class Summary / This one page PDF file shows graphic and text analysis of overall class performance grouped by Curtin Grade (F,5,6,7,8,9,10).
√ / 104 / Test Statistics / This one page PDF file shows maximum, minimum, mean & median scores, standard deviations, variance, percentiles and inter quartile range, confidence intervals (1,5,95,99%), KR20/21 and Cronbach Alpha.
203 / Item Analysis Graph / This PDF file shows (in graphical bar chart form) the percentage of candidates choosing each response for every question.
√ / 207 / Item Analysis / This PDF file provides basic analytical information. For each question, it shows the number of candidates that answered correctly, incorrectly and those that left it blank. P Values and Point Biserials are also included.
√ / 301 / Individual Students / This PDF shows detailed analysis for each student on a separate page. Includes the grade, the overall score and identifies questions answered correctly, and correct answers for those that were answered incorrectly.
For OTL Office use only / Date / Initials / Number / Forms
Date received / Total number read
Date processed / Manually corrected
Date forms despatched for return / Rejected (unprocessed)