In Praise of My Abba’s Goodness
Psalm 16:8-9, 11: “I have set Yahuweh always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I am not shaken. For this reason my heart rejoices and my soul is elated, my flesh, too, rests in confidence…You show me the path of life--the fullness of joys in Your Presence, the delights that are in Your right hand for eternity”.
Psalm 73:25-26, 28: “Whom else do I have in heaven? And when I am with You, I wish for nothing else on earth. My flesh and my heart fail – for Elohim is the strength of my life and my portion forever…as for me, Elohim’s nearness is my good; I have placed my trust in my Master, Yahuweh Elohim, to declare all of your works”.
At the true new birth, the portal of our spirit is opened to the eternal realm.
It is in our spirit that we can fellowship with Yahuweh and our Messiah Yahushua, to be taught by, and led by, the Spirit of Yahuweh Himself.It is into our spirit, in the loins area of our body, that He speaks to us personally – friend to friend. At the true new birth our spirit becomes His temple, in which He can reign within us to prepare us for eternity. It is in “the mind of our spirit” that we retain all that He has for us, and there we are at peace always, able to walk in His nature and ways, with His thinking. The truly born again--the ones born from above and set apart unto Yahuweh and Yahushua--are a transformed people who transcend this world system and contact a realm that is unknown to those whose spirit has not been transformed. [Refer to the 40 things that happen when we are truly born from above in the article “The True New Birth”]
The soul (mind, emotions) can contact only this natural realm, and is the seat of the sin-prone nature that rebels against the control of Yahuweh. It is where we reason from input from the outside – from man, or from Satan and his fallen angels. Yahuweh does not speak to the soul (operating through the brain), for it is too unstable. It has to be disciplined and brought into obedience to the perfected re-born spirit by obedience to the Word of Elohim, else we are “double minded” and unstable. To know Him, we must allow Him to discipline the soul, so that we are “pure of heart”, or “single minded”. We are mandated to be set-apart as He is set-apart!
No fear can penetrate the re-born spirit because it dwells in the eternal
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realm. There He shelters us under His talit. It is here that we only say “yes” to our Master, and always rest in His goodness. “My people shall be satisfied with My goodness” He has told us, not just when Messiah comes, but now.
We have the privilege of walking in a realm of purity and set-apartness, in the fear of Yahuweh, that few can even understand – for it is through obedience to the Master, out of love, that we come to know Him as friend.
I continually write about the soul and spirit and how to live out of the spirit, in His Presence, because this is a foreign concept to western Greco/Roman civilization which only knows of mind, emotions and body, and appeals to the five senses of the “flesh” nature that controls the soul.
I do not write or speak to fill anyone’s head with intellectual knowledge that satisfies the earth-bound soul but leaves the spirit dry and empty. I want to lead people to know Him as I have come to know Him – in intimacy and reality. So in sharing, once again, on a personal note, I pray that this report will cause you to seek Him more than ever.
Many of you have read my recent letters and know that He has sent me on yet another assignment of proclamation and declaration of His Word, to open the necessary gates/portals into this earth realm for Him to be able to come and do what He has spoken through His Prophets. These assignments He has been sending me on, since 2001 at in particular, are all to proclaim “thus says Yahuweh” into the earth. He took me alone in 1999 to Aqaba, Jordan, where I lived literally in the wilderness for 8 years – and taught me Himself. He started teaching me when I was four, but in the Negev Desert He taught me His Word and His eternal plans like never before. I learned to know Him there, and He learned to trust me there. So, He has been sending me places to teach, to see and learn, and to report as a watchman and a gatekeeper, and also in the prophetic realm of proclamation and declaration.
It is not because I am anyone special. I am very human. It is simply because I took Him up on Luke 14:25-33, and He took me up on it too.
This was definitely not my first assignment. He starts small and builds up … this was the most intense and important assignment so far, but each one has been built on the previous one. It is a partnership with El Elyon.
But, the training is intense. The price tag is “everything”. We cannot have any “self” involved if we want to serve the Master – He will not allow it!!!
So, I am only a child-like servant of Yahuweh and of Yahushua Yahuweh Messiah. My life is His. In this lovely secure place, resting in His perfect will, I have “joy unspeakable and full of glory”.
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In 2010, He sent me to seven different key locations in the earth to repeat the message Enoch gave to the chief fallen angels, to close the age and the era that began with Enoch. This time He did not ask me to address fallen angels or Nephillim, but to address Satan, Lucifer, the Dragon, the “Serpent of Old”, Mystery Babylon, Mother of Harlots, Nimrod (Osiris, Apollo) – Apollyon/Abaddon – the “son of perdition”, and the false prophet, with “thus says Yahuweh”. I know the flanking of His angels round about me.
