Work with FX documents
9 Leskova Str., Kyiv, 01011, Ukraine
In order to work with foreign currency documents, you have to get to the section “FX documents” in the menu.FX documents are divided into three types: payment order, FX exchange documents and system references.
When pressing any type of documents, the list of documents of the selected type[1] placed in the “Working” tab will be generated.
FX payment order (SWIFT-payment)
The funds under the FX payment order may be transferred within Ukraine and abroad on condition that the funds will be debited in any foreign currency other than UAH.
It is possible to create the FX payment order with the help of the button on the main page of Raiffeisen Business Online system (if the said button is placed next to the FX account) or by getting to the menu item “FX documents” “SWIFT-payment” and pressing the button (Create) on the toolbar.
The page with the following fields will be downloaded to enter the information on the payment order:
- Document number will be automatically put, however,if your enterprise has its own numbering, you may enter the necessary number.
- Document date – the current date is automatically set, however, the date may be changed using the keyboard or graphical calendar.
- Value date – the field is optional, if it is unnecessary, please, leave it blank.
- Document amount – it is necessary to enter the amount of the payment order.
- It is necessary to select the foreign currency to be transferred; the dropdown list will contain all foreign currencies (except for UAH) available for the customer as of the current date, in particular, the foreign currencies, in which there are accounts connected to the system.
The selected foreign currency will be marked.
- It is necessary to select the FX account, from which the funds will be debited, if more than one account is opened in the selected currency.The selected account will be marked, if one account is opened, the field will be disabled.
- The information on the beneficiary (recipient) is filled in.It is necessary to enter the beneficiary’s name. If the said beneficiary is added to the reference of beneficiaries, you will be asked to select the option.
- If the beneficiary is selected from the list, all necessary fields (which have already been saved) will be automatically filled in.If the beneficiary has not been entered into the list, the following information must be entered:
- Beneficiary’s account;
- IBAN-code of the beneficiary (optional field);
- Country of the beneficiary – it is necessary to select the country from the drop-down list or enter the country code;
- Location of the beneficiary in Latin characters (for all foreign currencies, except for Russian rouble);
- Address of the beneficiary in Latin characters (for all foreign currencies, except for Russian rouble).
- It is necessary to enter the information on the beneficiary’s bank, if the information has not been loaded from the reference.It is necessary to enter SWIFT-code of the beneficiary’s bank, and then all fields on the bank will be filled in.
IMPORTANT!If the beneficiary’s bank is not a member of SWIFT payment system, it is necessary to enter the bank’s name, account and address of the beneficiary’s bank.If the beneficiary’s bank is a member of SWIFT system, the field “account” must not be filled in.
- If the beneficiary’s bank is not a member of SWIFT payment system, it is necessary to put a mark indicating that the intermediary bank takes part in transferring the funds.
Upon indicating the intermediary bank, it is necessary to fill in the fields regarding the intermediary bank.The field “SWIFT-code” is filled in, all fields will be automatically filled in.
- The purpose of payment is filled in English.
IMPORTANT!If the funds are transferred to contractors registered in the Russian Federation, information can be entered on the purpose of payment in Russian with the obligatory specification of the code of the FX operation '(VO)' and, if necessary, the transaction certificate '(VO)'PS.
- If necessary, the field “Additional information” is filled in.
- The payer of the commission fee for the transfer is selected.
- It is necessary to select the account for debiting of the commission fee on condition that the sender or both parties arethe selected commission payers.If the recipient is selected a payer, the field for selection of the account is unavailable.
- It is necessary to select the deadline for execution of the order.
- It is necessary to enter the information regarding the enterprise’s contact person, whom the Bank’s employees can contact in case of necessity or issues related to the transfer.
Upon filing in all fields in the payment order, it is necessary to press the button (Save).If all fields are filled in correctly, the order will be saved, in other cases the order will not be saved, the system will mark unfilled or incorrectly filled fields in red.
In order to transfer the order for processing, the order must be certified with all signature groups, for which purpose it is necessary to press the button (Sign).
If you find any error in the order and the order is not signed, you may correct the error by pressing the button (Change).
Application on foreign currency sale
In order to sell foreign currency, the transit account 2900 in the foreign currency subject to sale must be opened and added to the system.
IMPORTANT!If the account 2900 is opened, but is not added to the system, in order to add these accounts to the system, you may contact the Bank’s service manager or contact the Bank by phone 0(800) 505-770 (free of change in Ukraine).
