Adobe Creek Collaborative Meeting

HillviewCommunity Center (Room 17)

97 Hillview Avenue

Los Altos, California


6:30 to 8:30, Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Meeting Purpose

a.Update on project status


1. Welcome and Introductions - [10 min.] Jitze Couperus

1.a Jitze introduces himself as the Facilitator & welcomes everyone

1.b Self introductions around the table

1.c Brief overview of the Collaborative and ACWG (if needed) - Richard Moll

1.d Review Agenda & Objectives for tonight's Meeting

Jason noted that the meeting was the first with a construction inspector and contractor present, since the construction phase had begun.

1.e Ground rules

1.fIntroduction of Project Manager for Gordon N. Ball, Inc. – Tony Ndah

Tony introduced Tom Swisher, project manager from Gordon Ball. He reminded the residents that all communication with the contractor is to be channeled through him to the District construction staff.

Tom stated that a crew of between three and eight people would be on site operating medium to light equipment. The plan is to start at the existing “waterfall” and work back toward the bridge. The bulk of the work will take place in that area. Once the water dries up downstream, they will install the log slope protection.

Bernice informed him that water is always present in the downstream portion.

Rudy asked that Tony have a cell phone so that he could be reached if, for example, the plans are misread.

Chris responded that Terri’s vast experience would prevent errors interpreting the plans. An emergency number would be provided for after hours.

Tom said that two or three different people from his organization would be in charge on site during the course of the project.

Chris said that the District and the contractor would have a presence 24/7, but that the individual person may change as the project progresses.

Tony introduced Chris Hakes, the construction manager. Chris administers the construction contract. Terri’s responsibility is to see that the contract is implemented correctly. Tony mentioned his intention to provide the organization chart suggested at the May 1 meeting.

Chris stated that no workers should be on a resident’s property at any time without prior notice. If someone does appear unannounced, please alert the District. Workers should be wearing a vest, hard hat, and boots and be identified by a logo. Tony and Terri will be the only District people who may knock on doors.

Beau suggested that the chart be available Friday with at least the names of the contractor’s personnel if no photos of them are available.

2. ACWG Update – [5 min] – Richard Moll

Richard showed six copies of the Town Crier Article on Adobe Creek and read some quotes.

3. District Report - [60 min]

3.a Meeting with District’s construction staff and residents (05/01)

On May 1, some residents met with some District construction staff to lay down the ground rules for construction.

Richard thought the meeting was worthwhile though not as advertised.

Chris stated that Tom was on vacation May 1.

3.bGround breaking ceremony (05/07)

Beau reported that the ground breaking had a fairly good turnout.

Richard described the flag ceremony performed by the Girl Scouts and read some of the remarks he had made during his speech.

Tony said the outhouse was in the park for use by the construction workers, and to provide a location for temporary power.

3.cUpdate on nesting bird issues

Tony reported that the District had identified 11 bird nests shown on the map provided, mostly on D.J.’s property. A meeting with Fish and Game was scheduled for May 22 to discuss accommodating the birds until the young fledge.

Rudy asked if there were only birds.

Tony said he hadn’t seen any bees.

D.J. expressed serious concern about the nesting birds. The issue had been raised a month previously.

Terri clarified that only one nest was in the trees that had been pruned.

D.J. asked if the height of the nest could be counted as part of the required buffer.

Chris said they would discuss that the following day with the regulators. The birds would be moving off site soon.

Beau emphasized that everyone was doing everything possible to start and complete the project on time. Fish and Game and the District’s biologists have a good relationship.

Chris repeated that Fish and Game would be on site to discuss the nests on May 22.

3.dNeighborhood concerns

Tony mentioned that the construction fencing issue would be resolved.

D.J. asked if there was any other clearance or permits that the District might need to obtain to prevent other potential delays.

Chris said they had all the permission necessary. An archaeological discovery, a pirate ship or wooly mammoth, would cause the project to be suspended until the next season, butthe project would not be killed.

Tony reassured the group that the archaeological impacts had been cleared during the planning process.

Chris added that red-legged frogs had also not been found.

3.eUpdate on progress of construction activities

Tony said because work had stopped, he had no news. He would send weekly updates.

4. Other Business; Comments/Suggestions from Anyone – [15 min] All

D.J. asked to have workshops regularly during construction.

Tony said workshops would be scheduled if needed.

Beau suggested that a June Collaborative would be useful since construction would be underway then.

5. Review Action Items - See table at the end of the Agenda [Individual Report Out] Jitze

06-32 / 7/19/06 / Gather approvals for the matrix items from the necessary individuals, identify those items that all agree are resolved, and add additional concerns. / Susan / 9/06/06

Susan said there was nothing new for this item.

