Technology-Connected Lesson Plan

Title: /

Understanding Electromagnets

Grade Levels: / :  4th – 6th Grades
Curriculum Areas: / :  Science
Measurable Objectives: / :  TSW define what an electromagnet is and how it is used
:  TSW observe the effect of electricity on a magnetic material
:  TSW realize that a generator is produced form magnets and an energy source
:  TSW create a bar graph using data showing the strength of a magnetic field
Grade Level Expectations: (GLEs) / :  {SCI.6.PS.31} Compare types of electromagnetic waves
:  {SCI.5.PS.14} Identify other types of energy produced through the use of electricity (e.g., heat, light, mechanical)
:  {SCI.4.37} Demonstrate how a complete circuit is needed for conducting electricity
K-12 Educational Technology Standards: / :  Technology Productivity Tools (Resource Access and Utilization Foundation Skill)
Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity.
Students use productivity tools to work collaboratively in developing technology-rich, authentic, student-centered products.
:  Technology Research Tools (Linking and Generating Knowledge Foundation Skill)
Students use appropriate technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources.
Students use technology tools to process data and report results.
Students evaluate and select new information resources and technological innovations based on the appropriateness to specific tasks.
Technology Connection: / :  SMART Board or Presentation Station (computer connected to a TV w/scan converter)
:  United Streaming Video clip, “Electromagnets” 2:32
:  Electricity Interactive Sites
Instructional Technology. Prine – “Electricity”
Assessment: / :  Students should show understanding of electromagnets and generators and how they are used.
:  Students will identify materials that can be used to create magnets with electricity.
:  Completed bar graph showing data from electromagnet activity
Procedures: / Open the Electromagnet SMART Notebook file
Electromagnet SMART Notebook Page 1 - Discuss the definition of an electromagnet.
Attachments Tab – After discussing the meaning of an electromagnet, show the United Streaming video clip, Electromagnets (2:32)
Electromagnet SMART Notebook Page 2 - Have all materials placed on a table or in individual groups. Ask students to explain how each of these objects relates to the topic of electricity and magnetism. Explain that electricity can be used to create magnetism and magnets can be used to create electricity.
This activity can be done as a whole group if all classmates are able to view the activity or it can be done in small groups of students.
:  Connect the wire to the 6 volt battery and wind the wire around a nail several times (about 20 wraps).
:  Attempt to pick up paper clips with the tip of the nail. Record the results. Students will record how many times the wire was wrapped around the nail and how many paper clips were picked up.
:  Wind the wire around the nail more times (about 20 more wraps) and try again. The nail should be able to pick up more paperclips with more wraps of wire. Do this approximately 5 more times, increasing the number of winds around the nail 20 times each trial. Students will continue to record the results each time.
:  Repeat steps 2-4 with the wooden pencil.
:  Ask students why the nail would pick up paper clips and the pencil would not. (The pencil is not attracted to the magnet and cannot take on magnetic qualities.)
:  Ask students to name other materials that can be made into magnets.
:  Discuss with students that magnets can make electricity. A generator used magnets with an energy source to create electricity.
:  Ask the students for uses of an electromagnet and a generator.They must state why it is useful to have the electromagnet for this use.
In our present technology, magnet applications include compasses, electric motors, microwave ovens, coin-operated vending machines, light meters for photography, automobile horns, televisions, doorbells, loudspeakers, and tape recorders. A simple refrigerator note holder and a complex medical magnetic resonance imaging device both utilize magnets.
Electromagnet Blank Graph SMART Notebook Give each student or group a copy of the blank graph.
(You will need to change the options in the Printer dialog box to print the graph as full page. File à Print à Change Thumbnail size: drop-down list to Full Page)
(Optional, you can use graph paper for students to create their bar graph.)
Electromagnet SMART Notebook Page 3 – Using the grid sheet, complete the first bar together with the class showing how many paperclips was picked up with 20 wraps of the wire. You will need to add a number scale to right side of the graph showing the # of paperclips. You can use the square in the Shapes tool to draw each bar. Select a different color for each bar from the Line and Fill color tool.
:  Students use information they recorded to complete the bar graph showing how many paper clips the nail picked up each time.
:  Extension: Electricity Interactive Sites
Instructional Technology. Prine – “Electricity”
Materials: / :  6 volt battery
:  Nail
:  Wooden pencil
:  Spool of electrical wire
:  Paper clips
:  Paper & pencil
:  Electromagnet Blank Graph SMART Notebook file
(Change the options in the Printer dialog box to print the graph as full page. File à Print à Change Thumbnail size: drop-down list to Full Page)
OR use blank grid paper
The amount of the material listed above will depend on if the activity is done as a whole group with the class
or smaller groups.
Teacher’s Name: / :  Kathy Prine
School: / :  C.M. Fagan