BHCC Allotments Service &BHAF Committee

Liaison Meeting

6.30 pm Tuesday 20 May 2014-05-26 Cityparks’ Offices, Stanmer Nursery, Brighton

BHCC Representatives Present: David Cooper (Allotment Officer)

Graeme Rolf (Brighton Council)

Lizzie Dean (Councillor for Allotments)

BHAF Committee Members Present: Emily Gardiner (BHAF Chair)

Allan Brown (BHAF Secretary)

Anne Glow

Giuseppina Salamone

Food Partnership Members Present: Jess Crocker

  1. Apologies

Rob Walker, Mark Carroll, Alan Phillips and Vic Borrill

  1. Minutes of the previous meeting.

Matters arising. EG has received the levy payment. She will contact DC with the details of BHAF’s new account.


  1. NSALG/Paul Neary

EG has lodged a complaint regarding Paul Neary’s speech at the MHAS’s meeting of 13 May 2014, as Neary stated that the Strategy would never be implemented and dismissed the work of those involved. EG found this derogatory, GS found it disheartening.

  1. Statistics

Vacancies. DC advised that the total vacancies have halved since last autumn. Moulsecoomb has 47 vacancies and 33 people waiting; DC will try to de-list people and will support a ‘bulk’ lettings day.

Waiting times. Discussion regarding the publication of waiting times per plot size.

Racehill Farm list. AG mentioned dissatisfaction as new people seem to ‘appear’ high on the waiting list for Racehill. DC explained that the Council can re-enter people or allow people to swap lists – in this case people keep their original registration date.

  1. Maintenance.

Maintenance policy. BR advised that requested work will be done either by the Maintenance Team, or by other Council services when larger machines are required.

Maintenance reports. DC presented a written report of work done in March including the creation of a scooter parking-space on Tenantry Down.

Maintenance requests. Keston: EG reported about trees that need to be sawn, a low hedge row (security issues) and a problem padlock. BR advised that trees are normally sawn at ground level in mid autumn-late winter and that the Council can hire professional tree surgeons. DC: the Maintenance Team can use woven dead blackthorn to mend fences. He presented a database of work done per site (this database does not include specialist/large projects).

Noticeboards installations. Discussion on types of noticeboards. EG will present a shortlist of sites to be prioritised. DC will check if boards can be made in bulk.

  1. Plot Choice Guidance.

Allotment tenants to be informed about their rights (choice of plot sizes and right to upsize/downsize). EG asked for a newsletter to be circulated, proposed date 21 July; DC confirmed that the Council website has been updated and reported about one request to upsize so far. Reps will have to contact existing half-plot holders about registering their interest.

  1. Micro-bed pilot.

Update: FP. JC advised that pilots have started in the Weald, North Nevill and Tenantry Down; some infrastructure may be needed.

Legal. DC advised that the scheme involves lifting the clause that prohibits sub-lettings; the tenancy agreement will be signed by those who manage the plot; plots may be run by either community groups or reps; community groups will have to provide one contact name and will have to liaise with the reps. Tenancy agreements may be short term or permanent; the scheme may involve coaching/teaching or just letting. EG will ask Russ Howarth if he has completed his guidance for beginners.

Weald. The Meeting approved DC’s proposal to convert a plot into 3 smaller plots. This conversion involved removing some fruit trees; EG asked that the trees are relocated instead of being fell. AB said that Roedale reps are waiting for a suitable plot before starting a pilot.

Promotion: Some more preliminary work is needed before promoting the initiative.

  1. New plot holders.

Support: the Food Partnership will take feedback/questions from new tenants to the Forum to discuss how to respond.

  1. Community plots.

Promoting volunteers. The Food Partnership proposed open days for those who want to volunteer while they are on the waiting list. JC will draft a proposal and provide DC with the list of those interested, DC will circulate it.

South Whitehawk Project.DC advised that this project falls outside the Council’s service; and suggested that they should not access the Development Fund. BHAF and the FP will contact those involved in the project.

Community plots. DC needs guidance on how to assess genuine ‘community’ groups. JC will present a draft guidance.

  1. Waiting list.

Communication. EG advised that the Strategy involves a review of the Council’s IT this year in view of providing more detailed/individualised information. A first step will be a cost-benefit analysis. This issue will be discussed at the Forum.

  1. Equalities impact assessment/Limited mobility plots (LMP).

Promotions. There are LMP in Coldean but no demand; the Council is asked to publicise them. We need to discuss how to communicate with minority groups.

  1. Rubbish collections.

EG informed the Meeting that Eastbrook Farm has requested £400+ from the Development Fund for a skip. Discussion on whether skips may be abused. DC recommended to contact contractor Cox Skips for prices. The Council still removes rubbish from newly rented plots, if requested within one month of the new tenancy.

  1. Equipment pool.

BR is reluctant to approve the Council’s involvement in storing equipment for H&S reasons – the Council would have some responsibility to train people to use the tools and machines safely. The idea of an equipment pool, and that of creating a re-use group, will be discussed at the Forum.

  1. AOB.

Compost toilets. EG asked about legal/H&S requirements. DC advised that toilets already exist on some sites. BR advised that the H&S risk is low; toilets will be allowed provided that they comply with planning regulations. AB recommended to remind reps that compost toilets are more expensive than one would think.

Water efficiency meeting. The Food Partnership is meeting Southern Water on 27 June, 2.00, at the Brighthelm Centre, to discuss water efficiency issues. BHAF and the Council are invited. DC will inform Henry Christie as he may want to attend.

Leaks.DC advised that if the leak is beyond the meter it is the Council’s responsibility.

Legal. DC is circulating a draft data processing agreement.