John Drugan K-82nd- 9 Weeks at a Glance2016-2017

39 (2-1/2) Instructional Days Grade:FIRST

Essential Question: How do we integrate traditions in everyday life?

Fluency goal: 60 wcpm

Week of: / Language Arts
Phonics/Vocabulary / Language Arts Reading
(Genre & Comprehension Skill) / Language Arts
Fig.19 Skill / writing / Math / Science / Social Studies / Technology
Week 1
October 17-21 / Phonological Awareness
1.2A- orally generate original rhyming words using phonograms (-ake, -ant, -ain) & consonant blends (bl, st, tr)
1.2B- distinguish between long & short vowel sounds in one syllable words
1.2C- recognize the change in spoken word when phoneme is added, changed, or removed
1.2D-blend spoken phonemes to form one & two syllable words (include consonant blends)
1.2E- isolate initial, medial, & final sounds in one syllable words
1.2F-segemnt spoken one-syllable words of three or five phonemes into individual phonemes)
Treasures Unit 2
Wk. 2
Word Play / Informational Text
1.10- ID the features of nonfiction
1.10A- Determine whether a story is true or a fantasy and explain why. / 1. Fig. 19A- Establish purposes for reading selected texts based upon desired outcome to enhance comprehension. (to be informed, be entertained, to enjoy language, become involved in real/imagined events/setting/actions) / See Writing Plan / Unit 6: Developing Sums and Minuends to 10
1.2A,1.3A, 1.3B(T), 1.3E, 1.3F,1.5D 1.5 E, 1.5F(T) , 1.5G(T) , 1.3C, 1.3D(T)
Process Standards: 1.1A, 1.1B,1.1C,1.1D,1.1E, 1.1F,1.1G
1.2(A) recognize instantly the quantity of structured arrangements SS
1.3(A) use concrete and pictorial models to determine the sum of a multiple of ten and a one‐digit number inproblems up to 99 SS
1.3(B) use objects and pictorial models to solve word problems involving joining, separating, and comparing setswithin 20 and unknowns as any one of the terms in the problem such as 2+4=___; 3+___=7; and 5 = ____‐3
1.3(C) compose 10 with two or more addends with and without concrete objects SS / Investigating Force, Motion, and Energy
Unit 03: Investigating Force, Motion, and Energy
1.1A; 1.2CDE; 1.4A; 1.6ABCD
*1.6A- identify/discuss how different forms of energy are important to everyday life (light-sunlight/artificial light, heat-Sun/fire/seasons/appliances, sound-safety)
1.3C- Ben Franklin & Thomas Edison- inventor of the light Bulb
*1.6B- predict/describe how magnet can be used to push /pull -attract object (attract- between 2 magnets/ between a magnet & magnetic material; repelling- between 2 magnets)
1.6C- describe change in location of object (closer to, nearer to, farther from)
1.6D- demonstrate/record ways objects can move (straight line, zig/zag, up/down, fast/slow, back/forth, round/round, back & forth) / Unit 4: Thinking Like a Geographer
1.4A locate places using the four cardinal directions
1.4B describe the location of self and objects relative to other locations in the classroom and school
1.5A create and use simple maps such as maps of the home, classroom, school, and community
1.5B locate the community, Texas, and the US on maps and globes
*1.6A identify and describe the physical characteristics of place: Landforms, bodies of water, natural resources, and weather
*1.6B identify examples of and uses for natural resources in the community, state, and nation
*1.6C identify and describe how the human characteristics of place such as shelter, clothing, food, and activities are based upon geographic location / 1.6C- perform basic software application functions, including opening an application and creating, modifying, printing, and saving files
Week 2
October 24-28
Early Release 26th / Phonological Awareness
1.2A- orally generate original rhyming words using phonograms (-ake, -ant, -ain) & consonant blends (bl, st, tr)
1.2B- distinguish between long & short vowel sounds in one syllable words
1.2C- recognize the change in spoken word when phoneme is added, changed, or removed
1.2D-blend spoken phonemes to form one & two syllable words (include consonant blends)
1.2E- isolate initial, medial, & final sounds in one syllable words
1.2F-segemnt spoken one-syllable words of three or five phonemes into individual phonemes)
Treasures Unit 2
Wk. 3
Word Play / Informational Text
1.13A- Identify the topic and explain the author’s purpose in writing about the text (to tell about, to explain, to tell how to do something)
*1.14A- Restate the main idea, heard or read Readiness Standard / 1.4C- Establish purpose for reading selected
texts (to be informed, to follow directions, to be entertained) / Unit 6: Developing Sums and Minuends to 10
1.2A,1.3A, 1.3B(T), 1.3E, 1.3F,1.5D 1.5 E, 1.5F(T) , 1.5G(T) , 1.3C, 1.3D(T)
Process Standards: 1.1A, 1.1B,1.1C,1.1D,1.1E, 1.1F,1.1G
1.3(D) apply basic fact strategies to add and subtract within 20, including making 10 and decomposing a number leading to a 10 SS
1.3(E) explain strategies used to solve addition and subtraction problems up to 20 using spoken words, objects, pictorial models, and number sentences SS