In order to create the application on foreign currency sale, it is necessary to switch to the block “FX documents” “Sale” in the menu and press the button (Create) on the toolbar.The form for information input will be downloaded.
The following fields must be filled in:
- Document number will be automatically put, but in case that your enterprise has its own numbering, it is possible to enter the necessary number.
- Document date – the current date is automatically set, but the date may be changed using the keyboard or graphical calendar.
- Value date may have the following parameters: “Today” – if the application on foreign currency sale is submitted before 10 a.m., the application will be processed on the submission date, if the application is submitted after 10 a.m., the application will be processed on the following date; “Tomorrow” – if the application on foreign currency sale is submitted before 10 a.m., the application will be processed on the following date, if the application is submitted later, it will be processed on the second date; “Spot” – if the application is submitted before 10 a.m., the application will be executed on the third working day, if the application is submitted earlier, it will be executed on the fourth day.The commission fee of the Bank for foreign currency exchange operations depends on the value date.
- Document amount – it is necessary to enter the amount to be sold.
- It is necessary to select the foreign currency to be transferred; the dropdown list will contain all foreign currencies (except for UAH) available for the customer as of the current date, in particular, the foreign currencies, in which there are accounts connected to the system.
The selected foreign currency will be marked.
- It is necessary to select the FX exchange rate, at which you want to sell the selected currency.If the option “At the exchange rate of the authorized bank” is selected, the currency will be sold at the exchange rate set by the bank on the application execution date, if the option “At the exchange rate” is selected, the exchange rate is specified in the additional field, if the specified exchange rate meets the sales terms and conditions, the foreign currency will be sold, in other cases the application will be rejected.
- It is necessary to select the account, from which the funds for sale will be debited.The account in the selected currency will be displayed in the list.
- It is necessary to select the UAH account, to which the funds in UAH are credited upon the sale.The account may be selected from the accounts in the list, or you may enter the account number using the keyboard.The account’s bank will be automatically added.
- The purpose of sale is selected.
- The commission fee withholding type is selected.
- It is necessary to enter the information regarding the enterprise’s contact person, whom the Bank’s employees can contact in case of necessity or issues related to the application.
The following actions are the same as described in the FX payment order.
IMPORTANT!The FX funds must be transferred to account 2900 opened in the same foreign currency subject to sale through the FX transfer within the bank.
Application on foreign currency purchase
In order to purchase the foreign currency, the transit account 2900 must be opened in UAH and added to the system.
IMPORTANT!If the account 2900 is opened, but is not added to the system, in order to add these accounts to the system, you may apply to the Bank’s service manager or contact the Bank by phone 0 (800) 505-770 (free of change in Ukraine).
In order to create the application on foreign currency purchase, it is necessary to switch to the block “FX documents” “Purchase” in the menu and press the button (Create) on the toolbar.The form for information input will be downloaded.
IMPORTANT!When creating the application on foreign currency purchase, pay attention to the information placed in the footnotes after the fields.
The following fields must be filled in:
- Document number will be automatically put, but in case that your enterprise has its own numbering, it is possible to enter the necessary number.
- Document date – the current date is automatically set, but the date may be changed using the keyboard or graphical calendar.
- Document amount – it is necessary to enter the amount subject to purchase.
- It is necessary to select the foreign currency subject to purchase; the dropdown list will contain all foreign currencies (except for UAH) available for the customer as of the current date, in particular, the foreign currencies, in which there are accounts connected to the system.
The selected foreign currency will be marked.
- It is necessary to select the FX exchange rate, at which you want to purchase the selected currency.If the option “At the exchange rate of the authorized bank” is selected, the currency will be purchased at the exchange rate set by the bank on the application execution date, if the option “At the exchange rate”, the exchange rate is specified in the additional field, if the specified exchange rate meets the sales terms and conditions, the foreign currency will be purchased, in other cases the application will be rejected.
- It is necessary to select the account, to which the purchased currency will be credited, the accounts opened in the currency selected at the fourth stage will be available.
- The purpose of FX purchase is specified.
- The account, to which the funds are returned if it is impossible to execute the application, is selected.At the same time, the field “Bank” will be automatically filled in.
- It is necessary to enter the information regarding the enterprise’s contact person, whom the Bank’s employees can contact in case of necessity or issues related to the application.
The following actions are the same as described in the FX payment order.
IMPORTANT!The funds for the FX purchase must be transferred to account2900 opened in UAH, through the UAH payment order.