Each assignment has its own qualifications. I began with very serious proclamations for the Master, calling His Word into the earth to be fulfilled, in September of 2000, and each assignment has built on the other one – releasing each step of His plans, one by one. He has sent me to many different places on earth to do these gate-openings and declarations, but for this one, He required the utmost of me. I wrote in my journal on August 30th, “blazing heat and incredible strength”. This characterized most of the trip, especially the “incredible strength”.
This is no Walt Disney fairy godmother fantasy--it is reality. I live in reality-- He has taught me to do so through much suffering. But, I am grateful for it, because it has trained me in discipline and as a soldier to faithfully carry out His will no matter what gets in my way. I fear displeasing my Father greatly!
I consider that I live the normal life of a disciple, or as close to it as possible. He simply asks of His disciples (taught ones) that we forsake everything that would hinder us from carrying out His orders on a daily basis. “Unless you forsake all, you cannot be My disciple”, Messiah said. He has to be the only one in control! Therefore, He mandates death to self will – which is a very reasonable request. He can’t have His servants coming up with their own reasoning while on an assignment of eternal proportions, now can He? If the servant says “no” to Him once, the servant is unfit to continue. I admonish you to fear greatly ever saying “no” to the Master. If you do, He will remove His hand of protection, leaving you totally vulnerable to the attacks of the enemy. Please – I warn you with everything in me!!!
Yet, because of western culture, His good people say “no” to Him daily without even knowing it. The more you get to know Him, the more you fear displeasing Him and losing His Presence, which is life and peace and joy! To lose His Presence is like having the lights turned off in a very deep cave.
There is much teaching on the life of a servant in the Word. He only rewards servants. It is a life of hearing and obeying, and not making any excuses or
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asking many questions. In this way, we build relationship. It is in allowing the Spirit of Yahuweh to teach us that we learn His mind on every subject. Why would anyone want man’s opinions, when they can have Yahuweh’s opinion? The Master cannot have any rebellion against His orders – not one act of rebellion. That’s understandable. He won’t deal with naughty children.
Yes, I knew the reality of it. It is no game. I don’t play religious games. I do
not do “church intercession” for that is a dangerous game. I know--I was in that world as a minister and a corporation President. If you go over “Intercession: Knowing the Basics” you’ll see how different Scriptural intercession is. Scriptural intercession is standing between Yahuweh and whomever He wants to address, and proclaiming and declaring His will into the earth – opening gates/portals for His entrance.
He will not violate the will of man. Therefore, to carry out what He has spoken, written by His Prophets, He has to have a trusted servant to proclaim at the proper time, the fulfillment of the prophecy – to set it in motion, so to speak.
In February of 2009, as I was sitting alone at my daughter’s house in North Carolina, He spoke to me clearly: “You will walk into the face of the Dragon and come away unscathed”. I didn’t know what “unscathed” meant – I had to look it up in the dictionary. I was reading a book at the time He spoke that. But, then I’ve known His voice for most of my life.
In February 2010, I walked the face of “Baphomat” in Washington DC to the top of his candle on his head – from the tip of his beard resting on the White House to the House of the Temple.But, these 10 days were far different …
This June, in listening to Kent Henry read Psalm 91 from his Psalm album
“Sword of the Spirit”, he reads verses 7-9 this way: “A thousand shall fall at your side and ten thousand at your right side but it will not come near you – you will remain unscathed…Only with your eyes shall you behold and see the reward of the wicked – Only a spectator you shall be – yourself, inaccessible in the secret place of the Most High as you witness the sinner’s final reward. Because you have made Yahuweh your refuge, the Most High your habitation, no evil or misfortune shall befall you – no disaster, scourge or plague will come near your tent”.
“Unscathed” means “totally unharmed”!
I felt that protection as I spoke the message of Yahuweh into the earth to His enemies--the enemies of mankind--at this critical time. But, I know that with each assignment He makes the provisions for carrying it out--mentally,
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emotionally, physically as needed, financially, and favor is given so that help is given on a continuing basis as I go forward. He gives strength that is way beyond my abilities. His Presence is so abiding that I know He is interacting with me in every detail. All He asks of His servants is that they willfully and joyfully embrace His will to do it as He asks, without any additions or subtractions, excuses or balking. The servant’s job is merely to obey.
My job is to stay in His Presence, abiding under His shadow, and carry out
just what He says – no more, no less. I have died to self – I do not add to anything nor take away from what He wants. Messiah, the Word of Yahuweh, says: “Unless we become as a little child, we CANNOT enter the Kingdom of heaven”. He will not tolerate our trying to control, our pride or our intellect getting into the way. He has to be Master of all, or not at all!!!
By obedience we build relationship with Him. He tests us and disciplines us daily – for He has to find us faithful so that He can trust us. We trust Him as He comes to trust us – and thus relationship is built with the Persons of Yahuweh and Messiah Yahushua. Thus They speak – in Their own ways in Their own timing. They arrange the timing for everything. If emotions and our analyzing mind get in the way, we are unfit to serve Him. He will only deal with the humble, the contrite, the submissive, the one who “trembles at His Word” and yields to His authority only.
