AY 2012-13

Unit Strategic Planning Report


Unit:Student Success

Reporting Authority:Sarah L. Swager, Dean of Student Success

Date:October 31, 2013

  1. Outcome Assessment
  • See Outcome Report Template 2012-13
  1. Summary of Strategic Goals
  2. Progress Made
  • Research Analyst Position approved and funded. Hired two people in October, 2013 to begin working in November/December.
  • Quarterly Course Assessments complete for all Student Success Courses
  • Student satisfaction surveys are complete and being used to inform future program development in all Student Success areas
  • ARC usage has been extremely robust and is a testament to the wisdom of moving those services centrally to the library area.
  • Collaborations with other University units, faculty and community partnerships are increasing and successful.
  • Recruitment of minority candidates for key leadership positions has been successful this year, with minority candidates hired for the Director of Student Support Services (TRIO), Director of the CLCE, and two research analysts for Student Success.
  • All Student Success-taught courses include discussion or study of matters related to diversity or inclusivity.
  • Number of students participating in coop experiences has increased by 5% over previous year.
  • Budgets in Student Success are all effectively managed
  • Continuing Needs
  • Awaiting resources to develop and manage post-graduate tracking and data base management
  • Graduation rates (6 year) are slightly above the national norm, but CWU continues below national norms for first to second year retention, and in areas of retaining students of color.
  • Funding continues to be inadequate to assure services in the ARC remain robust, particularly relevant due to much higher usage over 2011-12, and expected to continue.
  • Continued effort needed regarding Diversity and Inclusivity programming
  • Funding for Orientation must be a priority. Currently there is no budget for the program, and it is heavily subsidized by Housing, even though approximately half of all orientees are non-residential students. There are no staff in FYE/Orientation and it has become an add-on to Housing staff responsibilities.
  • ECLC is in dire need of a new or renovated facility.
  • Data regarding public outreach through programming is unavailable.
  • Funding is needed to provide resources for the key areas of Student Rights and Responsibilities and Threat Assessment.
  • Utilization of Data
  • With the impending arrival of Research Analysts to assist with data collection and analysis we expect to be able to more readily measure our success in program areas for which we have inadequate data to assess.
  • Data collection on post graduate student activities and placements needs to become a priority.
  • Modifications of Strategic Plan
  • Our expectation is to work in concert with our new Research Analysts to bolster all aspects of our data collection and analysis.
  • Retention and graduation rates continue to be on the forefront of our activities.
  • Orientation, Advising, and Threat Assessment are critically in need of funding to meet the increasing needs in those areas.