Curriculum Vitae


Department of Greek and Roman Studies

The University of Calgary

2500 University Dr. N.W.

Calgary, Alberta

T2N- 1N4



Doctorate: Dr Phil.: Indo-European Linguistics, University of Freiburg, Germany, 1994

Master's Degree: Modern Philology (German and English), University of Valencia, Spain, 1994

Master's Degree: Classical Philology, University of Valencia, Spain, 1990

Teaching Certificate for High Schools, University of Valencia, Spain, 1990


July 2006 – present Associate Professor, University of Calgary, Department of Greek and Roman Studies

2005 (Jan. – June): Visiting Professor, University of Valencia

2001 (July) –June 2006: Assistant Professor, University of Calgary, Department of Greek and Roman Studies. (tenured since May 2004)

1997 (Sept.) - 2001: Assistant Professor, University of Calgary Interdisciplinary appointment at the Faculty of Humanities (Limited term)

1997(Jan.) - August 1997: Sessional Instructor, University of Calgary

1996 (Sept.) - April 1997: Sessional Instructor, University of Calgary

1996 (Sept.) - August 1998: Research Associate, University of Calgary

1996 (Jan.) - August 1996: Research Associate, University of Calgary

1994 (Oct.) – Jul. 1995: Post Doctoral Research (Mycenaean Greek), Masaryk University of Brno, Czech Republic

1994 (Oct.) - July 1995: Teacher: MKM Language Institution, Brno, Czech Republic (German)

1993 (Oct.) - July 1994: Sessional Instructor, University of Valencia(Indo-European Linguistics)

1992 (Oct.) - July 1993: Sessional Instructor, University of Valencia (Latin and Indo-European Linguistics)

1992 (Mar.) - 1992: Instructor, University of Freiburg (Intensive Latin)

Scholarships and Grants:

February 99: SSHRC, Classical Association of the Canadian West Conference

March 98 - July 99: Starter Grant , Research Services,University of Calgary

September 96 - August 97: Visiting Research Fellowship, Institute for the Humanities,

University of Calgary

October 94 - June 95: Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Czech Government (Foreign Affairs Department)

October 92 - July 93: Doctoral Fellowship, DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service)

October 91 - July 92: Doctoral Fellowship, DAAD

October 90 - July 91: Doctoral Fellowhip, DAAD

Monographs and chapters:

Comic Epic and Parodies of Epic: Evidence for Youth and Children Literature in Ancient Greece, Spudasmata 122, Hildesheim: Georg Olms 2008 (reviewed by Andreassi BMCR 2010.04.18)

Singing the Dead. A Model for Epic Evolution, Frankfurt-New York. Peter Lang Publishers, 2006 (reviewed by Powell Museion 8, 2008, 69-70; di Fazio BMCR 2009.05.31)

Die Verben des Denkens bei Homer, Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Kulturwissenschaft, Sonderheft 97, Innsbruck, 1996. (reviewed by E. Visser, Kratylos 44, 1999, 75-80)

Articles and Encyclopaedia entries:

1. “Some Greek Evidence for Indo-European Youth Contingents of Shape Shifters” Journal of Indo-European Studies volume 38, Number 3&4, Fall/ Winter 2010, 1- 16.

2. “Les représentations des athlètes féminines dans l'art et la littérature grecques anciennes” 323- 332 in L. Daniel (ed) L’Art et le Sport, Atlantica, Biarritz, 2009

3. “The Loom and the Mast: Signifiers of Separation and Authority” in Penelope’s Revenge. Female Scholarship on Homer, Phoenix 62, 1-2, 2008

4. “Penelope’s Revenge. An Introduction to Female Scholarship on Homer” in Penelope’s Revenge. Female Schlarship on Homer, Phoenix 62, 1-2, 2008

5. “The Funeral Oration as Alternative to Homeric Epic in Classical Athens.” Studia Philologica Valentina, vol 8., n.s. 5 (2005) 11-35.

6. “El oráculo de Dodona y la lengua de las mujeres” ARYS 5(2002) 33-38.

7. With K. Brown, as collaborator “Libri Amicorum from The Royal Dutch Library Containing Documentation about Seventeenth-Century Sephardic Intellectuals in German-Speaking Cities and University Circles” Festschrif für Ina Lorenz , Hamburg: Christians Verlag, 2005, 1-4.

