SWOMA 2011-12
Out of the Box and On a Shoe String
Orientation and Mobility for Individuals with Multiple Impairments and Wheelchair Users
Friday, November 11, 2011
Presented by
Lisa Calaci, COMS
Texas School for the Blind & Visually Impaired
Brenda Gregory, PT
Texas School for the Blind & Visually Impaired
Do’s and Don’t’s of Charging Power Wheelchairs
- Do not allow the chair to go completely dead (this is not good for the battery).
- Do not charge the chair if red, yellow, and green light bars are lit on the ‘power meter’ of the chair….the chair is fully charged.
- Do Charge the chair ASAP if only Red Flashing lights are lit on the ‘power meter’ ….if light bars are only red and they are flashing, the chair will not have enough power to make it through the day.
- Do charge the chair at the end of the day if only red and yellow lights are lit on the ‘power meter’
- Do charge the chair overnight.
***Generally, the chair will need to be charged every other day, but it is OK to charge it daily (It is better to charge it daily than to let it totally run out of power due to a forgotten re-charge)
How to Charge the chair:
- Turn off wheelchair
- Plug charger into wall
- Plug charger into chair
- Turn charger ‘ON’ and leave overnight.
Power Wheelchair Information
Important Considerations for Supervising a Student in a Power Wheelchair:
- Do you know how to work the brakes?
- Do you know how to disengage the gears to manually push the chair?
- Do you know how to remove the armrests and footpedals?
- Are there any specific positioning issues for the student within the chair?
- Do you know how to recline/tilt the seat within the wheelchair (or how to fix it if it is inadvertently tilted or reclined)?
- Are you familiar with the different speed capabilities of the wheelchair and how to adjust the speed?
- Do you know how and how often to charge the wheelchair batteries?
- Has O&M worked with this student?
- Are there any specific restrictions in place from O&M?
- How safe is the student at street crossings?
- How close must you be to supervise him/her on campus?
- Has the student trained on ramps, doors, safety near curbs?
- Has the student been cleared for independent travel on campus during daylight?
- Has the student been cleared for independent travel on campus after dark?
- Has the student been cleared for off campus travel (with assistance)?
- Has the student been cleared for city bus travel (with assistance)?
If you do not know the answers to any of these questions, contact Brenda, in OT/PT, at ext 197.
2011-12 SWOMA – O&M Instuction for Individuals with Mulitple Impairments & Wheelchair Users, Calaci & Gregory, 20111
Wheelchair Skills Checklist
From: O&M for Visually Impaired Wheelchair Users, by James Scott Crawford,
In Press, American Printing House for the Blind"
2011-12 SWOMA – O&M Instuction for Individuals with Mulitple Impairments & Wheelchair Users, Calaci & Gregory, 20111
Turn on chair
Turn off chair
Adjust speed control
Apply brakes independently
Release brakes independently
Apply brakes w/ assistance
Release brakes with assist.
Disengage drive mechanism, independently
Engage drive mechanism independently.
Disengage drive mech. w/ assist.
Engage drive mech. w/ assist.
Adjust wheelie bars independently
Adjust wheelie bars w/ assist
Connect to charger independently
Connect to charger w/assist.
Disconnect charger independently
Disconnect charger w/ assistance
Fold/disassemble independently.
Fold/disassemble w/ Assistance
Unfold/assemble independently
Unfold/assemble w/ assistance
Stop on command
Stop on own
Stop for hazards, obstacles
Control sudden stop
Forward, straight
Forward turn right
Forward turn left
Pivot in place, right
Pivot in place, left
Pivot forward on right wheel
Pivot forward on left wheel
Back straight
Back, turn right
Back, turn left
Correcting away from wall while backing
Pivot backwards on right wheel
Pivot backward on left wheel
Avoiding obstacles - high
Avoiding obstacles low
Detect/stop for drop - offs
Detect slopes/ramps
Detect/stop for overhangs
Negotiate ramps, up
Negotiate ramps, down
Negotiate tight corners
Backing through tight corners
Negotiate open doorways, straight in
Negotiate open doorways, turning in left
Negotiate open doorways, turning in right
Negotiate open doorways, backing in straight
Negotiate open doors, backing in w/turn
Operating twist doorknobs
Operating door levers
Operating door thumb latches
Operating panic bars
Opening doors in
Opening doors out
Closing doors in
Closing doors out
Opening doors, spring loaded, in, right
Opening doors, spring loaded, in, left
Opening doors, spring loaded, out, right
Opening doors, spring loaded, out left
Opening doors, spring loaded, in, right, with no space to side
Opening doors, spring loaded, in, left, with no space to side
Operate buttons, outside
Operate buttons, inside
Turn around, inside
Turn around, outside
Backing in
Backing out
Follow visually
Follow sounds
Request push as needed
Detect/react to guide's stop
Detect/react to guide's turns
Detect/react to guide's up/down
Describe needs to new guide
Describe technique for ramps
Describe technique for stairs
Describe technique for escalators
Back on lifts
Pull on lift, straight
Operate lift controls independently
Operate lift controls w/ assistance
Transfers independently.
Transfers w/ assistance
Describes role to new assistant
Detects ramps
Determines line of travel for ramps
Negotiates ramps w/assistance
Negotiates ramps w/out rails, up
Negotiates ramps w/out rails, down
Negotiates ramps w/rails, up
Negotiates ramps w/rails, down
Maintains position on the sidewalk
Corrects for veering
Detects rising level changes
Detects drop offs - front
Detects drop offs - side
Accurately determines the height of drop offs
Safely negotiates lateral slopes
Demonstrates good judgment about which level changes are navigable
Approaches navigable level changes at an appropriate angle.
