Rev C Proposed Changes Per Action Items

46. Appendix J Updates (actions and TBRs)


Several vehicles that already exist or are currently under development will be visiting the International Space Station (ISS) periodically. The crew onboard the ISS will be monitoring and commanding the approach and departure of these vehicles. For all vehicles, crew involvement is required during the rendezvous, proximity operations, docking/berthing process, and attached operations. Also, all vehicles are monitored in the interests of safety and general situational awareness. Laptop displays and video overlays for monitoring and commanding Visiting Vehicles (VVs) from onboard ISS are therefore required. Due to the number of different vehicles going to Station and the frequency of their missions, it is important to create a set of laptop displays and video overlays that have as much commonality as possible for all VVs.

These displays and video overlays will reside on laptops, workstations, or video monitors. This Appendix will address laptop displays and video overlays that will be used for situational awareness, and task and systems monitoring.

This Appendix is arranged such that standards for critical VV data or operations are grouped at the beginning, then global standards applicable to both laptop displays and video overlays, then standards specific to laptop displays, and finally standards specific to video overlays. In this Appendix, critical operations for Visiting Vehicles are docking and undocking. Vehicles also are referred to as active and passive in this Appendix. The active vehicle in a rendezvous is the one that performs manoeuvres to approach the second vehicle. The second vehicle is referred to as the passive vehicle, since it does not manoeuvre during the rendezvous.


The purpose of this Appendix is to establish standards for a common set of displays onboard ISS that can be utilized for monitoring and commanding a VV. Some VV displays will be specific to the vehicle and its mission when the system and operations of the visiting vehicle are unique.


All VV laptop displays and video overlays are subject to the standards already defined in the Display and Graphics Commonality Standard (DGCS). Therefore, this Appendix seeks to define only new standards specific to VVs that are not currently addressed by the DGCS.

J1.3Design goals

The design goals in this section are in addition to those specified in Section 3.1.3, Usability and Learnability.

  1. Displays should be designed for maximum commonality across all VVs. This is to enhance effectiveness of monitoring operations, reduce training, and enhance safety and mission success.
  2. Displays should be designed for commonality with other ISS displays. The displays should follow already developed ISS display standards so that they will integrate smoothly into the overall ISS display system.
  3. Displays should be designed so that all information for a specific phase can be shown on one screen. The same goal should be applied to video overlays. This design goal is to avoid having data spread across many displays or video overlays and to avoid the distraction of constantly navigating through displays on a given laptop to find important data.

J2.1critical data

The following standards apply specifically to data that is used for critical operations such as docking and undocking. Critical operations may sometimes require rapid evaluation of data and quick reactions; therefore stricter standards must be followed for data needed during these operations.

J2.1.1Data Fields

Data values for the same types of parameters shall be presented with the same number of significant digits, and with the same sign convention. See Table J2.1.2-1.


Values for the same type of parameters shall be shown in the same units for docking and undocking operations. See Table J2.1.2-1.

Type of Data / # of Digits & Units of Measurement
Range / +/- XXXXX.X meters
Range Rate / +/- XXX.XX meters/second
Azimuth and Elevation / +/- XX.X degrees
Roll, Pitch and Yaw / +/- XX.X degrees
Attitude / +/- XXX.X degrees
Attitude Rate / +/- XX.XX degrees/second

Table J2.1.2-1 Standard Data Presentations and Units for Critical Operations

J2.2global standards

The following standards apply to both laptop displays and video overlays.


Refer to Section 10.2.2, Labels.

J2.2.3Analogous Passive Vehicle and Active Vehicle Data

When analogous passive vehicle and active vehicle data are presented in the same display, the passive vehicle data should be put on the right-hand side, and the analogous active vehicle data should be on the left-hand side aligned with the passive vehicle data.

J2.2.4Global Information

Information that would need to appear on the majority of displays for a given VV should be placed in a single independent location.

J2.2.5Graphical Attitude Depiction [TBR J-2]

An attitude display is used to give the crew a view of a vehicle’s attitude, according to data, that can be quickly and easily understood. A 3D Relative Motion (RELMO) display can accommodate the graphical attitude depiction itself, without requiring a separate software application.

  1. A graphical depiction of the current attitude and commanded attitude of the vehicle shall be provided.
  2. A graphical depiction of the attitude error (current minus commanded) shall be provided, as shown in Figure J2.2.5-1. If the attitude error and attitude both need to be depicted, it shall appear as in Figure J2.2.5-2. If only the azimuth/elevationattitude needs to be depicted, it shall appear as in Figure J2.2.5-3.
  3. The user shall have the option of using azimuth and elevation; roll, pitch and yaw; or any other system of attitude determination.

C. The user shall be able to toggle the commanded attitude graphic on and off.

Figure J2.2.5-1 Graphical Attitude Error Depiction

Figure J2.2.5-2 Graphical Attitude Error, and Azimuth/Elevation Depiction

Figure J2.2.5-3 Graphical Azimuth/Elevation Depiction

[CSA Comment: Why is there a + in the middle of figure 3, and not in 2?]