1.3(F)* generate and solve problem situations when given a number sentence involving addition or subtraction of numbers within 2 RS / Investigating the Natural World: Rocks, Soil, and Water
Unit 04: Investigating the Natural World: Rocks, Soil, and Water (15 days)
1.1A; 1.2ABCDE; 1.4A; 1.7ABC
*1.7A- Observe, compare, describe, sort components of soil (size- very small (clay), medium (loamy soil), large (sand), texture- rough, smooth, sticky, color (gray, black, brown, rust, tan, beige), components-air, water, organic material, minerals)
1.7B- Identify/describe natural resources of water (streams, lakes, oceans, pond, river, glacier)
1.7C- gather evidence of how rocks, soil, water help to make useful products (building, making jewelry, recycling, collecting rain water)
1.3C- Florence Bascom (geologist) / Unit 4: Thinking Like a Geographer
1.4A locate places using the four cardinal directions
1.4B describe the location of self and objects relative to other locations in the classroom and school
1.5A create and use simple maps such as maps of the home, classroom, school, and community
1.5B locate the community, Texas, and the US on maps and globes
*1.6A identify and describe the physical characteristics of place: Landforms, bodies of water, natural resources, and weather
*1.6B identify examples of and uses for natural resources in the community, state, and nation
*1.6C identify and describe how the human characteristics of place such as shelter, clothing, food, and activities are based upon geographic location / 1.6C- perform basic software application functions, including opening an application and creating, modifying, printing, and saving files
Week 3
Oct.31 - Nov. 4 / Phonological Awareness
1.2A- orally generate original rhyming words using phonograms (-ake, -ant, -ain) & consonant blends (bl, st, tr)
1.2B- distinguish between long & short vowel sounds in one syllable words
1.2C- recognize the change in spoken word when phoneme is added, changed, or removed
1.2D-blend spoken phonemes to form one & two syllable words (include consonant blends)
1.2E- isolate initial, medial, & final sounds in one syllable words
1.2F-segemnt spoken one-syllable words of three or five phonemes into individual phonemes)
Treasures Unit 2
Wk. 4
Word Play / Author’s Wall Post
Informational Text
E-mail articles
*1.14B- Identify important facts or details in text, heard or read (fact/details that support the main idea by telling how, when, what, where, why, how much, how many focus on one paragraph or short selection) Readiness Standard
*1.14C-Retell the order of events in a text by referring to the words and/or illustrations (first, next, second, third, after) Readiness Standard / Fig. 19B- Ask literal questions of text. (?Before/?After/?During reading; Literal ?-who, what, when, where, why, & how) / Unit 6: Developing Sums and Minuends to 10
1.2A,1.3A, 1.3B(T), 1.3E, 1.3F,1.5D 1.5 E, 1.5F(T) , 1.5G(T) , 1.3C, 1.3D(T)
Process Standards: 1.1A, 1.1B,1.1C,1.1D,1.1E, 1.1F,1.1G
1.5(D) represent word problems involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers up to 20 using concrete and pictorial models and number sentences RS
1.5(E) understand that the equal sign represents a relationship where expressions on each side of the equal sign represent the same value(s) SS / Investigating the Natural World: Rocks, Soil, and Water
Unit 04: Investigating the Natural World: Rocks, Soil, and Water (15 days)
1.1A; 1.2ABCDE; 1.4A; 1.7ABC
*1.7A- Observe, compare, describe, sort components of soil (size- very small (clay), medium (loamy soil), large (sand), texture- rough, smooth, sticky, color (gray, black, brown, rust, tan, beige), components-air, water, organic material, minerals)
1.7B- Identify/describe natural resources of water (streams, lakes, oceans, pond, river, glacier)
1.7C- gather evidence of how rocks, soil, water help to make useful products (building, making jewelry, recycling, collecting rain water)
1.3C- Florence Bascom (geologist) / Unit 4: Thinking Like a Geographer
1.4A locate places using the four cardinal directions
1.4B describe the location of self and objects relative to other locations in the classroom and school
1.5A create and use simple maps such as maps of the home, classroom, school, and community
1.5B locate the community, Texas, and the US on maps and globes
*1.6A identify and describe the physical characteristics of place: Landforms, bodies of water, natural resources, and weather
*1.6B identify examples of and uses for natural resources in the community, state, and nation
*1.6C identify and describe how the human characteristics of place such as shelter, clothing, food, and activities are based upon geographic location / 1.1C- create original products using a variety of resources
1.1D- create and execute steps to accomplish a task
1.2C- format digital information, including font attributes, color, white space, graphics, and animation, for a defined audience & communication medium
Week 4
November 7-10
Veteran’s Day
No school Nov.11 / Phonics
1.3A- Decode words in isolation by applying common letter-sound correspondences.