FX conversion application
In order to convert the foreign currency, the transit account 2900 in the foreign currency subject to conversion must be opened and added to the system.
IMPORTANT!If the account 2900 is opened, however not added to the system, in order to add these accounts to the system, you may apply to the Bank’s service manager or contact the Bank by phone 0 (800) 505-770 (free of charge in Ukraine).
In order to create the FX conversion application, it is necessary to switch to the block “FX documents” “Sale” in the menu and press the button (Create) on the toolbar.The form for information input will be downloaded.
The following fields must be filled in:
- Document number will be automatically put, but if your enterprise has its own numbering, it is possible to enter the necessary number.
- Document date – the current date is automatically set, but the date may be changed using the keyboard or graphical calendar.
- Amount subject to sale – it is necessary to enter the amount subject to conversion.
- It is necessary to select the foreign currency subject to sale; the dropdown list will contain all foreign currencies (except for UAH) available for the customer as of the current date, in particular, the foreign currencies, in which the account are connected to the system.
The selected foreign currency will be marked.
- Amount subject to purchase – it is an optional field and it may remain blank.
- The currency that you want to receive after the conversion is selected.
- It is necessary to select the FX exchange rate, at which you want to convert the selected currency.If the option “At the exchange rate of the authorized bank” is selected, the currency will be converted at the exchange rate set by the bank on the application execution date, if the option “At the exchange rate”, the exchange rate is specified in the additional field, if the specified exchange rate meets the conversion terms and conditions, the foreign currency will be purchased, in other cases the application will be rejected.
- The account, from which the foreign currency will be debited for conversion is selected, you may select only the accounts opened in the currency selected at the fourth step.
- The account, to which the converted funds are credited, is selected, only the accounts opened in the selected currency will be available.
- The purpose of FX purchase is specified.
- The UAH account, from which the commission fee for FX exchange operations will be debited, is selected.
- It is necessary to enter the information regarding the enterprise’s contact person, whom the Bank’s employees can contact in case of necessity or issues related to the application.
The following actions are the same as described in the FX payment order.
IMPORTANT!The FX funds must be transferred to the account 2900 opened in the same foreign currency subject to conversion through the FX transfer within the bank.
payment within the bank
The FX payment order within the bank is used for money transfer for sale and conversion, however, it may be used for money transfer to the contractor who has an FX account opened with Raiffeisen Bank Aval.
In order to create the application on foreign currency sale, it is necessary to switch to the block “FX documents” “Sale within the bank” in the menu and press the button (Create) on the toolbar.The form for information input will be downloaded.
The following fields must be filled in:
- Document number will be automatically put, but in case that your enterprise has its own numbering, it is possible to enter the necessary number.
- Document date – the current date is automatically set, but the date may be changed using the keyboard or graphical calendar.
- Value date – the field is not obligatory, if it is unnecessary, please, leave it blank.
- Transfer amount – the amount subject to transfer must be specified.
- It is necessary to select the foreign currency subject to transfer; the dropdown list will contain all foreign currencies (except for UAH) available for the customer as of the current date, in particular, the foreign currencies, in which there are accounts connected to the system.
The selected foreign currency will be marked.
- The recipient’s details must be filled in:
- Recipient’s name is entered using the keyboard or by selecting from the drop-down list.
- EDRPOU code of the recipient.
- Recipient’s account.
- MFO of the recipient’s bank is selected from the drop-down list.
- The purpose of payment is specified.
- The account for debiting of the commission fee for money transfer is selected.
The following actions are the same as described in the FX payment order.
The system references may be used for FX documents.In particular, the reference of beneficiaries and SWIFT reference.
The SWIFT reference is automatically updated by the bank.The reference contains SWIFT codes of all banks participating in the said payment system.
The reference of beneficiaries contains information regarding beneficiaries added to the list of enterprise’s employees.It is possible to add the beneficiary in two ways:
- From the FX order by putting the mark (Save in the reference) when filling in the document.Upon saving the document, the information regarding the beneficiary will be added to the reference.
- By pressing the button (Create), accessing the block “FX documents” “Beneficiaries” and filling in all proposed fields.
We wish you successful operations.
With best regards, Raiffeisen Bank Aval JSC.
0 (800) 505-770,
[1]As opposed to documents, when selecting any reference of the system or beneficiaries, SWIFT reference, the list of the existing beneficiaries or SWIFT-codes will be created.