OTA Parent Foundation

Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, January 6, 2016 6pm

Meeting called to order at 6:04pm

Present: Monika Hanft, Cindy Stullich, Jenny Ciampa, Sonia Mahmud (via phone),

Marisa Calderon, Heidi Weaver (via phone), Lynn DiFilippo (via phone), Cathy Berlin (via phone), Gail Warrick (via phone), Steve Shupper (via phone), Sara Rosenbaum (via phone)

Staff: Mr. Centrofanchi

Opening Remarks: Monika Hanft welcomed everyone to the meeting. She stated that a large part of the meeting would be focused on the Gala, where we are financially, and Thiago’s proposal.

Approval of Minutes:

Financial Update:

Cindy reviewed our current budget, which is $66,755 after giving $51K to OTA.

Thiago’s Proposal:

Thiago has created a two-year plan and proposal to enhance our robotics program. In his budget for the first year, he would need $6517 to fund:

-Circuit boards 4th grade (one station per table)

-Scribbling Machines 4th grade (one per student)

-Sewn Circuits and Paper Circuits 4th grade (one per student)

-Makey Makey 4th grade (one per table)

-Arduino Autodesk Kit 6th grade (one kit per 2 students)

-8 EV3 Core Set 7th grade (with 6 at school + 8 more will make one for every 2 students)

-Arduino Autodesk Kit 8th grade (one kit per 2 students)

The 2nd year of the proposal would expand the robotics program greatly with a $13,623 budget goal. It was suggested that 8th graders design circuit boards and have these on display at the Gala to show how funding will improve technology. Funding for the 2nd year of the program could be a Fund A Need item at the Gala. Thiago could also do a video with the focus being on his proposal with students presenting their circuits. Heidi suggested notifying Samson Chan as soon as possible to see if he would be available to help with the video.

OTA Parent Foundation

Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, September 9, 2015 6pm

Monika motioned to vote to fund the 1st year of Thiago’s Robotics Proposal. All were in favor.


Fund A Need

Cindy asked if there were any other items on the table to be considered for Fund A Need and Mr. C mentioned technology such as Chrome Books for the upper grades. Discussion was had on teacher budgets and making money available to them. The Foundation had previously talked about Teacher Wish lists. Jenny took action to gather information and look into this idea.

Sara Rosenbaum asked if there was any way to bring back the musical aspects of OTA-to grow that program and keep it going during the school day. Mr. C shared that it’s a staffing/personnel issue as it would be a full time teacher. Our previous music teacher did not return because we were out of compliance, as he was not credentialed. There is $3600 left in the ResMed budget though that is earmarked for after school. Cindy mentioned that Tom was a big part of the ResMed grant and maybe there is a possibility that money from that grant can be moved to fund a teacher. ResMed is interested in STEM/STEAM/Robotics/Coding funding.

There was discussion about the expansion of staff: Spanish teacher half time/possible full time music teacher/art teacher full or part time and Monika asked if this was a possibility. Mr. C stated that he should get an initial budget for the 2016-2017 school year in Jan/Feb. A revised budget, by law, must be done by May, which will then help drive staffing formulas. Mr. C took action to put on the staff agenda Fund A Need ideas.

Gala Report-Marisa

Steve Shupper is the Gala class art project lead. Steve is still in need of class leads to take on this role. He sent out an email but had not yet heard back from anyone. Sonia took action to get Steve the Room Parent emails so that he can reach out to them. Cathie Berlin took action to do a Facebook post of Steve’s letter. Lynn DiFillipo shared that she will be taking the lead for 3rd grade and made a proposal for their class project. 3rd grade would like to take a field trip to see the Egg Man in Balboa Park’s Spanish Village to do their project (kaleidoscope egg + eggs displayed on gold branches). She asked for $900 up front to cover the cost of the project. After looking at pictures of the egg projects, Monika proposed to fund the 3rd grade egg project. All were in favor. Lynn will schedule the field trip and get in touch with Cindy.

OTA Parent Foundation

Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, January 6th, 2016 6pm

Cathie Berlin has volunteered to take on Sign Up Genius and volunteer lists. Marissa received a spreadsheet of contacts outside of OTA who have attended the Gala. Monika also suggested logging in to the old registration platform to get some more information in regards to that list. Online and live auctions will continue at the Gala but it was voted on not to have a silent auction. Marisa is open to and looking for other ways to obtain smaller donations. Vendor info has been received and Marisa will reach out to Raphael’s and Show Tech to see if they are still willing to work with us. Chris confirmed the food and wine is set for the event. Monika shared that a food committee is needed for the Gala as well as the need to rapidly gather committees to take on various Gala tasks. She also encouraged the launch of the Gala and the need to blast everything out in regards to the Gala and what is needed. A Gala meeting has been set for Wednesday, January 20th 6-8pm. Cathie Berlin will put out a Facebook post about the meeting. The 7-8:30 period of future Foundation meetings will be devoted to the Gala.


Mother Son Event

The Mother Son Event will be held on January 31st from 2-5pm at Soda & Swine in Liberty Station. This event is being put on by the 4th grade. There is a 30-person foosball table and Mad Science will be at the event with 3 booths for the mother and sons to take part in-one booth will include a take away project. The cost is $20/person to break even ($10/head for food + $10 for take away project). It was suggested that the Foundation underwrite part of the cost to bring down the price of tickets. Clarification is needed about the cost of Mad Science (is it $10 per person or is this $10 just for the son). Cindy will look into Square Account to sell tickets; she just needs to know when they are on sale. Marissa also suggested easily setting up Event Brite. Marissa took action to get in touch with Chris Celentino to look in to insurance for an off campus event. Monika motioned that the Foundation cover $1000 of the Mother Son Event. Cindy seconded the motion. Monika will get in touch with Stephanie Garb with this information.

Staff Lunch

5th grade is in charge of the staff luncheon that was moved to Wednesday, January 20th to accommodate the 5th grade’s Star of India field trip.

Book Exchange

Lynn reported that the Book Exchange went well; it was easy and simple with lots of volunteer help. Kids enjoyed it, it was done before lunch and there were donated treats for them as well. Zero cost to put this on. Over 700 books were donated. Upper grades did not participate.

OTA Parent Foundation

Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, January 6th, 2016 6pm


Monika checked in with Gail about the purchase of the shed. She will buy it this weekend.


Monika shared that the 501c3 application has been updated with the removal of Tri-Valley. Questions were brought up about the length of term for Foundation officers, how and when are new officers brought on, do we stagger the board versus everyone terming out. Steve Shupper suggested bringing Ken Morris in to discuss the By Laws he worked on as Steve felt all of these things have been discussed before. Heidi was tasked with emailing Chris to get the OTA Board By Laws as well as looking into our current by-laws to find out when we advertise openings, what parts of by-laws can we keep and what needs defining?

Meeting adjourned at 8:13pm