07-33 / 11/15/07 / Request the Board to award the contract. / Tony / 3/31/08


07-34 / 11/15/07 / Begin construction. / District / 5/1/08

Jason suggested carrying this over.

08-03 / 1/16/08 / Plan a groundbreaking ceremony. / District / 5/17/08


08-04 / 1/16/08 / Provide a list of residents’ concerns for the contractor. / Susan / 4/8/08


08-05 / 2/20/08 / Dipankar’s acceptance of the design around for the scour pool, matrix item #157. / Tony / 3/28/08

Tony offered to send Richard the email containing Dipankar’s response. Tony had no doubt that Dipankar had accepted the solution included in the design plans.

08-06 / 3/26/08 / District to remove pipe and fence material off of DJ’s property / District

Tony thought he and Terri had removed the orange fencing and the T-posts.

D.J. said he had had the old pipe that was excavated during the tree work removed himself.

The item was considered done.

08-07 / 3/26/08 / Provide Addendum # 1 sheets to residents / Tony


08-08 / 3/26/08 / Provide letter to Richard Chiu to request Town of Los Altos Hills to protect flood plain in perpetuity / Tony

Tony said he’d send the letter by 5/31.

Jason said the Town would have to protect the floodplain, since it was outside the District’s easement area.

08-09 / 3/26/08 / Identify locations for palm tree transplants and boulders / Tony

D.J. had not received a response to his offer to meet with Tony and the contractor. He would email a possible date.

08-10 / 3/26/08 / Send draft maintenance plan to Susan / Tony


Susan said the residents would make recommendations to Tony for revisions.

D.J. asked to be informed about the results of the Fish and Game Meeting on May 22. If there is a big issue, he requested a workshop meeting to come up with a plan. The project is at risk. He asked to be part of finding a solution. He did not want to be put in a position where the project is on hold until next year. The decision process has a huge impact on the residents.

Beau thought that the biologist could be relied on to work with the construction department and the contractor to determine how to get work done.The weekly updates would keep the residents well informed of what is going on. Workshops are very expensive.

Chris said that after the meeting with Fish and Game happened, Tony would disseminate the information, and the contractor would determine sequencing issues and the best way to proceed. If the plan needed to be altered, resident input will be requested. Neither the residents nor the contractor’s biologist would be present so that Fish and Game could make their decision without external pressure.Fish and Game has a specific relationship with the District’s biologist. He didn’t want to back the Fish and Game person into a corner.

Beau considered the District’s biologist to be very practical.

Chris said that the best thingfor the District to do would be to remain vigilant in their surveys and react as soon as a nest was found. Some bird nests can be relocated. The contractor’s biologist constantly conducts surveys to monitor the site.

Richard wanted to document that the log slope protection at the Remmel/Pool boundary would be placed to the height of the gunite as indicated in an email he had received from Tony.

Tony confirmed that once construction starts, that change will be implemented by a field memo to the contractor.

Richard asked abouta profile view of the wingwall at the Millar property and HEC-RAS data he had requested.

Tony said the HEC-RAS data would be sent at the end of the week, and the profile would also be provided.

Chris suggested that Tony could provide the requested items the middle of the following week.

6. Meeting Closing - [10 min.] Jitze

6.a Summarize Consensuses

6.b Review NewAction Items

6.c Next Meeting Date – July 16, 2008

Next meeting changed to June 18, 2008.

6.d Adjourn

New Action Items from MAY& carry forward Action Items

Item / Start Date / Action Item / Assigned to: / Due Date / Status
06-32 / 7/19/06 / Gather approvals for the matrix items from the necessary individuals, identify those items that all agree are resolved, and add additional concerns. / Susan / 9/06/06
07-34 / 11/15/07 / Begin construction. / District / 5/1/08
08-08 / 3/26/08 / Provide letter to Richard Chiu to request Town of Los Altos Hills to protect flood plain in perpetuity / Tony / 5/31/08
08-09 / 3/26/08 / Identify locations for palm tree transplants and boulders / Tony
08-11 / 5/21/08 / Forward the email of Dipankar’s acceptance of the design around for the scour pool, matrix item #157, to Richard. / Tony
08-12 / 5/21/08 / Provide requested revision of draft maintenance plan to Tony / Susan
08-13 / 5/21/08 / Provide Richard the HEC-RAS data requested / Tony / 5/28/08
08-14 / 5/21/08 / Provide Richard the requested profile of the wing wall at the Millar property / Tony / 5/28/08
08-15 / 5/21/08 / Send a field memo to the contractor to place the log slope protection up to a height equivalent to that of the existing gunite at the Remmel/Pool boundary. / Tony / At the start of con-struction
08-16 / 5/21/08 / Provide an organization chart with photos of District and contractor construction staff. / Tony / 5/23/08

May 21, 2008 Collaborative Meeting NotesPage 1

Last Revised June 20, 2008