8. “Parallel Ideological Use of Literature and Sport in Ancient Greece” Nikephoros 15, 2002, 39-49.

9. Twenty three entries for the Cambridge Guide to Classical Civilization on “Alkaios” (500 words), “Alkman” (250 words), “Archilochos” (300 words), “Bacchylides” (250 words), “Chorus” (250 words), “Corinna” (200 words), “Erinna” (200 words), “Elegy” (350 words), “Ge” (250 words), “Greek Anthology” (250 words), “Hera” (250 words), “Hesiod” (500 words), “Kallimachos” (300 words), “Literary Criticism” (500 words), “Lyric poetry, Greek” (1000 words), “Metre” (400), “Poetesses” (250 words), “Poets” (250 words), “Sappho” (1000 words), “Semonides” (250 words), “Simonides” (300 words), “Skolia” (200 words), and “Theognis” (200 words).

10. “No hallé lugar en que fijar los ojos que no fuese recuerdo de la muerte. Algunas consideraciones sobre el paisaje en las Tristia y Epistulae ex Ponto de Ovidio” Eirene 38, 2003.

11. “Indo-European Ideology in the Ramayana and the Iliad”, Festschrift A. Bartonek,

Sbornik Praci Filozoficke Fakulta University Brnenske, Series N6, 2001, pp.61-69.

12. Brown, K. – Bertolín-Cebrián, R. “Spanish, Portuguese, and Neo-Latin Poetry Written and/or Published by Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Sephardim from Hamburg and Frankfurt” (Part II) Sefarad 61:1, 2001, pp. 1- 30.

13. Brown, K. – Bertolín-Cebrián, R. “Spanish, Portuguese, and Neo-Latin Poetry Written and/or Published by Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Sephardim from Hamburg and Frankfurt” (Part I) Sefarad 60:2, 2000, pp. 1- 44.

14. “Mycenaean wo-ne-we”, Eirene 33, 1997, pp. 7-8.

15. “Las Horas y las puertas del Olimpo” Minerva, 11, 1997,pp. 11 - 14.

16. “Loanwords in Mycenaean Greek”, Sbornik Praci Filozoficke Fakulta University Brnenske, Series N1, 1996, pp. 13-20.

17. “Homerico fãrmaka mhtiÒenta”, Minerva 10, 1996, pp. 29-32.

Work in Progress: (Monographs)

Ballplayers and Gluttons. In Search of the Ancient Athlete

Work in Progress: (articles)

“The self-referential narrator: êkritow and ligÊw in Homer, Hesiod and the Hymns”.

“Truth and Narration in Odyssey 3 and 4”

“Satyrs and Berserkers”


1. “Der Hof Alexanders des Grossen als soziales System” Translated for the Blackwell Companion to Alexander the Great

2. “The Macedonian Background” Translated for the Blackwell Companion To Alexander the Great

3. Wagner –Hasel, B., “Frauenleben in orientalischer Abgeschlossenheit? Zur Geschichte und Nutzanwedung eines Topos” Der altsprachliche Unterricht 2, 1989, 18-29. Translated for Sexuality and Gender in the Ancient World, P. G. Toohey - M. Golden (ed.), Edinburgh UP, 2002

Book Reviews:

1. Papakonstatinou, Sport in the Cultures of the Ancient World. BMCR

2. Golden, Mark, Greek Sport and Social Status, Pp. xviii+ 214. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2008. Cased, US$ 50. ISBN: 978-0-292-71869-2. Classical Review 60.1

3. Marcelo D. Boeri, Apariencia y Realidad en el Pensamiento Griego. Investigaciones sobre Aspectos Epistemológicos, Eticos y de Teoríade la Acción en Algunas Teorías de la Antigüedad. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Colihue, 2007. BMCR 2009. 03.10.

4. Efstratios Sarischoulis, Schicksal, Götter und Handlungsfreiheit in den Epen Homers, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2008 (Palingenesia 92). BMCR 2008. 10. 13.

5. Anton Bierl, Rebecca Laemmle, Katharina Wesselmann (ed.), Literatur und Religion 1. Wege zu einer mythisch-rituellen Poetik bei den Griechen. MythosEikonPoiesis, 1/2. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2007. BMCR 2008.08.09.

