Feb. 6, 2018 SCC Meeting

  1. I apologize for not being at the meeting. I am away attending a funeral but I know if you have any questions, Janel will be able to answer them.
  2. Big thank you for the SCC Turkey Dinner. This is a labor of love by the ladies helping that day and lots of hands the day before.
  3. QLS continues to bring in experts to instruct our students. Dec. 20th we had Alcohol, Drug and Gambling Awareness for the entire school, Feb. 5 and 7 Junior Achievement (programs based on three pillars: financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and work readiness), and Feb. 13 Carleton Trail in to talk to grades 11 and 12.
  4. Amazing financial support by the Quill Lake Oil Co-op-$1000 towards the purchase of t-shirts for every student and staff member in support of anti-bullying. These shirts will be worn several times as Pink Day is Feb. 28 and we have been invited to attend LeRoy’s Pink Days March 6 for K-6 and March 15 grades 7-10.
  5. QLS students excel in curling. Keep an eye on the successes on Facebook.
  6. Archery has started and badminton starts next week.
  7. QLS gym is getting a face-lift. Starting with renovating the change rooms and painting of the gym during Easter break and the first week after and then the gym floor will get a new surface in July and August. The gym will not be available all summer.
  8. Lots happening with SRC. Yes, the student body successfully taped me to the wall in January and we are looking forward to the rink afternoon and winter Olympics. Not robbing Rayanne of her SRC report this time.
  1. Lastly, I would like to share with you a special group at our school: QLS We Act Group. This 6-member group (Danica Nemeth, Madison Huls, LeeAnnaGuhl, Anna Ingram, Keira Sunderland, and Kadence Gabriel) volunteered at the Humboldt and District Soup Kitchen every Tuesday in January. I received a phone call from another volunteer sharing how impressed they were with our 6 students and 2 staff members (Rhoda and Bea). This group of volunteers not only served, they prepped, cleaned and most importantly-- they talked to the people who are going to the Soup Kitchen. These students and staff are true ambassadors of the school and community. I wish I had a picture of them too.