Underwriting Call Scripts - Samples

(Examples only – write your own scripts!)

Phone rings (ring – ring), then is answered;


Hello this is ____with Las Patronas. Is Mr/Mrs. _____available please?

(Always identify yourself)

The person identifies him/herself…

Mr/Mrs ____, as a member of the underwriting committee for Las Patronas, I am calling to ask whether you have received our Underwriting package and if you’ve had the opportunity to review our request?

Yes, I have.

Do you have any questions I may answer for you in regard to the request?

1. No.

Las Patronas thanks you again for your past support and hopes you will be so kind as to consider our request. As a result of your underwriting dollars, we are able to grant requests that allow non-profit organizations in our community to continue their good work.

Thanks for your time and we look forward to seeing you again this year at the Jewel Ball.

2. Yes. Have you decided which organizations Las Patronas is supporting this year?

We are presently in the process of selecting organizations. As you know, Las Patronas receives numerous requests yearly. As a result we carefully screen the requests to see how your underwriting dollars best serve our community.

3. I’m confused by the many different levels of Underwriting and benefits.

We included a run-down of the many levels available to you and the benefits that accompany those levels. Do you have a copy within reach so we can go over it together?

Start at the TOP & proceed to review them together. Work down. You want them to give at least at the same level, but preferably at a higher level than last year. Think of the increased needs of our growing San Diego population and inflation.

ALWAYS ALWAYS thank them for their previous support of LP and our beneficiaries.

4. Yes, I will be making a contribution to support Las Patronas.

Sincerely and warmly thank them very much. Ask them if they plan on taking a tax deduction for 2013 or 2014, and request that they return their contract ASAP. (fax, scan/email or mail.) If they can’t find the contract, fill one out yourself and then fax or mail it to them. “Verbals” aren’t the same thing as a signed contract.

Then go pat yourself on the back while you jump up & down for joy!

Other suggestions for your conversations:

Always identify yourself as being with Las Patronas (which is a 501c3 organization).

“I’m calling to see if you received the Las Patronas Underwriting package and to follow up on any questions you may have.”

(As appropriate, thank them sincerely for their UW support in the past –a History is printed on the Blue Sheet)

This year we have a wonderful theme…. Moonlit Mambo, A Night in Havana

Are you interested in underwriting any particular aspect of the Jewel Ball? (check the Blue Sheet to see what they’ve underwritten in the past).

·  If so, let them know if it’s been taken or not and let them know you will have to confirm that it is still available. Tell them you will get back to them the following day, if not earlier.

·  Call or email Bridget to find out if it is available. (However you will regularly receive a weekly list of what is taken as contracts are coming in.)

Sincerely and warmly thank them very much.

Payment is not due until May 1st, but we would like to receive your signed contract as soon as possible in order ensure that you receive the specific benefits you have requested.

Let them know they can scan and email it to underwriting co-chair Nicole Repp. If they can’t find the contract, fill one out yourself and then email or mail it to them. “Verbals” aren’t the same thing as a signed contract.

Signed contracts should be mailed to:

Nicole Repp

Underwriting Co-Chair

6232 La Jolla Boulevard

La Jolla, CA 92037

EARLY MAILING + CORPORATIONS – Dialog Options for Callers

Hi, my name is _____ and I’m calling from Las Patronas. We recently mailed you a packet to let you know about our fundraising efforts for Las Patronas, a philanthropic organization that raises money for non-profit groups throughout San Diego.

I’m calling to see if you received your packet…

If asked who/what Las Patronas is… (Yes, we are a 501c3 organization)

·  Las Patronas is a philanthropic organization founded in 1946. Since its inception, Las Patronas has donated over $17 million to more than 1,000 charitable institutions in San Diego and this year we are celebrating our 68th Birthday

·  Our Mission statement is: “Las Patronas is committed to providing financial assistance to non-profit organizations in San Diego County that provide valuable community services in the areas of health, education, social services, and cultural arts, and to continuing our tradition of service to enhance the quality of life in our community.”

·  The funds distributed to these organizations are generated through year-long fundraising efforts and the annual presentation of the Jewel Ball, one of San Diego’ most enduring social, cultural and philanthropic traditions.

