MOENA Annual Awards Coaching Guide

Each year, the Missouri State Council ENA issues a call for nominations for the MOENA Annual Awards program. It is an opportunity to nominate colleagues who are innovators, leaders, exceptional practitioners and those who continually go above and beyond the call of duty in the emergency nursing profession.

Individuals who wish to nominate someone may do so by submitting a nomination form by email to or by mailing nomination forms to

Ozark Chapter ENA President

5249 S. Woodcliffe Drive

Springfield, Mo.65804

Selection of Award Category

The first step in nominating an individual is to select the award category that best suits your nomination. Your review of the criteria for all awards should be thorough. This Coaching Guide is designed to guide you through the nomination process and assist you to prepare the appropriate materials necessary to submit your nomination.

Requirements & Criteria

Requirements and criteria (narrative statement requirements) for each award are available on the MOENA website at

Review this information to ensure that your nominee fits the criteria.

Individuals may not nominate themselves.

If applicable, discuss the nomination with the State Council to ensure that there is no conflict.

Keep in mind that the Annual Awards Committee, who reviews and scores nominations, will not know the identity of your nominee so your narrative should be specific to how the nominee meets the criteria.

Submit your nomination by the deadline date. Nominations will not be accepted after the deadline.


The final deadline to submit nominations and required documentation for the Annual Awards is July 5, 2013


Nomination Form

To submit an application for a nominee, you will need to complete a Nomination Form. This form requires the following information:

  • The name of the award for which you are nominating someone
  • Contact information for both you and the nominee
  • Narrative statements as outlined under “Requirements” on the webpage of each award category (the name of the nominee should not be included in any narratives)

De-Identify Narratives and Letters of Support

To ensure an unbiased review by the Annual Awards Committee, narrative statements in the Nomination Form should not include any identifying information about the nominee, including name and place of work. If Letters of Support are required, these should also be de-identified.

Awards Presentation

Award recipients will be recognized at the 2013 MOENA Annual Conference in Osage Beach, Mo, July 25, 2013.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, contact r call (417) 343-8544.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the MOENA Annual Awards?

The MOENA Annual Awards are an opportunity to recognize innovators, leaders, exceptional practitioners and those who continually go above and beyond the call of duty in the emergency nursing profession. Each award has specific criteria to meet.

What is the cost to apply?

There is no fee to nominate someone for an MOENA Annual Award.

Does the nominee have to be an MOENA member?

There is not a requirement to be an ENA member. See “Requirements” for each award for this information. Individuals may not nominate themselves.

How is my nomination evaluated?

All nomination packets (de-identified) are reviewed by members of the MOENA Awards Committee for completeness and to determine if the award requirements and criteria are met.

Can I nominate an individual for more than one award?

You can nominate an individual for more than one award. The Annual Awards Committee will select an individual for each award that best fits the criteria for the award.

If there is only one nomination for an award does the individual automatically win the award?

For award categories with a single nominee, the individual must meet the minimum score to receive award designation.

Alternatively, when there is more than one nominee and the instance of a tie score, the MOENA Board of Directors will decide if more than one award is to be given within a category or select the single recipient of the award based on a review of the nomination materials.

Awards where there are no nominees will not be awarded in the current year but may be available in subsequent years.