J2.2.6Graphical Range and Range Rate Data[TBR J-3]

If a graphical depiction of range data are shown in a laptop display or video overlay, the means for depicting this information shall be as shown in Figure J2.2.6-1

Figure J2.2.6-1 Graphical Range Depiction

[CSA Comment: The green arrow and labels overlap. Need Labels on each zone/boundary or color code (Ex: what is the orange below 0?)Is the green arrow color fixed or dynamic?]

If a graphical depiction of range rate data are shown in a laptop display or video overlay, the means for depicting this information shall be as shown in Figure J2.2.6-2. The green region depicts the nominal range rate limits for the vehicle. The yellow region depicts out-of-limit range rates that are not necessarily dangerous. The red region depicts range rates that could be dangerous. The orange region depicts ranges that would be seen if the vehicle were to perform a contingency maneuver and back away from the ISS.

Figure J2.2.6-2 Graphical Range Rate Depiction

J3.0Laptop Displays


J3.1.1Depiction of VVs on ISS Home Page

Each Visiting Vehicle that supplies data to the ISSshall have a graphic symbol on the ISS Home Page. An example of this is shown in Figure J-3.1.1-1. It shall be depicted near its standard docking port and in its docked orientation if possible. VVs shall also be depicted with a darker gray interior to indicate that the vehicle is not always attached to ISS. Clicking on that vehicle’s outline on the Home Page will then launch that vehicle’s module display.

Figure J3.1.1-1 VV Depiction on ISS Home Page

J3.2VV Module displayS

J3.2.1VV Systems Displays

The VV Systems Display is used to monitor and command the systems of the VV. It will be similar to other ISS module displays. Examples of VV Systems Displays are shown in Figures J3.2-1 and J3.2-2.

Figure J3.2-1 ATV Module Display

Figure J3.2-2HTV Module Display

J3.3RELMO (relative motion)

The RELMO display is used to provide situational awareness to the crew concerning the relative trajectory of Visiting Vehicles with respect to the ISS. It shows a plot of the positions of one or more vehicles (chasers) relative to another vehicle (target), as well as predicted trajectories for the chaser(s). Other graphics can be depicted on the plot such as corridors, keep-out zones, etc. It could also show data for important parameters such as range and range rate. In addition, the RELMO display could serve as a repository for other general orbital mechanics information such as lighting.

All RELMO displays shall follow applicable standards in the main body. If a RELMO display utilizes 3-dimensional graphics software, refer to Section 12, Multi-Dimensional Graphics. For information on graphs, refer to Section 7.9, Display Graphs. The following standards are specific to the relative motion capability used for Visiting Vehicles.

J3.3.1.1Number of views available simultaneously
  1. The RELMO display shall allow the user to define at least three independent views of the relative motion of the vehicles at one time.
  2. The user shall have a choice to see all of the views simultaneously, or one at a time, full-screen, such that the user can cycle through them.
J3.3.1.2Definition of views
  1. The display shall allow the user to set all plotting options independently in each view.
  2. The standard view for VV RELMO shall be one looking at the orbital plane from an out-of-plane orbital reference coordinate (e.g., LVLH (Local Vertical Local Horizontal) or [OCK] (Orbital Coordinate System)) axis as follows: the x-axis shall be the velocity direction and the z-axis shall be orthagonal to the x-axis pointing to the center of the Earth.

1)The orbital reference coordinate axis that points roughly along the velocity vector points to the left or right in the plot

2)The orbital reference coordinate nadir axis points down in the plot

3)The target (ISS by default) is at the center of the plot axes

4)The negative side of the plot’s horizontal axis extends out from a scalable distance behind the ISS, to encompass the range where a VV commonly establishes space-to-space communications with the ISS

5)The bottom of the plot extends down to 8 km to encompass the majority of potential trajectories the VV may have.

6)The position of the active vehicle will be represented by a triangle.

  1. The standard view may be accessed via the Control Pad as defined in Section 12, Multi-dimensional Graphics.
J3.3.2.1Plotting conventions
  1. The display shall use either LVLH or [OCK] as the plotting convention for each plot.
  2. The display shall provide an option to show the name of the current plotting convention.
J3.3.2.2POV (Point of View) of plots
  1. If the RELMO display uses 3D graphics, standard orthogonal views for displaying relative motion shall be available for user selection (for example, views along any of the primary axes in LVLH or [OCK]). Standard points of view are necessary for displaying conventional relative motion views, so the plots will not look distorted.
  2. The display shall provide an option to show the name of the current POV.
J3.3.2.3Points of reference

Points of reference are primarily for proximity operations close to the ISS, when knowledge of distances between particular locations on the vehicles (i.e. docking interface to docking interface as opposed to CG (Center of Gravity) to CG) becomes important.

  1. The display should automatically show the relative state information based on the appropriate points of reference for each phase of docking.
  2. If there are other points of reference available, the user should be able to select them.
J3.3.2.5Zooming and panning

Zooming and panning functions shall be available using the Camera Control Pad as defined in Section 12.

