Date of Birth: 12th January, 1971 Nationality and Citizenship-Indian
Current Position:
Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, IIT Delhi
New Delhi-110016
Contact Address:
Sankalpa Ghosh
Assistant Professor
Physics Department
Indian Institute of Technology delhi
Hauz Khas New Delhi 110 016, India
Email: ,
Tel: (91)-11-2659-1322
Fax: (91)-11-2658-111
63, New Campus
Indian Institute of Technology delhi
Hauz Khas New Delhi 110 016, India
Tel: (91)-11-2659-1694
: (91)-11-2658-2189
Family Status: Marred with one daughter
Academic Qualification:Ph. D.
Previous Employment:
JSPS Post Doctoral Fellow, Okayama Japan ( 11/05-07/06)
Post Doctoral Fellow, Technion, Haifa Israel (01/02-11/05)
Post Doctoral Fellow, IMSC, Chennai, India (05/2000-01/02)
Field of Interest: Quantum Condensed Matter,
Topics of research: Bose Einstein condensates, Quantum Hall systems, Graphene..Quantum computation
Publications: 14 Publications in international journals with 65 citations
Invited Talks: ( visits and conferences etc.)
1. NORDITA, Copenhagen, Denmark ( 1998)
2. University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy (1998)
3. Amsterdam summer workshop on Flux Charge Topology and Statistics , Amsterdam (2001)
4. SPhT Saclay (France) 2001
5. Max Planck Institute for Complex systems, Dresden (2001,2009)
6. Universty of Innsbruck (2003)
7. University of Heidelberg (2004)
8. LPTMS, Orsay, France (2005)
9. Harish Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad
10. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
11. Center for Theoretical Studies ( IISC), Bangalore
12. S. N. Bose Institute of Basic Sciences, Kolkata
13. Indian Association for Cultivation of Science , Kolkata
14. Workshop on Anderson localization for the Non-linear Schroedinger Equation , Technion Haifa ( June 2008)
15. NORDITA, Stockholm (2009)
16. University of Antwerp, Belgium (2009)
Poster Presented
1. Condensed Matter workshop at ICTP Trieste ( 1998, 2001)
2. BEC Workshop in Levico (2003)
3. Cold atoms workshop (MESUMA) in Dresden (2004)
4. Graphene Workshop in Lorenz Center , Leiden , Netherlands, (2007)
5. BEC workshop in Grenoble (2008)
PublicationsBose-Einstein Condensates
1. C. Joshi and Sankalpa Ghosh : Density, Phase and coherence properties of a low dimensional Bose-Einstein systems moving in a disordered potential, , Vol 68, 467–477 (2009)
2. M. Takahashi, Sankalpa Ghosh, T. Mizushima and K. Machida, Effective Field Theory for spinor dipolar Bose Einstein condensate, , Vol 68, 391–400 (200
3. . Eric Akkermans, and Sankalpa Ghosh, and Ziad Musslimani : Numerical study of one dimensional and interacting Bose-Einstein condensates in a random potential, :,, Vol. 41 , Feb. 2008 pp. (045302(1-12)).
4. .M. Takahashi, Sankalpa Ghosh, T. Mizushima and K. Machida, Spinor Dipolar Bose-Einstein Condensate:Classical Spin approach, , Vol. 98, June 2007, pp. 260403(1-4).
5. Assa Auerbach, Daniel P. Arovas, and, Sankalpa Ghosh, Quantum tunneling of Vortices in two dimensional condensates, , Vol. 74, August 2006, pp. 064511(1-15).
6. Sankalpa Ghosh, Vortices in Atomic Bose-Einstein Condensates: An Introduction , Vol. 77, April 2004, pp(623-674).
7. Eric Akkermans, and Sankalpa Ghosh, Vortex nucleation through edge states in a finite Bose-Einstein condensate, :,, Vol. 37 , April 2004 pp. (S127-S139).
8. Sankalpa Ghosh, M. V. N. Murthy and Subhasis Sinha, Two-component Fermi vapors in a two-dimensional rotating trap, , Vol. 64, November 2001, pp 053603 (1-12).
9. R. K. Bhaduri, Sankalpa Ghosh, M. V. N. Murthy and Diptiman Sen, Solitons in one-dimensional Bose Einstein System, : , Vol. 34, August 2001, pp 6553-6564.
10. Sankalpa Ghosh, M. V. N. Murthy and Subhasis Sinha, Rotating fermions in two dimensions: Thomas Fermi Approach, , Vol. 15, August 2001, pp 2799-2810.
Quantum Hall Effect:
1. Sankalpa Ghosh , and, R. Rajaraman, Quantum Hall Solitons with intertwined spin and pseudospin at n =1, , Vol. 63, December 2000, pp 035303 (1-12).
2. Sankalpa Ghosh, and, R. Rajaraman, Meron pseudospin solutions in Quantum Hall systems, , Vol. 12, September 1998, pp 2495-2511.
3. Sankalpa Ghosh, and, R. Rajaraman, Bimerons in double layer Quantum Hall systems, , Vol. 12, January 1998, pp 37-48.
1. Sankalpa Ghosh and, Manish Sharma, Electron optics with magnetic vector potential barriers in Graphene, Vol. 21, July 2009, pp 292204 (FTC).