Readiness Standard
1.3Ai- single letters (consonants)-b, c=/k/, c=/s/, d, f, g=/g/ (hard), g=/j/ (soft), h, j, k, l, m, n, p, qu=/kw/, r, s=/s/, s=/z/, t, v, w, x=/ks/, y, and z
1.3Aii- single letters (vowels)- short a, short e, short i, short o, short u, long a (a-e), long e (e), long I (i-e), long o (o-e), long u (u-e), y=long e, y=long I
1.3Aiii- consonant blends (initial, s, l, consonant, final consonant blends)
1.3Aiv- consonant digraphs- ch,tch, sh, th=as in thing, wh, ng, ck, kn,-dge, and ph (initial & final position digraphs, consonant tigraphs)
1.3Av- vowel digraph/pairs- including oo as in foot, oo as in moon, ea as in eat, eaas in bread, ee, ow as in how, ow as in snow, ou as in out, ay, ai, aw, au, ew, oa, ie as in chief, ie as in pie, and –igh
1.3Avi- vowels diphthongs including oy, oi, ou, and ow
Treasures Unit 2
Wk. 5
Word Play / Expository Informational Text
science, social studies text
*1.14D- Use text features (title, table of contents, illustrations, bold/italicized text, charts & graphs) to locate specific information in text. Readiness Standard / *1.4B- Ask relevant questions, seek clarification, and locate facts and details
about stories and other texts. (Literal ?- who is main character, setting, topic?  focus on one paragraph at a time) / Unit 7: Number Patterns
1.5 A, 1.5B, Process Standards: 1.1C,1.1D
1.5(A) recite numbers forward and backward from any given number between 1 and 120 SS
1.5(B)* skip count by twos, fives, and tens to determine the total number of objects up to 120 in a set SS / Investigating the Natural World: Rocks, Soil, and Water
Unit 04: Investigating the Natural World: Rocks, Soil, and Water (15 days)
1.1A; 1.2ABCDE; 1.4A; 1.7ABC
*1.7A- Observe, compare, describe, sort components of soil (size- very small (clay), medium (loamy soil), large (sand), texture- rough, smooth, sticky, color (gray, black, brown, rust, tan, beige), components-air, water, organic material, minerals)
1.7B- Identify/describe natural resources of water (streams, lakes, oceans, pond, river, glacier)
1.7C- gather evidence of how rocks, soil, water help to make useful products (building, making jewelry, recycling, collecting rain water)
1.3C- Florence Bascom (geologist) / Unit 4: Thinking Like a Geographer
1.4A locate places using the four cardinal directions
1.4B describe the location of self and objects relative to other locations in the classroom and school
1.5A create and use simple maps such as maps of the home, classroom, school, and community
1.5B locate the community, Texas, and the US on maps and globes
*1.6A identify and describe the physical characteristics of place: Landforms, bodies of water, natural resources, and weather
*1.6B identify examples of and uses for natural resources in the community, state, and nation
*1.6C identify and describe how the human characteristics of place such as shelter, clothing, food, and activities are based upon geographic location / 1.1C- create original products using a variety of resources
1.1D- create and execute steps to accomplish a task
1.2C- format digital information, including font attributes, color, white space, graphics, and animation, for a defined audience & communication medium
Week 5
November 14-18
Thanksgiving Break 21-25 No school / 1.3B-Combine sounds from letters and common spelling patterns (consonant blends, long and short-vowel patterns) to create recognizable words.