To begin with the end, I begin withyesterday – August 7th. On August 7th, I returned to home plate. I spent 18+ hours on three different airplanes in three different airports before arriving at my final destination. To begin with, I arrived by taxi at the Athens airport at 3:00 AM, flew to Paris, then to a northern city of the US to clear customs, and on to my final destination. Adding airport time, my day was well over 24 hours. I was exhausted. I did not sleep the night before, because on the 6th I took a bus to Delphi – 3 hours ride by bus into the high mountains of Greece, and 3 hours back, plus the time at the ruins of Delphi in over 100 degree heat with near heat stroke – later for the full story. So, I was too exhausted to even sleep at all before my first flight, knowing I had to get up at 2:00 AM.
In exiting my final flightfor my son to pick me up, I had the thought “how wonderful it would be if my son pulled up at the curbside just as I was walking out so that I wouldn’t have to wait any more to go home”. That would be a miracle – a first, for sure! As I exited the doors at baggage claim, I looked up to see a white car coming from my left, and inside of it was my son. Talk about timing! Yahuweh is so precious! He rewards His servants as we serve.
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If you’ve read “The Unleashing – London Olympics – July 27th The Gate/Portal Will Be Opened” and “The Unleashing II – The Rise of the Dark Kingdom” you understand that He told me to go within the context of the timing of the London Olympics (2012). I knew in my spirit that there would be an unleashing of the kingdom of darkness into the earth unprecedented in human history at the Olympics.I’ve gotten information to confirm that
over and over, in real time. Knowing the source of the Olympic Games in the depths of evil and the worship of pagan gods, being a portal itself for the entrance of demonic spirits into the earth, I can say that this one was more evil than any other--calling not only for Satan/Lucifer and his fallen angels to come and the Nephillim to return, as the ancient peoples of the earth and the New Age people are calling in unison for the Dragon to come—but calling for the death of the earth’s children. It is a united rejection of Yahuweh and His Torah and His right to rule the earth, His right to even be considered the Creator and His right to make any rules that govern mankind. It is a united unleashing of the forces of evil into the earth.
Because of this massive calling from the Olympics, and worldwide by the children of the evil one, Yahuweh has heard. He is going to give the world’s people what they’ve asked for! Hold on tight to Him!
Very FEW of His people are calling “Come Messiah Come”and FEWER still are preparing for His Kingdom, so Yahuweh works with a FEW servants of His to open gates for His entrance, calling for Him to come and take control of His earth. This is why His FEW set-apart faithful servants are so precious to Him! This is why He takes such a personal interest in the FEW who have forsaken all to “follow the Lamb wherever He goes” and serve Yahuweh with love. These FEW are being prepared to “go back beyond the garden gate” to walk with Him in blamelessness forever. (Matthew 7:13-14)
Satan is on a leash, as he was with Iyob (Job 1-2), and has an “allotted time”, a “season”, and when it is over, it is over. Yahuweh is fair – He has warned the evil ones of their doom. He had Enoch proclaim the final judgment to the fallen angels, so that they would know their reward for following Lucifer in his rebellion. He had me repeat it at the end of this age, because the execution of the judgment is near.
Revelation 19-20 is very clear, as well as Isaiah 14, etc. Mystery Babylon, the Mother of Harlots (the church – Roman Catholic and her
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daughters) will be burned with fire. (The Vatican knows this). The beast and
false prophet will be cast into the lake of fire. After Messiah’s 1,000-year reign, Satan and all his human followers will join them in the lake of fire, which burns forever and ever. READ Revelation 19-22 – it’s your future.
On the isle of Patmos, August 3, 2012, Abba spoke to me about Revelation 10:5-7: “And the angel whom I saw standing on the sea and on the land lifted up his right hand to heaven, and sore by Him who lives forever and ever, whocreated the heavens and what is in them, and the earth and what is in it, and the sea and what is in it, that there shall be no further delay, but in the days of the sounding of the seventh angels, when he is about to sound, the secret of Elohim shall be ended, as He declared to His servants the prophets”. (The sounding of the seventh trumpet – the “last trump” of I Corinthians 15:51-52 and Revelation 11:15-19)Now the angel has declared it – and there will be no more delay.In confirmation, on the same day, back in the U.S., my son told me that Abba led him to Revelation 10 as to where we are in timing.
To go back to October, 2011, while at the Ha Kotel (Western Wall) in Jerusalem, Abba spoke clearly that I was to return to Patmos.But, He did not tell me when, or why, or what to do there. I was perplexed. I returned to Israel in March and did not know what to do. I pressed Him on the subject, and He let me know that I had to go to Patmos no later than September 12th. Then He began to give me a little of the “why”, but not much was clear. I felt it best to make it a totally separate trip, not associated with returning to Israel for the Fall Festivals. That was His thinking.