Welcome! Please stay for cookies & coffee following the service so that we may get better acquainted.

Hearing Assistance: A Williams Personal PA receiver is available for your use. Please see the sound person at the audio console for your individual receiver.

Children’s Activity Bulletins and quiet toys are available on the narthex table (back right side). Please help yourself.

Sunday School: This school year we are studying God’s Word through The Story. Each week we go deeper into the same Bible story used in worship. For all ages-please join us!

World Communion Sunday: We will celebrate communion this morning. If you are new this morning, you are welcome to join us if you believe in Jesus as your Savior. If you choose not to participate, simply pass the tray of bread or juice to the person next to you, as we will remain seated in the pews for communion.

Consistory Nominations - The following persons have been nominated for Consistory - for Elders: Ann Beishuizen, Joan Grasman, Donna Rypma, Phyllis Sikkenga, Cheryl Van Geison, Bill Vanden Heuvel. - for Deacons: Stephy Grotenhuis, Tony Moulds, Ken Vanderstelt, Eric Weesies. We will narrow this list to two names each by ballot at the October 14 congregational meeting. If you need an absentee ballot, please contact Gloria at 894-9415 or


As your heart leads…

* Dianne Weesies underwent successful right shoulder replacement surgery on October 1 at Gulf Breeze Baptist Hospital, Gulf Breeze, FL. Please pray for steady recovery and relief from pain.

* Mark Levandowski recently had a stroke. He is at Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital. Please continue to pray for his recovery, and for wife Diane. You can follow updates at If you would like to send a card: Mary Free Bed, Mark Levandowski Room #4101, 235 Wealthy Street SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503

* Evy Nagelkerk, Harriett's mother in law passed away. Pray for comfort in their time of grief.

* Ike Nelson is recovering from surgery to remove a cyst on her liver. Pray for healing and restoration.
* Doris DeVries, 91 yrs., fell and broke her pelvis. Pray for healing and comfort for her and her family. She is currently at SKLD (Heartland Healthcare, Whitehall) for rehab.

* Pray for all who are joining us for The Story, that God will bless them and show up in a new and mighty way.

* Praise God for our sister church families from Hungary who were with us last weekend. Pray for our plans to visit them. Pray for strengthened relationships and that our congregations are blessed.

In Need of Prayer? We have an Elder available for prayer each week following the service. Whether you have a need for prayer or have a desire to know more about the message or Jesus, they are ready and willing to sit and listen and pray. You can find an elder in the Prayer Room, next to the Library. This month’s elder is Wanda Lownds.

Thank you: Our family is grateful for all the cards, prayers, phone calls and the prayer shawl we received from our church family after Coral passed away. John & Michelle Hamann family

Thank you to our Ferry family for your prayers, cards, emails, texts and all of your kind and encouraging words. God is still on the throne and we trust Him as Mark continues to recover from his stroke. It is anticipated that he will be in Mary Free Bed for another 3-4 weeks. If you would like to follow his progress you can visit caringbridge.org for daily updates. Please continue with your prayers...They are definitely felt! Diane and Mark Levandowski


Adult Sunday School (DVD) @ Friendship House 10:45-11:45 am

Layover Sunday School (DVD)

Taste the Story—11:15 am @ Chamber Bar & Grill

Sunday 10:45-11:45 Children/Youth classes:

PreK-1st teacher Rachel Weesies

1st-3rd teachers Ken & Bea Vanderstelt

4th-6th teacher Carissa Biggs

7th-12th teachers Rachelle Johnson & Michelle Hamann

Sunday Night— 6 pm w/ Dave Roodvoets

Women’s Group—Thursday 10 am @ Friendship House

Mid-Week Story (DVD) — Wednesday 6 pm


Tuesday Morning Bible Study. We are studying Isaiah. Tuesdays, 10 am-11:30 am in Fellowship Hall. everyone welcome. Questions? Ask Ben Jeffries at 894-5043.

