Improving Enriching Educational Experiences (E³)

Through Better Alignment of Curricular and Co-Curricular Activities

Develop a list of common goals and outcomes for E3 aligned with NSU mission, NSU’s definition of an “educated person”, and General Education outcomes

a.  Knowledge

b.  Skills

c.  Attitudes/values


1.  Develop responsible citizens (RE: NSU mission, NSU’s definition of educated person, GE outcomes # 7, 9)

2.  Develop lifelong learners who tolerate and appreciate change (RE: NSU mission, NSU’s definition of an educated person)

3.  Develop professionals who operate effectively and productively in the increasingly global society (RE: NSU mission, NSU’s definition of educated person, GE outcome # 8)

Outcomes (Long list).

1.  Citizenship and Service

a.  Knowledge

i.  NSU students will have knowledge of contemporary issues

ii. NSU students will understand the values and histories underlying U.S. democracy

iii.  NSU students will have profound understanding of needs in the community

b.  Values

i.  NSU students will appreciate community responsibility

ii. NSU students will appreciate civic responsibility

c.  Skills/applications

i.  NSU students will be able to apply knowledge regarding social, political, economic, and historical issues to the analysis of societal and professional problems

ii. NSU students and graduates will actively participate as citizens of a diverse democracy

iii.  NSU students will be able to discern consequences, including ethical consequences of decisions and actions

2.  Change and life-long learning

a.  Knowledge

i.  NSU students will have deep understanding of one’s self and respect for complex identities of others

ii. NSU will develop understanding of change as a fact of life

iii.  NSU students will recognize the need for engaging in lifelong learning

b.  Values

i.  NSU students will develop curiosity and a desire to learn for life

ii. NSU students will enjoy learning for its own sake

c.  Skills/applications

i.  NSU students will develop abilities to be resourceful, flexible, and adaptable

ii. NSU students will be able to integrate learning within majors, across fields, between general education and majors, in and out of school

iii.  NSU graduates will systematically engage in continuous formal and informal education

iv.  NSU graduates will demonstrate good critical thinking skills

3.  Global and diverse society

a.  Knowledge

i.  NSU students will know fundamental concepts of diversity and multiculturalism

ii. NSU students will demonstrate knowledge of world culture, history and literature

b.  Values

i.  NSU students will respect the complex identities of other, their histories, and their cultures

ii. NSU students will develop appreciation for the relevance of global issues to their personal lives

iii.  NSU students will appreciate cultural differences and bridging cultural and linguistic barriers

c.  Skills/applications

i.  NSU students will be able to analyze the effects of globalization on local cultures)

ii. NSU students will be able to work well in diverse teams

iii.  NSU students will be able to use another language to accomplish basic communication needs

iv.  NSU students will demonstrate good oral and written communication skills

v. NSU students will be able to use IT, including e-mail and the Internet, for local and global communication needs