Military Leader Scene 6 (Military Control Command Center)

(U.S Military leader facing surveillance monitors with his back facing his military inferior and his assistant)

(The Military leader has a few other men in suits around him)

Military leader: Proctor do you know the current world population?

Proctor: Yes sir…I believe it’s….

Military leader: (cuts him off) I didn’t ask you what you believe. I asked you what is the current world Population?

Proctor: Oh I’m sorry sir…

Military leader(Turning around, getting in his face, and cutting him off) 7.3 Billion! 7.3 Billion People exist in the world! The world’s Largest Religion by far is Christianity.2.2 Billion people proclaim to be Christians, but don’t you agree that it is rather interesting (and funny) that one third of the angels followed Satan out of Heaven. Thirty three and a third percent served Satan while sixty six and two third percent served this “God Almighty”but according out technological statistics, out of the 2.2 Billion people that claimed to be Christians only one third have left the face of this earth. Satan and thirty three and a third angels are responsible for the remnant of sixty six and two-third Christians that are still here?

And they are all under my control NOW!!!! Men, Women, Teenagers, .they are ALL MINE!

Proctor: That’s wonderful sir!

Military Leader: Wonderful? Wonderful? No it’s not wonderful…yet! It will be wonderful when those 1.5 Billion Christians and the remaining 5 Billion others are all BARING MY GOD’s MARKING! BARING MY GOD”S IMAGE! THE GREAT NUMBER 6-6-6!

You listen and Listen Good – Within the next 30 days, I want every TROOPER in every Branch of the military, All ten million of them branded with My Lords Marking’s. Then after they are under our control, they will disperse in groups of 3 all around the world and Bring me my six point six billion people. Give them the opportunity to denounce this “Jesus” as Savior. If they outright comply, then there’s no need to harm them, just administer the mark and we have one a soldier.

Proctor: And if they don’t?

Military Leader: Well then Soldier, have your men make them! I want them beaten, tortured, whipped, shot, stabbed; I don’t care what you have to do! Make them Abandon Jesus and Accept the Mark of the BEAST, and if they just will not give in, KILL THEM!! Cut them up, chop their heads off. I want them dead for not reverencing my Lord, Satan. Am I clear?

Proctor: Crystal sir! How will the Mark be implemented?

Military leader: Well, that’s easy. For the past twenty five years, our world technology advancements have collected data through credit cards, cell phones, Smart devices and many other worldly needs and pleasures so we’ve had much assistance in the creation of our devices.

The Mark will be applied by a laser marking or tattooing device which uses permanent visible and invisible RFID ink.

Proctor: What Is RFID ink?

Military Leader: Radio Frequency Identification. This ink has a visible component to it that will brand on the flesh of all mankind. Even if someone has the special, highly expensive, rare solution to get rid of the outward mark, this ink is branded in their flesh invisibly. Our undercover agents will be able to successfully hoodwink people that are only repelled by the Outward markings of the Beast. They won’t see us coming! Thanks to some of my followers in the nanotechnology department, we have created three hundred million laser marking devices. Have your men take then with them. In 60 days I want every human specimen baring the mark of 666 or dead! You got that Proctor?

Proctor: Yes Sir. I’m on it.

Military Leader: Gentlemen escort them out. And don’t come back until the mission is completed!

(Proctor and his assistant are escorted out)

(Lights out)