6.Finkelberg, M. Greeks and Pre-Greeks. Aegean Prehistory and Greek Heroic Tradition. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2005, pp. xv + 203. In Museion, Series III, vol. 7. 2007, N. 3, 247-250.

7. Robert Fowler (ed), The Cambridge Companion to Homer, Cambridge 2004, in Phoenix 2006

8. Deborah Boedeker – David Sider, The New Simonides, Oxford 2001, in Ancient History Bulletin, 2004, 96-97.

9. Pantelis Michelakis, Achilles in Greek Tragedy, Cambridge 2002, In Ancient History Bulletin, 2005,

10. Leona MacLeod, Dolos and Dike In Sophokles’ Electra, Leiden: Brill, 2001 In Ancienet History Bulletin, 2004, 95-96.

11. Donna F. Wilson, Ransom, Revenge, and Heroic Identity in the Iliad. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002 In Ancient History Bulletin, 2004

12. M. L. West, Studies in the Text and in the Transmission of the Iliad, München- Leipzig 2001in Phoenix 2003

13. B. Graziosi, Inventing Homer. The Early Reception of Epic, Cambridge 2002 in Ancient History Bulletin, 2003

14. I. de Jong, A Narratological Commentary on the Odyssey, Cambridge 2001 in Ancient History Bulletin, 2003

15. Inclinate Aurem. Oral Perspectives on Early European Verbal Culture, J. Helldén, M. Skafte Jensen, T. Pettitt (eds.), Odense University Press, 2001, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review, electronic publication (2002. 07.09)

16. Paul Schubert, Noms d’ agent et invective: entre phénomene linguistique et interrprétation du récit dans le poemes homériques. Göttingen, 2000, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review, electronic publication (2001.03.20)

17. J. García Blanco, L.M.Macía Aparicio, Homero Ilíada II, Books IV – IX, Madrid, 1998, in: The Classical Review, 51.1, 2001, 152.

18. N. Sultan, Exile and the Poetics of Loss in Greek Tradition, Lanham, Boulder, New York, Oxford, 1999, in: The Classical Review, 2000

19. E. Benveniste, Indoeuropäische Institutionen. Wortschatz, Geschichte, Funktionen, Frankfurt, New York, Paris, 1993, in: Philologia Fenno-Ugrica, 5-6, 1999-2000, 107-110.

20. A. Uhl, Servius als Sprachlehrer. Zur Sprachrichtigkeit in der exegetischen Praxis der Spätantiken Grammatikunterricht, Hypomnemata 117, Göttingen, 1998, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review, electronic publication.

21. Eros, Liebe und Zuneigung in der Indogermania, M. Ofitsch (ed.), Graz, 1997 in: Philologia Fenno-Ugrica 4, 1998, p. 1-4.


1. “Berserkers in Greek Warfare” Conference The Many Faces of War, October 2-3, 2009 University of Calgary.

2. “Representations of Violence in the Battle of the Mice and Ferret” CACW, Winnipeg, March 7, 2009.

3. “Female Athletes in Ancient Greece: Values and Perceptions” Calgary Society for Mediterranean Studies, Calgary , October 2008.

4 . “Representations of Female Athletes in Ancient Greek Art and Literature” CESH September 2007, Université de Bretagne Sud, Lorient, France.

5. “Bastard Parasites and the Authorship of Parodies of Epic” Seminar at the University of Toronto, October 27, 2006

6.“Was there Children’s Literature in Ancient Greece?” Seminar at Concordia University, October 26, 2006

7.“Was there Children’s Literature in Ancient Greece?” Seminar at the University of Calgary, October 2, 2006

8. “Epica Cómica y Parodias de la Epica: Diferencias y Similitudes”, Universidad de Valencia, Spain, February 16th 2005.

9. “Comic Epic: A Parody of the Ideals of Heroic Poetry?” Orality Conference VI, University of Winnipeg, July 5th – 9th, 2004.

10. “The Mast and the Loom. Horizontal and Vertical Relations in Homer” Penelope’s Revenge Colloquium, Calgary April 30th – May 1st, 2004.

11. “Elegy and the Origin of Epic” CAC 2003, University of New Brunswick.

