
Powerful Peace Reaction Paper

The book, Powerful Peace, has been a very good book to read. It teaches everyone at least one lesson. I learned many things just reading it. This book made me realize that we are all equal. I come from a racist, well not racist just judging family. It is what Ive grown up with no liking blacks, Mexicans and basically everyone except American. My mom isn’t stuck back in the old times like my dad is. This book has taught me to be more excepting of them. When 9/11 happened, I didn’t know to hate them, I was 5. Over time I learned who done it and went along with the crowd and hated them too. . I also liked learning about how they “act” and their ways over in Iraq. I didn’t know that the men would blow themselves up for a suicide mission just to save his wife from becoming a prostitute and putting food on the table. I find it very sad. I cant imagine how it is living of there. If every American put him/herself in their shoes, the world would truly be a better place. We would have world peace.

This book has also made me not afraid to stick out of the crowd. I have always not cared what people thought if I skipped down the hall or wore something crazy, but I did care when people spread bad rumors. After reading this book I really don’t give a crap. I take up for mentally handicapped people because they are dear to my heart. Im not saying it was Rob that sent me into wanting to because a special education teacher but he did make me want to do it even more saying things like love is what makes the world go around. I take the quote p(110) “Americans often can’t appreciate how empowered we feel to speak out and act out confidently only because we have already passes through a defining crucible and rejected uncontrolled lawlessness within our own boarders.” And relate it to the, I don’t care what people think of me thing. If someone is talking about my friends, I stand up for them. I didn’t used to do this, I mean nobody really did. High school teaches you to just fit in and go with the flow, not to stand out and stand up for someone. Powerful Peace is about love all around the world, peace. It is something that can be done. I love the quote about him saying that peacemaking is all about unicorns and rainbows. He is talking about it may not be easy, violence sometimes is required. My favorite quote of the whole book is about violence. Ive said it over and over. It is “I don’t denounce violence, I embrace it.

Although I liked the book there was some things I didn’t like. One was when he talked about the typical Christian thing. I do not hate blacks and all of that and I’m a Christian. It really upset me. Another thing I didn’t like was him repeating himself. One other thing I didn’t like was in the first couple of chapters he kept on saying, in the next chapter I will talk about this and I will talk about that. He should have waited for the next chapter to talk about it. I personally don’t like nonfictions either. I don’t want to be mean. That was the only things I didn’t like.

Overall I liked the book. I think it could change the world in very positive ways. ”. I think the book is a very good book and I would recommend it to anyone who has a big heart. I wouldn’t read it again, but that’s because I don’t like nonfiction books. I think Rob is an extraordinary man and I give him a big congrats on writing a very good book. It’s a very good book!