Physical Science

Miami Beach Senior High

Instructor: Mr. Li

Room: 408

Phone: (305) 532- 4515



Course Description:

Two general areas will be included within the class: physics, which studies different forms of energy and their relationships to each other, and chemistry, which studies the general properties of matter which makes up the world we live in and how different forms of matter may interact with one another


All students should have the following items with them in classroom on a daily basis; a notebook, a minimum of two writing utensils, lined paper, calculator, and dividers in your notebook.


Assignments will be posted on the aforementioned website ( The assignments that are collected may be one of the following: do nows, homelearning, classwork, quizzes, tests, projects, and/or group work. In addition to the assignments posted on the website, students have the opportunity for an extra credit assignment each week where they may submit a scientific article with a written summary and reflection on the topic of their choice. Each of the extra credit assignments must follow the format provided on the school website.

Students are to keep a notebook throughout the course; notes should be arranged in Cornell style format. Miami Beach Senior High has a school-wide policy on the use of Cornell notes and the student should therefore be familiar with the style of note-taking. Should you not be familiar with this style, it is one where a left hand column is set aside for focus questions and key words pertaining to a right handed column of notes. Additionally, each student should write a summary at the end of the section of notes to further clarify the important parts of the lecture.

Grading Scale: Grading Policy:

Tests ………………………. 4 grades 90 – 100 A

Notebook Checks ...... 1 grade 80 – 89 B

Classwork/Homework . . . . . 1 grade 70 – 79 C

Quizzes……… ...... 1 grade 60 – 69 D

Labs ...... 3 grades 00 – 59 F


The textbook we will be using for this course is the Foundations of Physical Science Florida Edition.

Students will not be required to take home a textbook; there is an electronic copy of the textbook in the student’s portal. Should you prefer to have a CD version or a paper textbook, please let me know and I will provide one for you.

Classroom Rules:

Students are expected to follow all district and school rules. Specific classroom rules are posted at the front of the classroom. Special rules will be issued for labs. Consequences for failing to follow rules include warnings, student-teacher conferences, detention with a writing assignment, parent contact, and administrative referrals.

My classroom is intended to be a safe zone; what I mean by this is that every person involved in my classroom will respect all aspects of the other people in the classroom whether it be race, ethnicity, gender expression, sexual orientation, socio-economic background, age, religion and ability. I encourage all students to speak to me directly or to other teachers and administrators if they feel disrespected or unsafe anywhere at MBSH.


Students are expected to be in class every day. If you have more than 10 unexcused absences for the year, you will automatically fail the year. Refer to the MDCPS attendance regulations.


If you are tardy to class you are expected to gather all information that you have missed from your peers.

Make-up Work:

If you are absent, it is your responsibility to make up any missing work. Make-up work must be turned in at the beginning of the following class with an accompanying admit to class. The assignment should have been uploaded to the class website and it is your responsibility to obtain it. If you are absent for an exam, it is your responsibility to see me immediately upon return to school to schedule a make-up date.

Parental Contact:

Parents should acquire access to the grade book portal provided to them by MDCPS; in order to do so you may contact the Parent Resource Center at our school. The grade book should serve as a daily review of the student’s progress in the class. You may also register for an Edmodo account should you choose participate in our classroom’s online community. Please also be sure that accurate contact information has been provided to the main office should any additional contact be necessary. Parents are welcome to contact me at the email address and/or telephone number provided above should they have any questions, comments or concerns.

Additionally, a progress report will be sent out four times a year (mid-way through a semester) and a report card will follow at the end of each semester. It is the student’s responsibility to present you with these documents.

Student Contact:

Students are welcome and encouraged to schedule an appointment to discuss grades, performance, and/or problems in class. Class time is not the time to discuss your personal progress; I will be available before school, after school, and during lunch most days. Students are also encouraged to use the Edmodo website, Celly, or email.



Students are expected to follow the Miami Beach Senior High Academic Integrity Policy. The policy is as follows:

ACADEMIC INTEGRITY DEFINED: Cheating is defined as “the giving or receiving of unauthorized information to gain an unfair advantage in your work.” Cheating includes, but is not limited to, plagiarism. Plagiarism is defined as “the act of taking the language, thoughts, or ideas of another, including works of art and music, and presenting them as one’s own without acknowledgement.”


1.  FIRST OFFENSE: “F” on the assignment. “F” in conduct for the quarter. Immediate referral to administration for consideration of additional actions. All other teachers of the students will be notified as well as the student’s coaches, faculty advisors and counselors. A Parent-teacher-counselor conference must be scheduled.

2.  SECOND OFFENSE: A second offense means any second cheating or plagiarism event in the same academic year. Even if the second offense occurs in a different class, it will be considered a second offense. The consequences of a second offense are: “F” for the academic year in the subject in which the second offense occurs. A referral to administration will be written for consideration of additional action.


1.  Any cheating or plagiarism on an IA, External Assessment or AP test will result in immediate dismissal from the IB program, disqualification of the AP and/or IB test, and dismissal from the Scholar’s Academy. This applies to first offenses.

