July 17, 2015


Emergency Response Chemtrec 800-424-9300

Section 1. Product and Company Identification

Fast Rolling Cream


Gabel’s Cosmetics, Inc.

126 South Ave. 18

Los Angeles, Ca 90031


Section 2. Hazards Identification

Physical State and Appearance: Crème Solid. Pleasant fragrance

Emergency overview: No apparent health risks.

Likely routes of Exposure: Eye contact. Inhalation. Ingestion

Eyes: May cause eye irritation including redness

Inhalation: May cause irritation including coughing

Ingestion: non-hazardous in case of ingestion may cause diarrhea.

No hazardous materials are contained in this product, this product contains no materials in any or sufficient quantities to be toxic are injurious to humans of to cause acute or chronic health problems. There is no physical hazard as defined within 29CFR part 1010.1200(c).

Not flammable and no special handling is necessary.

If you get this on skin. Enjoy the experience and rub it in. Will make the skin soft.

Section 3. Composition and information on ingredients.

Ingredients CAS no. Percent

Stearic Acid 57-11-4

Corn Starch 9005-25-8

Propylene Glycol 57-55-6

Methyl Parasep 99-76-3

Potassium Hydroxide 1310-58-3

Red Dye


Section 4. First Aid Measures

Eye contact: Check for and remove any contact lenses. In case of contact, flush eyes with water for at least 15 minutes. If symptoms persist, seek medical attention.

Inhalation: If inhaled give oxygen. If not breathing gives artificial respiration. Get medical attention.

Ingestion: If potentially dangerous quantities of this material have been swallowed, call a physician immediately. Induce vomiting if conscious and as directed by a physician. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.

Section 5. Fire Fighting Measures

Flammability of the product: Not Combustible

Auto Ignition Temp: not available

Flash points: not available

Flammable Limits: not available

Products of combustion: none

Special remarks on Explosion hazards: not available

Section 6. Accidental Release Measures

Small spill and leak: Use a small paper towel and clean up and dispose of in trashcan.

Large spill and leak: Use a larger amount of paper towels and clean up and dispose of in a larger trashcan.

Section 7. Handling and storage

Handling: Avoid contact with eyes. Keep container closed. Wash hands after handling.

Storage: Keep from freezing.

Section 8. Exposure Controls

Eyes: If careless use safety glasses

Body: use an apron if necessary

Feet: not applicable.

Section 9. Physical and Chemical Properties.

Odor: Present smell rose

Color: Red

Physical state: Crème

Molecular Weight: Mixture

pH: 7.0

Boiling point: 212F

Specific Gravity: not available

Vapor Density: not available

Odor Threshold: not available

Evaporation Rate: not available

Solubility: in water

Section 10. Stability and Reactivity

Stability and reactivity: This product is stable

Conditions of Instability: Extreme heat it will melt.

Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur.

Section 11. Toxicological Information

Chronic Effects on Humans: This material in not known to cause cancer in animals or humans.

Section 12. Ecological Information

Toxicity of the products of Biodegradation: The product itself and it components are not toxic. No data is available on the adverse effects of this material on the environment. Aquatic components and similar products.

Section 13. Disposal Considerations.

EPA Waste: non-hazardous chemical waste. Dispose in accordance with local, regional, national or international regulations.

Packaging waste: Dispose of according to all federal, state, local regulations and international regulations.

Section 14. Transportation Information

DOT Classification: not regulated.

TDG Classification: not regulated.

IMO/IMDG Classification: not regulated

ICAO/IATA Classification: not regulated

Section 15. Regulatory Information

U.S. Federal Regulations:

All components of this product are listed on or compliant with the TSCA inventory.

SARA 302/304/311/312 extremely hazardous substances. No products found.

SARA 302/304/311/312 Hazardous chemicals: no products found.

SARA302/304 Emergency planning and notification: No products found.

SARA311/312 MSDS distribution, Chemical inventory: No products found.

SARA313 Form R Reporting Requirements: No products found.

SARA313 Supplier notification: No products found.

Clean Water Act (CWA) 112 accidental release prevention: no products found.

Clean Air Act (CAA) 112 regulated flammable substances: No products found.

Clean Air Act (CAA) 112 regulated toxic substances: No products found.

WHMIS (Canada) not controlled under WHMIS, all components of this product are listed on or compliant with the DSL/NDSL

International Regulations:

DSCL; not regulated

International Lists: All components of this product are lists on or complaint with the following international lists: Philippines RA6969, China Japan (METI) Korea (TCCL)

State Regulations: No products were found

Section 16. Other Information.

Last revision date: 7-14-11

National Fire Protection Association: Health 0, Fire 0, Reactivity 0, Specific hazard 0

The information contained herein is believed to be accurate but is not warranted to be so. Data and calculations are based on information furnished by the manufacturer of the product and manufacturers of the components of the product. Users are advised to confirm in advance of need that information is current, applicable and suited to the circumstance of use. Vendor assumes no responsibility of injury to vendee or third persons proximately caused by the material if reasonable safety procedures are not adhered to as stipulated in the data sheet. Furthermore, vendor assumes no responsibility for injury caused by abnormal use of this material even if reasonable safety procedures are followed. Any questions regarding this product should be directed to the manufacturer of the product as described in Section 1.