
Unit 3 Biology: Outcome two, SAC #2

OUTCOME TWO:On completion of this unit the student should be able to describe and explain coordination and regulation of an organism's immune responses to antigens at the molecular level.

Annotated Poster on the Immune System.

DETAILS OF TASK: You will be required to demonstrate your understanding of the Study Design dot points listed below, by completing an annotated poster on the Immune System. The template of the poster will be presented to you on A3 paper and you will be required to fill in the missing information. This activity will be marked out of 25 marks against the Performance descriptors listed below (half marks will be awarded)




WHAT TO BRING: Pens, grey pencils, eraser and ruler.

Study Design dot points

  • Detecting 'self' and 'non-self' molecules: antigens and membrane receptors
  • Pathogens: non-cellular agents, cellular agents; controls; physical and chemical barriers to infection in plants and animals;
  • Immune response
  • Structure and overall function of the lymphatic system
  • Non-specific: inflammatory response; phagocytosis; blood clotting
  • Specific immune response: T -cell lymphocytes and cell-mediated response; B-cell lymphocytes and humoral response, antigens and antibodies; memory cells;
  • Disorders of the immune response: autoimmunity; hypersensitivity, allergens and allergic responses; acquired immunity: natural, artificial including vaccines and antibody serums.)

Performance descriptors

The following descriptors provide a guide to the standards expected when setting and marking assessment tasks. They describe the knowledge and skills typically demonstrated by students who have achieved scores within each range on the assessment tasks.

MARK RANGE / DESCRIPTOR: typical performance in each range
21–25 marks / Comprehensive knowledge of the structure and function of the immune response. Critical evaluation of the similarities and differences of the non-specific and specific immune responses. Comprehensive understanding of the concept of self and non-self. Comprehensive application of knowledge of the immune system to one particular aspect of the immune system. Highly effective communication of knowledge and understanding to the intended audience.
16–20 marks / Detailed knowledge of the structure and function of the immune response. Thorough evaluation of the similarities and differences of the non-specific and specific immune responses. Detailed understanding of the concept of self and non-self. Detailed and relevant application of knowledge of the immune system to one particular aspect of the immune system. Effective communication of knowledge and understanding to the intended audience.
11–15 marks / Mostly accurate knowledge of the structure and function of the immune response. Some evaluation of the similarities and differences of the non-specific and specific immune responses. General understanding of the concept of self and non-self. Application of mostly accurate knowledge of the immune system to one particular aspect of the immune system. Mostly effective communication of knowledge and understanding to the intended audience.
6–10 marks / Some knowledge of the structure and function of the immune response. Some evaluation of the similarities and differences of the non-specific and specific immune responses. Some understanding of the concept of self and non-self. Some knowledge of the immune system relevant to the particular aspect of the immune system under discussion. Some communication of knowledge and understanding to the intended audience.
1–5 marks / Some reference to the structure and function of the immune response. Some description but limited evaluation of the similarities and differences of the non-specific and specific immune responses. Understanding of the concept of self and non-self is unclear. Some knowledge of the immune system but with limited relevance to the particular aspect of the immune system under discussion. Communication of knowledge or understanding to the intended audience lacks coherence or depth.