Otley Town Council

Meeting: Planning Sub

Date: 7th June 2010

Venue: St. Joseph’s Primary School

Committee Cllr R Smith (Chair)

Members Cllrs P Bye, G Kirkland, M Vickers, L Ross,

Present: L Bradley

Members Cllr G Francis, D Henderson


In Attendance: Mr I Plumtree (Town Clerk)

Mrs E Bradley (Admin Officer)

Apologies: It was resolved to accept the following apologies:

Councillors N Birch, N Francis, A Thackray

1.  Declarations of Interest

Councillor G Francis declared a personal and prejudicial interest in application numbers P/10/02262/FU/NW and P/10/02279/LI/NW and left the room whilst the applications were heard.

2.  Approval of minutes

Resolved: the minutes of the Planning Sub Committee meeting of 22nd March 2010 were approved for accuracy and signed by the Chair

3.  Applications Received

P/10/01934/FU/HW Detached garage to rear

67 North Parade Otley LS21 1BA

No Objections

P/10/01946//FU/HW Porch to front and conversion of existing garage to habitable room with addition of pitched roof

41 Caxton Road Otley LS21 3LL

No Objections

P/10/02015/FU/NW Alterations to entrance including access ramp with 0.5m – 1m high handrails

Otley Trinity Methodist Church Walkergate Otley LS21

No Objections

P/10/02262/FU/NW Alterations to public house and outbuildings to form new access doors, altered pitched roof over external stair, external gate, ventilation grilles and doors to refuse store

The Bowling Green Bondgate Otley

No Objections but Council comments that Council is concerned that a window has been taken out to create a door on a prime building in the Conservation Area and ask that the Conservation Officer of Leeds City Council take particular note of these applications

P/10/02279/LI/NW Listed building application for alterations to public house and outbuildings to form new access doors, altered pitched roof over external stair, addition of non-mechanical cowls to chimneys, external gate, ventilation grilles and doors to refuse store

The Bowling Green, Bondgate, Otley

As Above

P/10/02288/FU/NW Repositioning of means of escape door to cafe of supermarket

Waitrose Ltd 60 Westgate Otley

No Objections

P/10/02322/FU/HW Retrospective application for 0.9m high raised decking with 1m high balustrading to side and rear

10 Prince Henry Road Otley LS21 2BE

No Objections, but Council comments that Committee does not approve of retrospective planning applications and the applicant should have this clearly pointed out

Chair ……………………………..

Otley Town Council

Meeting: Town Council

Date: 7th June 2010

Venue: St. Joseph’s Primary School

Committee Cllr R Smith (Town Mayor)

Members Cllrs P Bye, M Vickers, G Kirkland, L Bradley,

Present: L Ross, D Henderson, M Stott, L C Campbell,

C A Campbell, D Reid, J Spencer, S Ross,

G Francis

In Attendance: Mr I Plumtree (Town Clerk)

Mrs E Bradley (Admin Officer)

Apologies: It was resolved to accept the following apologies:

Councillors N Birch, N Francis, A Thackray.

Councillor I Jackson for lateness.

4. Declarations of Interest

No declarations of interest, whether personal or prejudicial, were received.

5. Minutes for Approval

Full Council 1st March 2010

Executive Management 1st March 2010

Executive & Management 15th March 2010

Annual General Meeting 17th May 2010

Resolved: that the Minutes listed above be accepted as a true and proper record

6. Minutes for Approval

Resolved: the Minutes of the Full Council meeting of 12th April were approved for accuracy and signed by the Chair

7. Finance

(a) Internal Auditors report

Resolved: that the Internal Auditors report be noted

(b) End of year return 2010

Resolved: that the annual return for the year ending 31st March 2010 be approved and that Yorkshire Internal Audit Services be appointed as internal auditors for the year 2010/2011

Resolved: that the Town Clerk obtain a price for storing Council documents securely at the bank and also by way of a fireproof cabinet

8. Town Mayor’s Announcements

The Town Mayor reported that he had written to the Mayor of Montereau explaining that he had been involved in twinning for a long time and that he believed it would be nice to re-forge the links between Montereau and Otley and invited him to visit at any time. The Town Mayor had received a reply from the Mayor who also welcomed Councillor Smith to visit Montereau.

The Town Mayor gave details of the first event he had attended as Town Mayor, and future events he would be attending. He also said that the Charity Book Fair held on Spring Bank holiday Monday had raised £123.00 for his nominated charity, Otley Kids Matter.

