January 7th, 2015

Desert Primrose Conference Room

Linda Horowitz, Chair, presiding

2800 E. Broadway, Tucson, Arizona 85716


Board Members:

2800 E. Broadway, Tucson, Arizona 85716


John Crow

Christina Cutshaw

Bob Gary (absent)

Paul Gordon

Rob Groll

David Higuera

Linda Horowitz

Michael Malisewski (absent)

Terry Perl (absent)

Dana Regnier

Kristine Spengler

Mary Swallow

Patty Valera (absent)

Paul Wheeler (absent)

Anthony Young

Kayt Yrun-Duffy

Ross Zimmerman

2800 E. Broadway, Tucson, Arizona 85716


Staff Attending:

2800 E. Broadway, Tucson, Arizona 85716


Eric Schindler, CEO

Connie Curnett, CFO

Tammy Cormier, VP Human Resources

Jeff Dozoretz, VP Prevention, Research & Evaluation

Lydia Medina, VP Family & Community Services

Carolyn Simmons, Coord. of Board & Exec Affairs

Renee Bibby, Communications Officer

2800 E. Broadway, Tucson, Arizona 85716



2800 E. Broadway, Tucson, Arizona 85716


Morgan Matchett, will be the Tucson Development Officer as of Feb. 9th.

2800 E. Broadway, Tucson, Arizona 85716


2800 E. Broadway, Tucson, Arizona 85716


Linda Horowitz called the meeting to order at 5:45pm.

Consent Agenda

The Consent Agenda included the notes from the September and November Board of Directors Meetings, both distributed via email prior to the meeting.

MOTION: Anthony Young motioned to approve the Consent Agenda, John Crow seconded, with no objections, the motion was unanimously approved.

Recognition of Departing Board Member – Paul Gordon

The Board took time to thank Paul Gordon for his years of service to the Child & Family Resources Board of Directors and presented him with a plaque in appreciation.

Board Education

Lydia Medina, VP of Family & Community Services, who works out of the Phoenix Office, presented the Board with an overview of the CFR programs in Maricopa County. For each program, Lydia provided a description of the services, who is served, the reach of the program, and how the program impacts the community. Also shared were success stories for each program, many written by the clients served themselves.

Development Update

Development Plan

Eric explained to the Board that development consultant, Laura Alexander, put together a draft Development Plan which was adjusted internally by the acting development and communications team. Copies of the Plan were distributed to attendees and time was taken to walk through each of the elements with explanation and clarification provided as needed.

Development Dashboard

Renee Bibby, the new Communications Officer, presented a draft of the dashboard that the Board will see at each meeting tracking the progress of key goals in the Plan.

Donor Recognition Event

A major part of the plan to reboot the development department is a focus on stewardship of existing donors. The Development Plan includes two annual donor recognition events, the first of which will be held at the home of former Board Member Penelope Jacks on Tuesday, February 24th. The event will be a small gathering to thank donors and provide a CEO update. Invitations were scheduled to go out within the week.

Champions for Children & Families

The development team is working to coordinate the 2015 Champions for Children & Families awards luncheon. The event will be a weekday lunch this year, rather than a Sunday brunch. It will be held at the Double Tree at Reid Park on Tuesday, April 21st. Board Members were asked to consider participating more significantly in the event by being a member of the Champions Council and the responsibilities of the Council were explained. The primary role of the Council this year will be to help ensure nominations, attendance at the event, and select the award winners. In future years, the Council will likely be more involved in the planning and execution of the event itself. Board members who elect not to be part of the Council will still be asked to assist by attending the event, stewarding other attendees and encouraging friends/potential friends to attend.

Continuous Quality Improvement

A focus of quality improvement has centered on overall impact and how best to measure that impact. Jeff Dozoretz explained that conversations with the Management Team started with a focus on the impact measure for programs specifically, then moved to service area impact, combining programs under their service line. Interestingly, though each of these levels of impact analysis proved challenging and measures were not able to be determined, the Program Directors moved past that to the collective impact of the agency as a whole – the ultimate goal in these long spanning conversations.

The Management Team first had to clarify more specifically the organization’s purpose, described as “building strong families, youth, and children”, then discuss and define what could be measured to evidence the impact of efforts towards this purpose or goal. The idea of measuring resiliency came to the forefront, with different tools within each program to inform an overall measure of impact for the agency. A sub-committee of program management staff has been compiled to continue the work on measuring the collective impact of the wide-ranging services under the organizational umbrella of Child & Family Resources.


In recent months, CFR’s mission statement and how the Board and staff are able to communicate it has been a focus of discussion. In recognition of personal challenges in talking about the mission with the community, and feedback from the COA site reviewers as well as the development consultants working with CFR on their reboot of development efforts, those in attendance agreed that the mission should be better clarified. Taking inspiration from the collective impact discussion, the Board split into small groups and further discussed communication of the agency’s mission and organizational impact. The Board provided positive feedback on the exercise and encouraged further work on the topic. The Board Governance Committee agreed to keep it in focus at both the committee level and with the full Board.

Financial Performance

FY 2013-14 Financial Audit

Connie Curnett reported on the Audit results. The audited financial statements show that CFR ended the year with a surplus of $259,538, and that there were no findings the single program audited, Child & Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). With confirmation received from AzEIP, the audit now needs to be approved by the Board. A recommendation was previously provided from the Audit and Finance Committees that the audit should be approved if there were no changes or adjustments made since it was presented to the Committees. No adjustments were made.

MOTION: David Higuera moved to approve the Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Audit as presented, Anthony Young seconded. All in favor, the motion passed unanimously.

Financial Performance through November 2014

Connie reported that through the month of November, the surplus was $133,939, a variance of ($22k) from budget, noting that more AzEIP revenues will be added as claims become “billable” and dollar values are assigned to the services provided.

As a follow up to previous Board conversations regarding CFR’s investment strategy and opportunities to reduce costs, all members of the Board were invited to join the Finance Committee at their next meeting on January 28th where a Financial Advisor from Morgan Stanley will discuss options available.

Q/A, Wrap Up/Adjournment

With no further business to discuss, attendees were thanked for their time and feedback.

MOTION: John Crow motioned to adjourn, Anthony Young seconded. All in favor, the meeting was adjourned.

NEXT MEETING: March 4th, 2015

2800 E. Broadway, Tucson, Arizona 85716
