Writing 8 Name:


Review: Ch. 11 and Ch. 15

Fill in the blank. Choose a conjunction or a transition from the box to complete the sentence. Pay attention to grammar (should you use a connector or a transition?), meaning (which word is best?) and punctuation (do you need a comma or not?)

1.  Some people are against laws restricting advertising ______the group is trying to pass such a law.

  1. Adults may be immune to cigarette advertising ______children are very impressionable.
  1. Migraine headaches are painful; ______they cause nausea.
  1. ______are migranes painful, ______they ______cause nausea.
  1. ______stress weakens the body, high stress contributes to many diseases.
  1. High stress is a factor in many illnesses ______stress weakens the body.
  1. Holistic medicine treats the entire body, not just one symptom; ______acupuncture treats the body as an interdependent system.
  1. A migraine is one continuous headache ______“cluster headaches” repeatedly start and stop.
  1. ______a migraine is a single headache, “cluster headaches” start and stop over a period of time.
  1. ______a migraine, a “cluster headache” is actually a series of headaches.
  1. ______I smoke cigarettes, my lungs are still healthy.
  1. I smoke daily, ______my lungs are still healthy.

Report the following conversations. Change the verbs only when necessary. Hint: Combine several sentences into one!

"I've decided to go to Spain for my year abroad. I'll work on my Spanish. I'll also be able to do some research for my thesis on the Spanish Inquisition," Jonah said to his advisor.

"We arrive at 6:30 tomorrow night. Why don't you meet us in town for dinner?" Micah asked Al.

“Do you have your passport on you?” the receptionist asked John.

”When did you send us the forms?” the receptionist then asked.

“I sent them yesterday,” John said.

“Oh, I still write to my boyfriend every day,” said Annika. “He’ll be returning in three weeks, and I can’t wait to see him.”

“Why don’t you take me to a nice restaurant for Valentine’s Day?” Ed asked his girlfriend.

“I want silence in this courtroom!” commanded the judge.

“Water freezes at zero degrees,” pointed out the professor, “but salt water freezes at a higher temperature.”