J3.3.2.7Grids and range circles

Grid lines and range circles are useful for quickly estimating distances. If grids and/or range circles can be shown on the plot:

  1. The user shall be able to toggle them on and off.
  2. The grid lines shall in general be equally spaced from one another. The distances between them shall be based on the scale of the plot and the grid lines should be at logical whole number intervals[CSA Comment: Add: such that they create 3 to 10 divisions].
  3. The range circles shall in general be equally spaced from one another. The distances between them shall be automatically calculated by RELMO based on the current scale of the plot, and the calculated values for those distances shall be rounded.
J3.3.2.8Geometric shapes
  1. The display shall make available to the user a variety of predefined geometric shapes that represent boundaries useful for trajectory monitoring, as applicable. Examples include, but are not limited to:

1)Approach Ellipsoid


3)Approach corridors

4)Berthing Boxes

  1. The user shall be able to toggle each geometric shape on and off independently.
J3.3.2.9Approach Corridor views

Examples of corridor views are shown in Figures J3.3.2.9-1 and J3.3.2.9-2.

A. The display should be able to show the following views at a minimum:

  1. corridor centerline view.
  2. two external orthogonal corridor views

B. Any corridor view should show a line representing the center of the corridor, as applicable, with distance tick marks at intervals appropriate for the scale of the plot.

Figure J3.3.2.9-1 External Corridor View[TBR J-6]

Figure J3.3.2.9-2 Corridor Centerline View[TBR J-6]

J3.3.2.10History trace

The display should be able to show at least one orbit of the VV’s past trajectory, for any state vector data coming from the VV that can be shown on the plot.[CSA Comment: up to the last burn)]

J3.3.2.11Propagated trajectory trace
  1. The display shall be able to show predictor graphic symbols (depicting the predicted position of the vehicle at a specific time in the future) for a free-drift propagated trajectory for any state vector data coming from the VV that can be shown on the plot.
  2. The color of the propagated trajectory shall be as defined in Appendix B, Colors.
  3. The shape of long-range predictor graphic symbols shall be a triangle.
  4. The user shall be able to toggle the propagated trajectory on and off.
  5. For close range propagation, the predictor graphic symbols should be a number indicating the number of minutes required to achieve that position.
J3.3.2.12Burn modeling [Action]
  1. The display shall be able to show independent predicted trajectory traces due to the execution of burns. This capability can be used to show predicted abort trajectories.
  2. The color of the burn traces shall be as defined in Appendix B, and line types aredotted.
  3. There shall be markers to indicate where burns occur.
  4. The user shall be able to toggle the predicted burn traces on and off independently.
J3.3.2.14Jet Firings

The RELMO display should have the capability to graphically depict thruster firings or the basic effect of thruster firings on the vehicle. The means of depicting this information shall be:

  • One arrow showing the resultant translational effect on the vehicle, and another arrow showing the resultant rotational effect on the vehicle since the last telemetry dump.

[CSA Comment: Need more detail/an example of the implementation of the rotational arrow, must be different from translational, and express correctly in 2D views the resulting rotation.]

J3.3.3.1Digital lighting data

If digital values denoting the time until specific lighting events such as sunrise, sunset, and noon are shown in the RELMO display, they shall be presented in hh:mm:ss format. The time shall be negative before the event occurs, and positive after the event occurs

J3.3.3.2Graphical lighting data

If a graphical depiction of lighting events such as sunrise, sunset, and noon are shown in the RELMO display, the means for depicting this information shall be as shown in Figure J3.3.4.2-1-.

Figure J3.3.4.2-1 Graphical Lighting

The dark portion of the circle depicts the dark portion of the orbit, whereas the light portion denotes the lit portion of the orbit. The white radial line shows the current position in the orbit, and the arrow shows the direction that the white line moves.

[CSA Comment: Should add time to next night/time to next day.]

J3.5VV Task-oriented displays

Refer to Section 5.7, Task Displays.

J4.0Video overlays


The video overlay is the graphics and text placed on top of the video image. Video overlays are used to provide graphical cues to aid in visual monitoring of VV operations. Also, video overlays are used to put critical telemetry on the video image so that the video can provide enough information to be the focal point of monitoring for short-range operations. Figure J-4.1-1 is an example of a rendezvous video overlay used for H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV) rendezvous.

Figure J4.1-1 Video Overlay

This section provides standards unique to Visiting Vehicle overlays. VV overlays shall also follow the general video overlay standards in Section 4.25, Video Overlay.

[CSA Comment: There are different types of overlays. Static overlays display mainly visual cues while Dynamic overlays display live data (which may include visual cues). Visual cues can be a target overlay that a robotic operator has to align with a physical target by moving the end-effector that is supporting the camera, to dock to some hardware. Visiting vehicle use a different type of visual cue, that monitors the approach of a transfer vehicle. The geometric shapes illustrated below show envelopes at different distances, as seen from a given camera with some pan-tilt angles and zoom setting. Since this type of overlay is very camera-pan-tilt-zoom specific, this information shall be written in the upper left corner of the Overlay, such that the Camera Overlay information will be adjacent to the required. Blue font with the subscript 0 added to the labels shall be used to indicate the operating values of the Overlay.