Chair ……………………………..

Otley Town Council

Meeting: Executive & Management

Date: 7th June 2010

Venue: St. Joseph’s Primary School

Committee Cllr J Spencer (Chair)

Members Cllrs D Reid, P Bye, M Vickers, G Kirkland,

Present: I Jackson, G Francis, L Bradley, M Stott,

L C Campbell, C A Campbell, L Ross,

D Henderson, S Ross, R Smith

In Attendance: Mr I Plumtree (Town Clerk)

Mrs E Bradley (Admin Officer)

Apologies: It was resolved to accept the following apologies:

Councillors N Birch, N Francis, A Thackray

9. Declarations of Interest

No declarations of interest, whether personal or prejudicial, were received.

10. Minutes for Approval

Resolved: the Minutes of the Executive & Management Committee meeting of the 12th April were approved for accuracy and signed by the Chair

11. Annual General Meeting

This item was dealt with at the Town Council Meeting

12. Finance

(a) Accounts paid

Resolved: 1. that the Accounts paid be approved

2. that Council staff should no longer be required to pay Council bills from their own bank accounts

3. to formally ask the Auditors how Council can produce an audit trail for items that cannot be paid for by cash or cheque

4. to investigate software that could provide accounting trails for the Town Council

(b) Outturn Report with Managements notes

Resolved: that the Outturn report be noted

13. Request for leave of absence

Resolved: that Councillor A Thackray be granted leave of absence for a further six months

14. Membership of Committees and Schedule of Meetings

The Town Clerk’s report is attached.

Resolved: that Committee accept the proposed membership and schedule and changes thereto as contained in the Town Clerk’s report

15. Civic Centre

Chair reported that the final plans could now be put in Otley Matters and that they would be on public view in the Library from the 14th June for a week.

Chair advised that Civic Centre was now closed and the Leeds City Council as the Landlord had taken full possession of the building for the period of the refurbishment.

Resolved: 1. To identify a schedule of which Councillors will be present in the Library to deal with queries regarding the plans

2. To produce a public leaflet about the Civic Centre plans

3. To produce a feedback questionnaire

4. To display the plans in the Council offices at Bay Horse Court

5. To put the plans, the public leaflet and the feedback questionnaire in the July copy of Otley Matters

Councillor Smith left the meeting at 9.00pm.

16. Parish Meeting follow-up

Bridge Street zebra crossing

Chair referred to the email from Leeds City Council in response to the concerns raised about the zebra crossing on Bridge Street.

Resolved: to arrange to meet with the Leeds City Council engineer on site in relation to Council’s concerns about the crossing

Wharfemeadows toilets

Chair advised that the problem was one of the public having access to toilets when the café in the park was closed.

Resolved: 1. to request Leeds City Council to put a notice on the old toilets advising that they are now situated in the café

2. to ask the Three Horseshoes, the Drinkers Delight and Dunnies café to allow people to use their toilets (for a donation to charity) when the café is shut

17. Markets

Chair advised that this was still one of the Council’s priorities. The Leeds City Council officer in charge of markets had been asked to do an overall strategy paper on markets in the city, and Council had requested that when a discussion on Otley took place the Council would like to be involved.

Chair ……………………………..

Otley Town Council

Meeting Tourism Sub Committee

Date: 14th June 2010

Venue: Town Council Office, Bay Horse Court, Otley

Committee Cllr L Ross (Chair)

Members Cllr D Henderson


Co-optees: Mr T Wilkinson (Otley Chamber of Trade), Mr M Bartholomew (Walkers are Welcome), Mr P Heald (Otley Town Partnership), Ms C Bowhill (Cherished), Mr P Askew (Otley Library & Tourist Information),

In Attendance: Mrs J Johnson (Community Development Officer), Mrs K Smith (Office Manager), James Anderson (Visit Leeds)

Apologies: It was resolved to accept the following apologies:

Cllr D Reid

Resolved: Members resolved to appoint Cllr L Ross as Chair for the meeting.

18.  Declarations of Interest

No declarations of interest, whether personal or prejudicial, were received.

19. Minutes of Previous Meeting

Resolved: that the minutes of the Tourism Sub Committee meeting of the 8th February 2010 be deferred to the next meeting.

20. Tourism Literature

Resolved: to confirm current stock of the Otley generic leaflet with Audience Yorkshire and at the Council’s offices.

Resolved: to obtain copy of Otley generic leaflet with maps with view to considering similar layout for future Otley generic leaflet.

