Senate Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, November 18th, 2012

Crawford Hall

Call to Order: 7:00 pm

Chair: Vice President Mower

  1. Call to Order,Vice President Mower
  2. Roll Call, Attorney General Bishop

Timothy Andres - Present

Thomas Butschi –Absent

Adam Clark - Present

Christine Felix –Present

Genesis Hernandez – Present

David Njoroge - Absent

Mark Patronella - Present

Justin Pezick - Present

Iman Piracha –Present

Janika Reid - Absent

Neena Robertson –Present

Kelsey Shannon - Present

Amanda Tesarak - Absent

Raphael Tshitoko – Present

Cassandra Worthington - Present

Storm Wyche – Present/ Late

  1. Approval of Minutes
  2. Senator Worthington moves to approve, senator Tshitoko seconds, all favor -> Motion passes
  3. Executive Address, President Hoffman
  4. Tabling went really well
  5. Sorting during thanksgiving break
  6. Are we getting meal points back?
  7. No decision yet
  8. Posting policy amended
  9. Yay SG
  10. No meeting next Sunday
  11. December 9th- Last meeting
  12. Action Items
  13. B&A
  15. Asking for money for a speaker, food and advertising
  16. Over 8thousand in the budget
  17. Senator Andres approves this club, senator Shannon seconds:
  • Timothy Andres – Yae
  • Thomas Butschi – Not present
  • Adam Clark - Yae
  • Christine Felix –Yae
  • Genesis Hernandez – Yae
  • David Njoroge –Not present
  • Mark Patronella - Yae
  • Justin Pezick - Yae
  • Iman Piracha –Yae
  • Janika Reid–Not present
  • Neena Robertson - Yae
  • Kelsey Shannon - Yae
  • Amanda Tesarak –Not present
  • Raphael Tshitoko - Yae
  • Cassandra Worthington – Yae
  • Storm Wyche – Not present
  • Film showing
  • Before NSE movie night
  • Culture movie
  • At Drew
  • MRC?
  • They didn’t know they needed MRC, looked it up and it was $80, if they don’t need that much it will come back
  • Senator Tshitoko approves this club, senator seconds:
  • Timothy Andres – Yae
  • Thomas Butschi – Not present
  • Adam Clark - Yae
  • Christine Felix –Yae
  • Genesis Hernandez – Yae
  • David Njoroge - Not present
  • Mark Patronella - Yae
  • Justin Pezick - Yae
  • Iman Piracha –Yae
  • Janika Reid - Not present
  • Neena Robertson - Yae
  • Kelsey Shannon - Yae
  • Amanda Tesarak - Yae
  • Raphael Tshitoko - Yae
  • Cassandra Worthington – Yae
  • Storm Wyche – Not present
  • SOAB
  • South Asian Student Association
  • Spoke to A.S.i.A
  • Note from the advisor
  • How is this different than A.S.i.A club
  • A.S.i.A club is just overall, this is specific
  • Many SASAs in different schools
  • Senator Piracha approves this club, senator Tshitoko seconds:
  • Timothy Andres – Yae
  • Thomas Butschi – Not present
  • Adam Clark - Yae
  • Christine Felix –Yae
  • Genesis Hernandez – Yae
  • David Njoroge - Not present
  • Mark Patronella - Yae
  • Justin Pezick - Yae
  • Iman Piracha –Yae
  • Janika Reid - Not present
  • Neena Robertson -Yae
  • Kelsey Shannon - Yae
  • Amanda Tesarak - Yae
  • Raphael Tshitoko - Yae
  • Cassandra Worthington – Yae
  • Storm Wyche – Not present
  • Political Science Club
  • Pre-existing club
  • Lots of seniors were on the board
  • Going to make sure vary age group on the board
  • Non-partisan club
  • Drew Dems and Drew Repubs are very specific, but they are not as specific, they will also deal with things bigger than the US
  • Senator Patronella approves this club, senator Tshitoko seconds:
  • Timothy Andres – Yae
  • Thomas Butschi – Not present
  • Adam Clark - Yae
  • Christine Felix –Yae
  • Genesis Hernandez – Abstain
  • David Njoroge - Not present
  • Mark Patronella - Yae
  • Justin Pezick - Yae
  • Iman Piracha –Yae
  • Janika Reid - Not present
  • Neena Robertson - Yae
  • Kelsey Shannon - Abstain
  • Amanda Tesarak - Yae
  • Raphael Tshitoko - Yae
  • Cassandra Worthington – Yae
  • Storm Wyche – Not present
  1. Reports
  2. Cabinet
  3. President Pro Temp Address, President Pro Temp Felix
  4. Tabling was great!
  5. Cabinet members will sit in on class meetings now
  6. Supplies will be ordered tomorrow
  7. $395.50 went to Harambee’s diversity festival