Safely navigates speed bumps
Controls decent to street
Waits at appropriate place
Demonstrates ability to handle curbs without ramps – un-navigable curbs
Describes assistant's role in climbing un-navigable level changes
Describes assistant's role in descending un-navigable drop - offs
2011-12 SWOMA – O&M Instuction for Individuals with Mulitple Impairments & Wheelchair Users, Calaci & Gregory, 20111
Developed by Brenda Gregory, PT, Texas School for the Blind & Visually Impaired
Based on a checklist developed by Scott Crawford
2011-12 SWOMA – O&M Instuction for Individuals with Mulitple Impairments & Wheelchair Users, Calaci & Gregory, 20111
Stop on command
Stop on own
Stop for hazard,obstacle,person
Control sudden stop
Forward, straight
Forward turn right
Forward turn left
Pivot in place, right
Pivot in place, left
Back straight
Back, turn right
Back, turn left
Correcting away from wall while backing
Demonstrates safety in crowds
Avoiding obstacles-high
Avoiding obstacles low
Detect/stop for overhangs
Negotiate tight corners
Backing through tight corners
Negotiate open doorways, straight in
Negotiate open doorways, turning in left
Negotiate open doorways, turning in right
Negotiate open doorways, backing in straight
Negotiate open doors, backing in w/turn
Operating twist doorknobs
Operating door levers
Operating door thumb latches
Operating panic bars
Opening doors in (pull)
Opening doors out (push)
Closing doors in
Closing doors out
Opening doors, spring loaded, in, right
Opening doors, spring loaded, in, left
Opening doors, spring loaded, out, right
Opening doors, spring loaded, out left
Opening doors, spring loaded, in,right,w/o space to side
Opening doors, spring loaded, in, left, w/o space to side
Operate buttons, outside
Operate buttons, inside
Turn around, inside
Turn around, outside
Backing in
Backing out
Turn on chair
Turn off chair
Adjust speed control
Apply brakes independently
Remove brakes independently
Apply brakes w/ assistance
Remove brakes with assist.
Disengage drive mechanism, independently
Engage drive mechanism independently.
Disengage drive mech. w/assist.
Engage drive mech. w/ assist.
Adjust wheelie bars indep.
Adjust wheelie bars w/ assist
Connect to charger indep.
Connect to charger w/assist.
Disconnect charger indep.
Disconnect charger w/ assist
Fold/disassemble indep.
Fold/disassemble w/ Assist
Unfold/assemble independently
Unfold/assemble w/ assistance
Follow visually
Follow sounds
Request push as needed
Detect/react to guide's stop
Detect/react to guide's turns
Detect/react to guide's up/down
Describe needs to new guide
Describe technique for ramps
Back onto lifts
Pull onto lift, straight
Operate lift controls indep
Operate lift controls w/ assist
Transfers independently.
Transfers w/ assistance
Describes role to new assistant
Detects ramps
Determine line of travel of ramp
Negotiates ramps w/assistance
Negotiates ramps w/out rails, up
Negotiates ramps w/out rails, down
Negotiates ramps w/rails, up
Negotiates ramps w/rails, down
Maintains position on the sidewalk
Corrects for veering
Detects rising level changes
Detect/stop for drop-offs in front w/visual contrast
Detect/stop for drop-offs in front w/o visual contrast
Detects drop-offs on Right w/ visual contrast
Detects drop-offs on Right w/o visual contrast
Detects drop-offs on Left w/ visual contrast
Detects drop-offs on Left w/o visual contrast
Accurately determines the height of drop offs
Safely negotiates lateral slopes
Safely negotiates curb-cuts
Demonstrates good judgment about which level changes are navigable
Approaches navigable level changes at an appropriate angle.
Safely navigates speed bumps
Controls decent to street
Stop at approp place at street
Checks for cars
Waits for/Flags cars on
Crosses street w/approp. speed
Demonstrates ability to handle curbs without ramps-un-navigable curbs
Describes assistant's role in climbing un-navigable level changes
Describes assistant's role in descending un-navigable drop-offs
Meets/encounters pedestrians appropriately
negotiate on/off lift safely, indep
negotiate on/off lift safely,w/asst
negotiate to ‘seat’ safely, Indep
negotiate to ‘seat’ safely,w/asst
2011-12 SWOMA – O&M Instuction for Individuals with Mulitple Impairments & Wheelchair Users, Calaci & Gregory, 20111
2011-12 SWOMA – O&M Instuction for Individuals with Mulitple Impairments & Wheelchair Users, Calaci & Gregory, 20111
This conference is planned and sponsored by the Southwest Orientation and Mobility Association (SWOMA). This event is funded by conference registration fees, with additional support provided by Texas School for the Blind & Visually Impaired Outreach Programs. We appreciate the contribution of our speakers who generously donated their time to present at this event.
Texas School for the Blind & Visually Impaired Outreach Programs serves as the fiscal agent for this event.
Figure 1 TSBVI Outreach Programs logo.
2011-12 SWOMA – O&M Instuction for Individuals with Mulitple Impairments & Wheelchair Users, Calaci & Gregory, 20111