1.3C- Use common syllabication patterns to decode words including:
1.3Ci- closed syllable (CVC) (e.g., mat, rabbit)
1.3Cii- open syllable (CV) (e.g., he, ba-by)
1.3Ciii- final stable syllable (ap-ple, able)
1.3Civ- vowel-consonant-silent “e” words (VCe) (e.g., kite, hide)
1.3Cv- vowel diagraphs and diphthongs (boy-hood, oat-meal)
Treasures Unit 3
Wk. 1
Word Play / Procedural Text
1.15A- Follow written multi-step directions with picture cues to assist with understanding (Text that Explain How Something Works-instructions, directions, manuals; Text that Tell How To Do an Activity-recipe, game, rules, scientific method)
1.15B- Explain the meanings of specific signs & symbols (map features, STOP sign, traffic lights, EXIT, poison symbols, warning signs, Symbols that represent something else-+, $, #, &). / 1. Fig. 19C- Monitor and adjust comprehension (using background knowledge, creating sensory images, re-reading a portion aloud). / Unit 8: Attributes of Coins
1.4A, 1.4B, 1.4C(T) Process Standards: 1.1A, 1.1D
1.4(A)* identify U.S. coins including pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters by value and describe the relationships between them SS 94%
1.4(B) write a number with the cent symbol to describe the value of a coin SS
1.4(C)* use relationships to count by twos, fives, and tens to determine the
value of a collection of pennies, nickels and/or dimes RS 26%, 45%, 78% / Investigating Natural Resources Through Conservation
Unit 05: Investigating Natural Resources Through Conservation (8 days)
1.1C; 1.3A; 1.4A; 1.7C
1.1C- identify/learn how to use natural resources/materials (conservation, reuse/recycle of paper, plastic, metals) / Unit 5: Celebrating Our Community
1.1A describe the origins of customs, holidays, and celebrations of the community, state, and nation: San Jacinto Day, Independence Day, and Veterans Day
1.1B compare the observance of holidays and celebrations, past and present.
*1.15A describe and explain the importance of various beliefs, customs, language, and
traditions of families and communities
1.15B explain the way folktales and legends: Aesop's fables reflect beliefs, customs,
Language and traditions of communities. / 1.1C- create original products using a variety of resources
1.1D- create and execute steps to accomplish a task
1.2C- format digital information, including font attributes, color, white space, graphics, and animation, for a defined audience & communication medium
Week 6
Nov. 28- Dec. 2 / 1.3Cvi- r-controlled vowel sounds (tar) including er, ir, ur, ar, and or
1.3D- Decode words with common spelling patterns (e,g., -ink, -onk,-ick)
1.3E- Read base words with inflectional endings (s plurals, es, ed, ing)
1.3F- Use knowledge of the meaning of base words to ID compound words (football, popcorn, daydream)
1.3G-ID & read contractions (isn’t, can’t, I’m)
1.3H- ID & read at least 100 high-frequency words)
1.3I- monitor accuracy for decoding
Treasures Unit 3
Wk. 2
Word Play / Author’s Wall Post
Procedural Text
How to make a Craft/
1.15A- Follow written multi-step directions with picture cues to assist with understanding (Text that Explain How Something Works-instructions, directions, manuals; Text that Tell How To Do an Activity-recipe, game, rules, scientific method) / 1.4C- monitor comprehension, making corrections and adjustmentswhen that understanding breaks down (identifying clues, using background knowledge, generating questions, re-reading a portion aloud, create sensory images, ask for help) / Unit 9: Numeration 50-80
1.2B,1.2C(T),1.2D,1.2E(T) Process Standards: 1.1C, 1.1D, 1.1E
1.2(B)* use concrete and pictorial models to compose and decompose numbers up to 120 in more than one way as so many hundreds, so many tens, and so many ones SS
1.2(D) generate a number that is greater than or less than a given whole number up to 120 SS
1.2(E) use place value to compare whole numbers up to 120 using comparative language SS
1.2(C)* use objects, pictures, and expanded and standard forms to represent
numbers up to 120 RS / Investigating Natural Resources Through Conservation
Unit 05: Investigating Natural Resources Through Conservation (8 days)
1.1C; 1.3A; 1.4A; 1.7C
1.1C- identify/learn how to use natural resources/materials (conservation, reuse/recycle of paper, plastic, metals) / Unit 5: Celebrating Our Community
1.1A describe the origins of customs, holidays, and celebrations of the community, state, and nation: San Jacinto Day, Independence Day, and Veterans Day
1.1B compare the observance of holidays and celebrations, past and present.