  8. Chief of Staff Report, Chief of Staff Nachimson
  9. Academic Advising Commuting Committee
  10. Met about the document
  11. More questions were added
  12. Will there be a reduction in the tech fee?
  13. Students who have computers will pay the fee, other students will pay less
  14. Will students be able to use other devices?
  15. Cannot restrict students, but will still need computers
  16. What about students that have different operating systems?
  17. Not that many different systems
  18. Computer required will be a part of the course description
  19. Going to give lower cost models, just not through Drew
  20. Attorney General Report, Attorney General Bishop
  21. First constitutional revision committee
  22. Found a few areas to look at
  23. Want to re-look at design for the committee
  24. Concerns were brought to the cabinet meeting
  25. Will bring concerns back to the committee
  26. Be careful about absences
  27. New stat class is being offered for business
  28. Was a personal project that finally came though!
  29. SOAB Report, SOAB Chair Sulaiman
  30. SOAF
  31. December 2nd
  32. Important for all club leaders to be there
  33. Going to email all club leaders with a Google doc with all of the clubs information
  34. Created a club review form
  35. #drewevents
  36. S&B have been advertising as sit and bitch
  37. S&B is their official nameand they can advertise as sit and bitch
  38. They don’t mean to be offensive
  39. Waiting to hear back about costs on the general fee and waterproof bulletin board
  40. B&A Report, B&A Chair Biancamano
  41. Budgets due on Friday
  42. SG at large Ryan Wilson is resigning
  43. Jung- Woong Yoon was appointed by B&A chair, still needs to be approved by the senate
  44. Senator Felix moves to approved, Senator Patronella seconds, 12-1 motion passes
  45. University Committees
  46. Dining, President Hoffman
  47. December 14th Midnight breakfast
  48. $2 option at the snack bar
  49. Homemade food section in the snack bar
  50. Want to get feedback on the block meal plan
  51. Reviewing hours of all locations
  52. Survey will go out –possibly will change the hours
  53. Concerns?
  54. Make hours more available on the internet
  55. Commons should stay open till the time they are going to close
  56. Should have a suggestion box at all dining locations
  57. Per-person catering is very expensive
  58. Breakdown of payment for meal plans
  59. Class Reports
  60. Freshman
  61. Work on an event for the freshman class
  62. Trying to find a new meeting time for class meetings
  63. Sophomores
  64. Working on personal projects
  65. Summer storage
  66. Drew dollars – student day discount in town
  67. Long wait list for bikes, maybe to get donations form different clubs
  68. Juniors
  69. Went to visit the Marriot
  70. Surveys went out
  71. Working on personal projects
  72. Seniors
  73. Senior events coming up!
  74. 8:30pm champaign toast
  75. Working on logistics, donations
  76. Working on personal project
  77. Discussion Items
  78. Student Concerns
  79. Extra block plan meals roll over
  80. Probably not
  81. When the fire department is called, do they have an indication of how serious the emergency is?
  82. Yes, they know
  83. Public Safety concerns
  84. Should have a town hall that brings residence life and public safety together, also to talk about Daniels dictionary
  85. Can we see the public safety’s budget break down
  86. The public safety boothneeds more security at night
  87. Registration is a problem- too difficult
  88. Will be brought up again
  89. Next semester we will get ladder
  90. Announcements
  91. Tri-Beta Food Drive
  92. Website – open until Dec 21st
  93. Going to table Monday-Thursday
  94. Ariel Latin Dance Night
  95. Monday in Crawford hall – 8pm
  96. College Republicans Movie Night
  97. Monday 26th
  98. Food will be provided
  99. Harambee Diversity Festival
  100. Monday 26th
  101. DASA Interactive Village
  102. Tuesday 27th
  103. Adjournment
  104. Senator Pezick moves to adjourn, Senator Hernandez seconds, all favored -> motion passes