
Total Possible Score: 8.00

Identifies Lesson Information

Total: 1.00

Distinguished - Clearly identifies all lesson information, including grade level, estimated level of developmental stage for this age/grade, number of students, fundamental skills to be taught, and state standard.

Proficient - Identifies all lesson information, including grade level, estimated level of developmental stage for this age/grade, number of students, fundamental skills to be taught, and state standard. The identification of one of these items is slightly unclear.

Basic - Identifies most lesson information, including grade level, estimated level of developmental stage for this age/grade, number of students, fundamental skills to be taught, and/or state standard. The identification of two of these items is unclear.

Below Expectations - Attempts to identify lesson information, including grade level, estimated level of developmental stage for this age/grade, number of students, fundamental skills to be taught, and state standard; however, the identification of many of the items is unclear.

Non-Performance - The identification of lesson information is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.

Describes the Lesson and Creates a Student Learning Objective

Total: 2.00

Distinguished - Clearly and comprehensively describes the lesson and creates an entirely appropriate student learning objective.

Proficient - Describes the lesson and creates an appropriate student learning objective. The description or the student learning objective is slightly unclear.

Basic - Minimally describes the lesson and creates a somewhat appropriate student learning objective. The description or the student learning objective is unclear.

Below Expectations - Attempts to describe the lesson and create a student learning objective; however, the description and the student learning objective are inappropriate and/or unclear.

Non-Performance - The description of the lesson and the creation of a student learning objective are either nonexistent or lack the components described in the assignment instructions.

Describes the System for Classroom Management and Student Grouping

Total: 2.00

Distinguished - Clearly and comprehensively describes the system for classroom management and student grouping.

Proficient - Describes the system for classroom management and student grouping. The description is slightly underdeveloped.

Basic - Minimally describes the system for classroom management and student grouping. The description is underdeveloped.

Below Expectations - Attempts to describe the system for classroom management and student grouping; however, the description is significantly underdeveloped.

Non-Performance - The description of the system for classroom management and student grouping is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.

Describes the Equipment Needed and the Environment

Total: 1.00

Distinguished - Clearly and comprehensively describes equipment needed for the lesson plan and the environment.

Proficient - Describes the equipment needed for the lesson plan and the environment. The description is slightly underdeveloped.