*1.15A describe and explain the importance of various beliefs, customs, language, and
traditions of families and communities
1.15B explain the way folktales and legends: Aesop's fables reflect beliefs, customs,
Language and traditions of communities. / 1.1C- create original products using a variety of resources
1.1D- create and execute steps to accomplish a task
1.2C- format digital information, including font attributes, color, white space, graphics, and animation, for a defined audience & communication medium
Week 7
December 5-9 / 1.3Cvi- r-controlled vowel sounds (tar) including er, ir, ur, ar, and or
1.3D- Decode words with common spelling patterns (e,g., -ink, -onk,-ick)
1.3E- Read base words with inflectional endings (s plurals, es, ed, ing)
1.3F- Use knowledge of the meaning of base words to ID compound words (football, popcorn, daydream)
1.3G-ID & read contractions (isn’t, can’t, I’m)
1.3H- ID & read at least 100 high-frequency words)
1.3I- monitor accuracy for decoding
Treasures Unit 3
Word Play / Signs and Symbols
1.15B- Explain the meanings of specific signs & symbols (map features, STOP sign, traffic lights, EXIT, poison symbols, warning signs, Symbols that represent something else-+, $, #, &). / *1.Fig.19D- Make inferences about text & use textual evidence to support
Understanding (title, cover, illustrations, plot, facts/details, background knowledge)
Readiness Standard
1.4A- Confirm predictions about what willhappen next in text by “reading the partthat tells.” (stopping regularly to summarize what is being read, check & revise predictionsfocus on one paragraph or entire text / (NEW) Personal Financial Literacy(5 days)
1.9 A 1.9 B , 1.9 C (T) 1.9 D Process Standards: 1.1 A, 1.1 E, 1.1 F, 1.1 C
1.9(A) define money earned as income SS 84%
1.9(B) identify income as a means of obtaining goods and services, often times making choice between wants and needs SS
1.9(C) distinguish between spending and saving SS 87%, 84%, 90%
1.9(D) consider charitable giving SS / Investigating Objects in the Sky
Unit 07: Investigating Objects in the Sky (10 days)
1.2D; 1.3B; 1.4A; 1.8BC
*1.8B- observe/record changes in appearance of objects in sky (clouds, Moon, stars  Sun)
1.8C- Identify characteristics of day & night / Unit 5: Celebrating Our Community
1.1A describe the origins of customs, holidays, and celebrations of the community, state, and nation: San Jacinto Day, Independence Day, and Veterans Day
1.1B compare the observance of holidays and celebrations, past and present.
*1.15A describe and explain the importance of various beliefs, customs, language, and
traditions of families and communities
1.15B explain the way folktales and legends: Aesop's fables reflect beliefs, customs,
Language and traditions of communities. / 1.6C- perform basic software application functions, including opening an application and creating, modifying, printing, and saving files
Week 8
Early Release / 1.5A- Read aloud grade-level appropriate text with fluency & comprehension. (60-110 wcpm)
1.12A- Read independently for a sustained period of time. (4 X’s a week, 5 minutes at end of 1st semester & 10 minutes at end of 2nd semester)
1.27A- listen attentively to speakers & ask relevant questions to clarify information / Author’s Wall Post
1.27B- Follow, restate, and give oral instructions that involve a short related sequence of actions.
1.28A- Share information/ ideas about the topic under discussion, speaking clearly at an appropriate pace, using the conventions of language.
1.29A- Follow rules for discussion: listening to others, speaking when recognized, & make contributions / 1.Fig. 19E- Retell or act out important events in stories in logical order (draw a picture, present dramatic interpretation, orally retell order of events) Readiness Standard
*1.Fig. 19F- Make connections to own experiences, to ideas in other texts, and to the larger community, and discuss textual evidence (own experiences, ideas in other text, larger community) / (NEW) Personal Financial Literacy(5 days)
1.9 A 1.9 B , 1.9 C (T) 1.9 D Process Standards: 1.1 A, 1.1 E, 1.1 F, 1.1 C
1.9(A) define money earned as income SS 84%
1.9(B) identify income as a means of obtaining goods and services, often times making choice between wants and needs SS
1.9(C) distinguish between spending and saving SS 87%, 84%, 90%
1.9(D) consider charitable giving SS
REVIEW / Investigating Objects in the Sky
Unit 07: Investigating Objects in the Sky (10 days)
1.2D; 1.3B; 1.4A; 1.8BC
*1.8B- observe/record changes in appearance of objects in sky (clouds, Moon, stars  Sun)
1.8C- Identify characteristics of day & night
REVIEW / Unit 5: Celebrating Our Community
1.1A describe the origins of customs, holidays, and celebrations of the community, state, and nation: San Jacinto Day, Independence Day, and Veterans Day
1.1B compare the observance of holidays and celebrations, past and present.
*1.15A describe and explain the importance of various beliefs, customs, language, and
traditions of families and communities
1.15B explain the way folktales and legends: Aesop's fables reflect beliefs, customs,
language, and traditions of communities.
REVIEW / 1.4C- evaluate products prior to final submission

Technology Projects: PowerPoint: Objects in the sky.