Resolved: Event flyers to be produced covering events from September to December and distributed.

21.  Update on Literature Distribution

Resolved: to change contact details with Audience Yorkshire and obtain up to date distribution figures

Resolved to obtain prices for distribution from Northern Print for comparison purposes.

22. Website

Resolved: To ensure that a link to visitotley.co.uk is placed on Otley Town Council’s website.

Resolved: Peter Heald requested that members of the group view the proposed visit Otley site at www.visitotley.co.uk and send him any feedback. He confirmed that the Visit Otley website is due to go live on 1st August 2010.

23. Leeds Tourism Office

Resolved Representatives from Otley Library and Tourist Information Centre and Jane Chidley from Otley Town Partnership be invited to join Otley Town Council Admin Team at the Council’s offices for a training session with James Anderson, Visit Leeds, on how to upload events onto the Visit Leeds website.

Resolved: that James Anderson, Visit Leeds would obtain contact details for Pennine Yorkshire.

24. Street Entertainments

Resolved that members of the group feed contact details and information on possible buskers or street entertainment ideas to Julia Johnson, for example, painting, theatre, music etc.

Resolved that the Community Development Officer will contact Leeds Music Department and Otley Little Theatre to see if any students / actors are interested in providing street entertainment

Resolved that a budget of £100 per be approved for providing entertainment at the charity book fair for 2011

Resolved to submit and research ideas for a major event in August 2011, for example theatre, music or dance

25. New Council Office Window Display

Resolved members to submit ideas and events that are supported by Otley Town Council to be included in forthcoming window displays.

26. Event Dates

Resolved Event dates to be submitted to Otley Town Council and Otley Town Partnership for including on their websites.

Resolved Events to be up loaded onto Visit Leeds website following training session with James Anderson

Resolved Cllr Lawrence Ross to contact Julie Gray to update the Library / TIC team re future events and provide background information to assist them when briefing members of the public



Otley Town Council

Meeting: Environment & Tourism

Date: 21st June 2010

Venue: St. Joseph’s Primary School, Otley

Committee Cllr L Ross (Chair)

Members Cllrs G Kirkland, R Smith, D Reid, L Bradley,


Members Cllr M Vickers, C A Campbell, G Francis, P Bye,

Present L C Campbell, M Stott

In Attendance: Mr I Plumtree (Town Clerk)

Mrs E Bradley (Admin Officer)

Apologies: Councillor N Birch

27. Declarations of Interest

No declarations of interest, whether personal or prejudicial, were received.

28. Approval of minutes

Resolved the minutes of the Environment & Tourism meeting of 15th March 2010 were approved for accuracy and signed by the Chair

29. Town Plan

Chair advised that he had recently met with Kathy Kudelnitzky from Leeds City Council who was working on Leeds Vision and also with Mr David Feeney from Leeds City Council Planning regarding the Local Development Framework.

There will be a consultation on the Leeds Vision in September.

(Councillor C A Campbell joined the meeting at 7.17pm.)

Resolved: 1. to clarify with Leeds City Council Ward Councillors their perception of the Leeds City Council core strategy to agree a productive way forward for the Town Plan in respect thereof

2. to set up a Community Team with an agenda and investigate the possibility of help with this process from Leeds City Council

30. Car Parking

Councillor Kirkland reported that he had now received an 87 page report from Leeds City Council regarding the car parking consultation. The Ward Councillors are to meet the consultants shortly to discuss the draft strategy, after which he understood the document would be published.

Chair said the Town Council would have its views and would put them back in writing once the documents were received and it would be important that the town of Otley had its views incorporated.

31. Bus Station

The Town Clerk advised that he was still trying to resolve the situation with First Bus. Progress is expected during the coming week.

32. Christmas Lights

Chair advised that tenders were to be sought for the installation and maintenance of the Christmas lights.

The Town Clerk advised that the tender documents would be sent out shortly. He also suggested asking some larger lighting companies who run leasing schemes to ask for their costs.

It was agreed that the Town Clerk would check which street lights did not have the bracket and plug fitted so that Council could request SEC to fit them.

Resolved: 1. to obtain two sets of quotes: one for the lights as they are currently done and another set for a more innovative approach with a request for costings for renting, installing and maintaining the lights, potentially in a smaller area within the town centre

2. that the tenders for the Christmas lights be presented to the Committee for a decision at the next Committee meeting on 13th September 2010