Last updated 11-6-17 kc

Molecular Medicine and Translational Science Seminar Series

Fridays – 11:00 am -12:00 pm BTP 155 A/B

MMTS 711- Fall 2017Schedule

Titles will be updated as dates approach

Date / Presenter(s) / Title / Location
Sept 22 / Michael Seeds, PhD
MMTS 711/712 course director / Orientation and MMTS Photo
Students only / BTP 155 A/B
Sept 29 / Michael Olivier, PhD
Professor, Molecular Medicine, Center on Precision Medicine / Integrated Omics: more than just lots of data / BTP 155 A/B
Oct 6 / Hannah Atkins, DVM
Rachel Andrews, DVM / Mitochondria Function and Cell Metabolism in a Nonhuman Primate Model of Endometriosis
The Role of Fibronectin in Radiation-Induced Brain Injury / Hanes 1064
Oct 13 / No Seminar
Oct 20 / Xuewei Zhu, PhD
Assistant Professor, Molecular Medicine / Lipid and glucose metabolism, macrophage inflammation and metabolic disease / BTP 155 A/B
Oct 27 / Oula Khoury
Alexander Jinnah, MD / Perinatal cell therapy for the treatment of inflammatory lung diseases
The Healing Potential of a Decellularized, Deoxidized Porcine Bone Scaffold / BTP 155 A/B
Nov 3 / Lipika Salaye
Matthew Brovold / Role of dietary iron in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
The impact of a fibrotic environment on fetal liver development / BTP 155 A/B
11 am
Nov 10 / Steven Leung, MD
Priyanka Thakur, BVSc / The Role of Inflammation in Cystic Fibrosis
Phenotypic Differences of Radiation-Induced Lung Pathology in Non-human Primates / BTP 155 A/B
Nov 17 / Goodwell Nzou
Robert Wieland / A Neurovascular Unit Model for Neurotoxicity Screening
Redox Regulation of Akt2 in Breast Cancer and Diabetes / BTP 155 A/B
Nov 24 / No seminar / Thanksgiving Holiday ---- NO SEMINAR / No Seminar
Dec 1 / Amritha Kidiyoor – final defense / TBD
9:00 am
Dec 8 / Lacey McNally, PhD
Associate Professor, Cancer Biology / BTP 155 A/B
11 am

WFU Academic Semester Aug 14 - Dec 8, exams Dec 11-16, graduation Dec 30.

Bold denotes date confirmed by the student.

Course Director: Michael Seeds, PhD