12. “Elegy and the Origin of Epic” Department of Classics, University of Washington, January 25, 2003.

13. “Greek Influences in Jewish Spain” Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Canadian West, Simon Fraser University, February 22 - 23, 2002.

14. “Winter Images in Early Greek Lyric poets” Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Canadian West, University of Alberta, March 2-3, 2001.

15. “Epic and Lyric”, Homeric Contexts, University of Toronto/ York University, 13-15 October, 2000.

16. “Homer, Sports and Ideology”, Olympia and the Olympics. Festival and Identity in the Ancient World, Sancta Sophia College, The University of Sydney, Australia, 3 – 6 July, 2000.

17. “Funerary Rites and Epic” Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Canadian West, University of Victoria, March 10-11, 2000.

18. “The Funerary Lament and the Epic in Greek, Roman and other Cultures” Lecture Series of the Department of Greek, Latin and Anciet History, University of Calgary, October1, 1999.

19. “Homer, Olympics and Ideology”, Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of Canada, Université Laval, Quebec, May 27-29, 1999.

20. “La épica española en el mundo indoeuropeo: Los Infantes de Lara”, Lecture Series of the Department of French, Italian and Spanish, University of Calgary, February 4, 1999.

21. “The Ramayana and the Iliad: Some Thematic Parallels”, Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of Canada, Ottawa, May 29-31, 1998.

22. “Pre-Homeric Vocabulary”, Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Canadian West, Vancouver, March 6-7, 1998.

23. “The Ramayana and the Iliad: Some Thematic Parallels”, Lecture Series of the Department of Greek, Latin, and Ancient History, University of Calgary, January 23, 1998.

24. “Ovid and the Landscape of Exile”, Colloquium Meta-physics in Landscape, University of Calgary, October 4, 1997.

25. “The Homeric Way of Thinking”, University of Calgary, April 1997.

26. “Layers in the Homeric language”, Lecture Series of the Institute for the Humanities, University of Calgary, February 23, 1997.

27. “Historical Greek Phonetics”, Seminar at the Department of Greek, Latin and Ancient History, University of Calgary, March 1996.

28. “From Latin to Spanish”, Masarik University of Brno, Czech Republic, March 1995.

Popular Lectures

Interviewee for the Australian Broadcasting Commission for the program Distant Mirrors Dimly Lit

“Tongues and Prophecy: a Pagan Perspective on 1 Corinthians 14” U of C Chaplain Association, November 19th 2002. (sent to the Humanities Advisory Board)


Filip de Decker, Dolos in Homer: An Analysis of the Meaning and Context. Defense July 8th , 2009

Ryan Jones, Refelctionsof the Bronze Age. Homer’s Preservation of the Heroic Age. MA. Defended October 31st 2008.



Department Speakers’ Coordinator

Undergraduate Advisor

Humanities representative to the Faculty of Kinesiology

Organizer of the Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Canadian West


Appeals Committee

Humanities representative to the Faculty of Kinesiology


Sabbatical Committee


Member of the Appeals Committee of the Faculty of Humanities (Fall 2005- Fall 2006)

Referee for Museion (December 2005)

Referee for Phoenix (July 2004, July 2005)

External Examiner for a MA thesis in FISL (June 2005)


Examiner for a MA thesis in GRST (August 2004)

External Examiner for a MA thesis in FISL (April 2004)

Organizer of the international colloquium ‘Penelope’s Revenge’, April 30th - May 1st, 2004, University of Calgary

Referee for SSHRCC (March 2004)


External Examinar for a MA thesis in Political Sciences (August 2003)

External Examiner for an MA thesis in Religious Studies (September 2003)

Acting Head, Department of Greek and Roman Studies, April 23rd - May 5th , 2003


External member in Hiring Committee for FISL/ GSEA positions, 2002

Acting Head, Department of Greek and Roman Studies, November 12th - 15th , 2002

January 2002 - January 2005 Member of the Executive Committee of the Faculty of Humanities.

July 2002 - 2004- Coordinator of the Steering Committee for Comparative Literature.

January 2002 - present- Organizer of speaker seminars for GRST.

2000- 2003:

Editorial Assistant for the Ancient History Bulletin


Humanities representative to the Faculty of Kinesiology (July 2001 - 2002).