Out of Many Ch 2 Outline

Key Terms: Feudalism, Renaissance, Gold Coast, Reconquista, encomienda, Black Legend, Treaty of Tordesilla, mestizos, mulattoes, northwest passage, Hugenots, predestination, Sea Dogs

Key Historical Figures: Bartolomeu Dias, Vasco de Gama, Hernan Cortes, Hernando de Soto, Francisco Vasquez de Coronado, Francis Drake, Richard Hakluyt, Walter Raleigh

Thematic Learning Objectives: Pep 4-5, Env 1,2,4, WXT 1,4, Pol 1, Cul 1, ID 4

Key Concepts: 1.2, 1.3

Topics for Discussion:

·  What brought about the enclosure movement in Europe? How did this impact colonization?

·  What was the situation for Jewish Europeans?

·  Describe and understand the social class structure of feudal Europe? How/why was the economy of Europe changing in the 13th and 14th Centuries? What was life like for the common man in Europe?

·  What impact did the Renaissance have on Europe? How did it impact desires for exploration?

·  What impact did the Portuguese have on exploration?

·  Why was Columbus eventually arrested? What impact did his policies have on the Tainos?

·  What were the motives behind Spanish exploration?

·  Describe and understand the social, political, and economic structure of the Spanish colonies in the Americas?

·  What was exchanged between Europe and the Americas? How did this impact and alter both worlds?

·  Looking at the map on page 45 understand what factors helped shape where in the Americas the differing European countries attempted to colonize? How did this impact the relationship between Spain, England, and France?

·  What were the motives behind French exploration of the Americas? How did religious conflict in France impact their colonies? How did they structure their colonies politically, socially, and economically?

·  Understand the religious and political turmoil behind the actions of Henry VIII.

·  What were the motives behind English exploration? How/why is 1588 a major transformative year in world history?