St Michael’s Federation (Lydbury North C of E (A) Primary School)

KS2 Curriculum Summary - Spring Term 2015

Our theme this term is the “North and South America”
/ This term the children will be developing their knowledge of poetry through our poems of the week. We are encouraging the children to learn and enjoy poems and it would be helpful if you could share some of your favourite poems with your child. Our non-fiction work will centre around biographies and we will be focusing on a range of people associated with North America such as Amelia Earhart, Calamity Jane and Christopher Columbus. In addition to this we will be looking at stories from other cultures as way to develop our fiction writing. The children will read and recreate stories from North America, South America and China.
/ This term the children will be continuing to learn maths through real life problem solving this half term. We will cover mental and written calculation strategies, place value, shape, symmetry, co-ordinates and transformations, fractions and statistics. After February half term, the children will be working on cross curricular maths project where they will be designing a South American Theme Park. The children will be developing and making use of an extensive range of maths skills in order to complete this project.
/ In science this half term we will be learning about light. The children will complete a range of investigations to extend their knowledge about light including using ray boxes to bounce beams of light. After half term we will be learning about the properties of materials.
ICT / The children use computers in all areas of their learning just as they do pencil and paper. We encourage them to become as independent as possible and learn to use a range of simple programs. This term the children will be developing their digital imaging skills and sound recording skills by creating a virtual tour of the school. After half term they will be creating documentary films about South America.
/ This term the children will be learning about the continents of North America and South America. The children will learn about which countries are in these continents, physical and human features of the continents as well as the varying climates. In addition to this the children will learn about the cultures of the associated countries.
The federation will be organising an All Around the World Week (week beginning the 19th January). During this week class 2 will be learning about the country of China. We will be looking at all aspects of the Chinese culture. If anyone has visited China and have any interesting artefacts or tales they would like to share we would greatly appreciate any support you can offer.
Design and technology
/ This term the children will be undertaking a DT project organised by Bishops Castle Community College. The project will look at designing and making motorised vehicles. The children will be able to test their vehicles at the Community College later on in the year.
Art and Design
/ In Art and Design we will be looking at Pop Art with a focus on the work of Andy Warhol and Lichtenstein. The children will be learning about the artists and then develop and create their own pop art.
/ In RE this term we are learning about sacred places. We are going to compare the sacred place of Muslims, Christians and Sikhs. We hope to visit a gwadar in Telford and are visiting an exhibition about Islam. This should be a very interesting and inspiring topic for the children.
Personal Social Heath Education (PSHE)
/ As part of our PSHE, we are considering the areas of respect and tolerance. These topics will be addressed through assemblies, star of the week and through circle time activities. In addition to this we are having a special project on how to look after selves both physically and mentally. This project will look at hygiene, looking after our bodies, being responsible for our own happiness, e-safety etc.
/ Sports Jam will be taking our games sessions each Thursday afternoon. In the middle of January we will start our swimming sessions which will last until Easter, more details will follow later on in the term.
Outdoor Activities
/ Our forest school day will switch to a Wednesday afternoon this term. The children can wear their forest school clothing to school. We will be going up to the forest in all weathers so it would be greatly appreciated if children bring layers of clothing including hats, gloves and scarves to keep warm as well as wear waterproofs when necessary including appropriate footwear for cold, wet and muddy weather.
Spare Clothes
/ Please could everyone put a spare pair of socks in their kit bags as spares after muddy or wet weather exploits!
If anyone has spare unwanted wellingtons, fleeces, water trousers and coats or jogging bottoms they would be great for spares for school. Please do return any you may have borrowed.

A huge thank you for all your continued help and support,

Miss Walker