Decision-Making Checklist

There are a number of factors to address when making a decision to pursue a relationship with an FQHC and the steps leading to the formal agreement. The tasks below are not in a particular order, often occurring in parallel and may be iterative as information from one task may inform or raise questions for another, and are not intended to be an exhaustive list.

Conduct a Needs Assessment

·  What are the problems you are trying to address (e.g. financial viability, decreasing patients/visits, need to increase access) and in what order of priority?

·  What are the environmental and delivery system issues in your area (e.g. area reproductive health providers, FQHCs in service area, political climate, etc.)?

·  Could an arrangement with FQHCs help address the problems and issues you have identified?

Examine and Assess Potential Options

·  Examine the advantages and disadvantages of the various FQHC engagement strategies.

·  Identify potential FQHCs to contact.

·  Examine the available data on the FQHCs.

·  Develop strategies to initiate a conversation including:

Ø  Talking points that explain the key benefits to a partnership;

Ø  Identify existing relationships with potential FQHC partners; examine organizational history and leadership, including Board and staff, for possible connections; and

Ø  Identify who should be involved in the initial discussions regarding partnership.

·  Prepare educational materials to share in discussions (e.g. Title X requirements, information on your current program, the FQHC’s UDS patient data, relevant financial information).

·  Contact all relevant state and federal agencies including funders to identify any requirements and solicit guidance.

Establish Contacts and Develop a Joint Plan

·  Create a work group to explore relationship; if deemed feasible, the work group should continue to develop and finalize the partnership.

·  Include all necessary decision-makers including leadership and Board members.

·  Determine when and how to involve staff.

·  Conduct due diligence including any legal or financial representatives.

Establish a Formal Agreement

·  Create an agreement that outlines roles and responsibilities for each organization (See document W2a5 for important details on agreements).

·  Develop and obtain approval from Board of Directors and state, federal, legal entities for final agreement, if applicable.

·  Develop a marketing strategy to announce new relationship.

Conduct Pre-implementation Planning

·  Identify potential impacts on the organizations involved and how to address the impacts.

·  Identify steps that will be needed for implementation to feed into more specific implementation efforts.

·  Develop an implementation timeline that includes key milestones to assess progress.

·  Identify staff engagement strategy including staff roles and level of involvement (See document W3c1 for more information on involving staff in the decision-making and implementation processes).