We’d like to be one of the organizations you include in your 2013-2014 budget for community giving.

OR –

We hope you will consider us a part of your Corporate Giving Program.

We would be honored to receive a contribution from your company as part of your giving plan in 2013-2014. What are the areas that you prioritize in your company’s philanthropic giving? i.e. youth, seniors, education? (then give examples of beneficiaries we’ve granted in the past…note that we are in the process of determining our current grant recipients. Refer to tiered inserts – Major/Minor Beneficiaries)

What is the budgeting timeline for your company? We realize this is an important time of year for incorporating your community giving into your 2013 budgets and we would be honored to be a part of your 2014 planning cycle. (make a note on your Blue sheets of their timeline and when LP should send its UW mailing)

We included a contract and a selection of Underwriting levels & opportunities in your packet. Is there a level that appeals to you based upon the benefits you would receive? I’m happy to review our benefits with you now.

NOTE – at this point you may need to set up a follow-up meeting or you may be able to proceed discussing the benefits from the UW Benefits page.

Arrange a Meeting: We’d be honored to come by for a brief meting to introduce ourselves further and discuss how we can partner together to help non-profits in the community… May we set up a meeting for next week?

Continue Discussion of Benefits: Start from the top (the $50,000 level with very exciting benefits) and work your way down the list.

Payment is not due until May 1st, but we would like to receive your signed contract as soon as possible in order ensure that you receive the specific benefits you have requested. Let them know they can email or mail it to Nicole Repp. If they can’t find the contract, fill one out yourself and then email or mail it to them. “Verbals” aren’t the same thing as a signed contract.

Sincerely thank them very much for their support.

The following may provide you with talking points for your discussion – it was an insert in the UW packet.

Seven Great Reasons to include Las Patronas in your Corporate Giving Program:

·  Simplify your research efforts as you choose which charities to support.

Las Patronas does extensive research and legwork to ensure that grant recipients are financially sound and have critical capital needs. A team of Las Patronas members visits each organization requesting a grant. We carefully interview that organization to determine their mission, verify their physical need for the capital item requested, review their financial statements, and evaluate the extent to which the capital item could help the organization improve its outreach and mission in San Diego.

·  Reach a broad geographic range of needs within San Diego County.

Las Patronas funds non-profit agencies all over San Diego County, from the South Bay to North County, from the coast to Alpine, and all points in between. We provide funding where it is most needed and where it can positively impact the greatest number of people. All funds raised stay in San Diego County.

·  Diversify your giving through one simple underwriting opportunity.

Las Patronas takes care to balance our allocation of funds among a variety of organizations. By giving to Las Patronas, you reach seniors, youth, the military, the homeless and disabled members of our community as well as health, research, cultural, educational and environmental organizations.

·  Know exactly where your company’s financial giving goes.

Las Patronas focuses its funding on purchases of critical capital items such as equipment and capital improvements rather than salaries, overhead or consumable supplies. We receive confirmation of the use of funds to ensure that funds are spent as directed and agreed.

·  Be a vital and visible community partner.

Your contribution to Las Patronas is an extension into the community and we would be delighted to create ongoing positive media opportunities for you via newsletters, newspaper articles, Jewel Ball collateral, our website, city-wide banners, and other opportunities through our own publications and those of our beneficiary organizations.

·  Make a difference by reaching deserving groups that are often “under the radar”.

Some organizations, such as major museums, have professional development staffs and extensive fundraising programs. Las Patronas is pleased to consider worthy proposals from these prestigious community organizations, but also supports many "grassroots" groups that function with almost no overhead and with all-volunteer staffing. Often these philanthropies have little fundraising expertise and no existing network for contacting potential donors. Las Patronas often provides that role. We supply funds to neighborhood clinics, small ethnic arts performance groups, educational outreach programs, local seniors groups, and specialized youth programs for underserved communities (just to name a few) which may have little public visibility outside their neighborhoods but which provide desperately needed services. We are very proud of our role in their successes throughout San Diego County.

·  Las Patronas is a 100% volunteer-run organization; all net fundraising proceeds go to our beneficiaries.

Las Patronas has no paid staff. Administrative costs are covered by our member’s dues and thus all net proceeds from our fundraising are distributed to our beneficiaries through our grants process.