2.  Any episode of cheating, even if a first offense, may be considered by faculty/administration in deciding future AP/IB placement.

3.  Any episode of cheating/plagiarism will result in notification of colleges/universities/scholarship funds to which the student applied. The teacher has the right to withdraw any recommendation letter written on a student’s behalf with notice of the cheating/plagiarism.

Honors Physics

Miami Beach Senior High

Instructor: Mr. Li

Room: 408

Phone: (305) 532- 4515



Course Description:

Honor Physics is intended as a first-year course that will introduce the fundamentals of physics. Each student must be fluent in algebra and enrollment in trigonometry or pre-calculus will certainly be an advantage. The main areas of study will be kinematics, mechanics, energy, electricity, and optics.


All students should have the following items with them in classroom on a daily basis; a notebook, a minimum of two writing utensils, lined paper, scientific or graphing calculator, and dividers in your notebook.


Assignments will be posted on the aforementioned website ( The assignments that are collected may be one of the following: do nows, homelearning, classwork, quizzes, tests, projects, and/or group work. In addition to the assignments posted on the website, students have the opportunity for an extra credit assignment each week where they may submit a scientific article with a written summary and reflection on the topic of their choice. Each of the extra credit assignments must follow the format provided on the school website.

Students are to keep a notebook throughout the course; notes should be arranged in Cornell style format. Miami Beach Senior High has a school-wide policy on the use of Cornell notes and the student should therefore be familiar with the style of note-taking. Should you not be familiar with this style, it is one where a left hand column is set aside for focus questions and key words pertaining to a right handed column of notes. Additionally, each student should write a summary at the end of the section of notes to further clarify the important parts of the lecture.

Grading Scale: Grading Policy:

Tests ………………………. 4 grades 90 – 100 A

Notebook Checks ...... 1 grade 80 – 89 B

Classwork/Homework . . . . . 1 grade 70 – 79 C

Quizzes……… ...... 1 grade 60 – 69 D

Labs ...... 3 grades 00 – 59 F


The textbook we will be using for this course is Serway and Faughn Physics.

Students will not be required to take home a textbook. We will also have an online textbook, Physics by Hewitt.

Classroom Rules:

Students are expected to follow all district and school rules. Specific classroom rules are posted at the front of the classroom. Special rules will be issued for labs. Consequences for failing to follow rules include warnings, student-teacher conferences, detention with a writing assignment, parent contact, and administrative referrals.

My classroom is intended to be a safe zone; what I mean by this is that every person involved in my classroom will respect all aspects of the other people in the classroom whether it be race, ethnicity, gender expression, sexual orientation, socio-economic background, age, religion and ability. I encourage all students to speak to me directly or to other teachers and administrators if they feel disrespected or unsafe anywhere at MBSH.


Students are expected to be in class every day. If you have more than 10 unexcused absences for the year, you will automatically fail the year. Refer to the MDCPS attendance regulations.


If you are tardy to class you are expected to gather all information that you have missed from your peers.

Make-up Work:

If you are absent, it is your responsibility to make up any missing work. Make-up work must be turned in at the beginning of the following class with an accompanying admit to class. The assignment should have been uploaded to the class website and it is your responsibility to obtain it. If you are absent for an exam, it is your responsibility to see me immediately upon return to school to schedule a make-up date.

Parental Contact:

Parents should acquire access to the grade book portal provided to them by MDCPS; in order to do so you may contact the Parent Resource Center at our school. The grade book should serve as a daily review of the student’s progress in the class. You may also register for an Edmodo account should you choose participate in our classroom’s online community. Please also be sure that accurate contact information has been provided to the main office should any additional contact be necessary. Parents are welcome to contact me at the email address and/or telephone number provided above should they have any questions, comments or concerns.

Additionally, a progress report will be sent out four times a year (mid-way through a semester) and a report card will follow at the end of each semester. It is the student’s responsibility to present you with these documents.

Student Contact:

Students are welcome and encouraged to schedule an appointment to discuss grades, performance, and/or problems in class. Class time is not the time to discuss your personal progress; I will be available before school, after school, and during lunch most days. Students are also encouraged to use the Edmodo website, Celly, or email.



Students are expected to follow the Miami Beach Senior High Academic Integrity Policy. The policy is as follows:

ACADEMIC INTEGRITY DEFINED: Cheating is defined as “the giving or receiving of unauthorized information to gain an unfair advantage in your work.” Cheating includes, but is not limited to, plagiarism. Plagiarism is defined as “the act of taking the language, thoughts, or ideas of another, including works of art and music, and presenting them as one’s own without acknowledgement.”


4.  FIRST OFFENSE: “F” on the assignment. “F” in conduct for the quarter. Immediate referral to administration for consideration of additional actions. All other teachers of the students will be notified as well as the student’s coaches, faculty advisors and counselors. A Parent-teacher-counselor conference must be scheduled.

5.  SECOND OFFENSE: A second offense means any second cheating or plagiarism event in the same academic year. Even if the second offense occurs in a different class, it will be considered a second offense. The consequences of a second offense are: “F” for the academic year in the subject in which the second offense occurs. A referral to administration will be written for consideration of additional action.