Women’s weekend at Grace Adventures Oct. 12-14. Let’s bring a group from FMRC! Speaker Shannon Popkin shares humor, stories and a passion for God’s Word. Boat rides, wagon rides, paintball, prayer room, ropes course are available for free time. All-inclusive $129 stay on campus, $99 commuter. Sign up and pay at graceadventures.org/womens-retreat. Questions? Talk to Pastor Amy


Wednesday Night Faith Formation: Join us each Wednesday to grow in faith, 6:00 -7:30 pm! J.U.M.P.: K-5th grades, S.O.S.: 6th-8th grades, Sr. High: 9th-12th grades

SOS (middle school) is studying what it means to be a Christian, and what we believe. Last week-Jesus and how he saves us, This week-the Holy Spirit! If you took home a devotional book, complete it and return it Wednesday for a prize!


October Mission of the Month: Food & More - Thanksgiving Baskets. Please indicate ‘MOM’ on your check memo line or envelope. Thank you.

Thanksgiving Baskets: Accepting donations of Mac & Cheese. Our goal is 500 boxes. Thank you.

Kids’ Kloset needs: Girls’ pants size 2. We are completely out of that size. Thank you for your continued support of this ministry.

Stephen Ministry Supervision: meets Tuesday, October 9, 6:30 pm in Friendship House.

Hand bells - we practice Thursdays, 6:30 pm (6:15 set-up). If you would like to try your hand at hand bells, please come. Questions to Susan Kelly (231) 861-4783.

MARK THE DATE - JOURNEY OF JOY, December 8 & 9. This is the presentation of the miracle of Christmas - the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. We covet and value your participation. Questions to Karl DeWitt.

Kids Hope: Make a difference in the life of a child! Mentors commit to spending one hour each week with the same student. At the same time, their prayer partner is praying that God will bless their relationship. Mentors play games, help with homework, read books, and overall encourage and love their students. Mentoring starts in October and runs through May -- with holiday weeks off. Before you begin as a mentor there is a training process you complete first so you are prepared for the mentoring hour. If interested, please see Sue Moulds or call her at 231-670-2292

World Vision - Tsunami Aid:World Vision staff are already on the ground and ready to reach the most vulnerable with food, water, and other relief items. Thousands are in need of immediate relief. World Vision Indonesia's National Director, Doseba Sinay, said, “We are deeply concerned about the impact of this on children who at this stage will be terrified of the aftershocks and struggling to cope with the uncertainty and loss of loved ones. This is the second earthquake in two months to hit Indonesia and claim hundreds of lives. Ensuring that survivors have their immediate needs met with adequate shelter, food and water will be critical over the coming days.” To give, go to


Greeters at the Doors: North entrance: Ron & Cathy Aulerich. South and East entrances: Dan & Lorna Elve.

Nursery (4 years old and under):Assistants this week: Amanda Holman, Stephy Grotenhuis. Next week: Ike Nelson, Joyce Brownell, Braylyn Bultema.

Children’s Church (ages 4-2nd grade): Leaders this week: Ann Beishuizen, Joyce Brownell. Next week: Renée & Jeff Cherry family.

Sound: Jeff Cherry. Next week: Jeff Auch.

Video: -- Next week: Isabelle Auch.

PowerPoint: Lizzy Cherry. Next week: Ryan Springer.

Thank you to Deb Jellema, our pianist/organist this morning.

Fellowship Time: Thank you to Jeff & Dawn Auch for preparing and serving coffee this morning. Thanks also to Renée Cherry and Chris DeRose for providing the cookies.


October Newsletter: Copies of the Ferry Log are available on the sign-up table. Please help yourself.

Words of Hope devotional (October-December) is available on the narthex and sign-up tables. Please help yourself.

We are now on Twitter and Instagram. We know social media has its blessings and curses, so to speak. But we want to help provide positive communications for you to keep up to date and to be able to share with your connections about your faith community. Additionally, if you have been using Instagram for a while, we could use some insights and help to get up to speed.

Handicap Parking on Old Channel Trail: As we have been looking at disability access this year we discovered that our Handicap parking on Old Channel Trail really does not give access for anyone who needs a ramp to get to the sidewalk. This means we should not label it as handicap. So, we have relabeled those spots as reserved parking. We still intend its use to be for those with needs, but have changed how it is labeled to reflect its usability for guests who may truly need ease of access and a ramp

7 / Monday
8 / Tuesday
9 / Wednesday
10 / Thursday
11 / Friday
12 / Saturday
9:30 am Worship with communion
10:30 am Fellowship Time
10:45 am classes / 10 am Bible Study
1 pm Prayer Shawl
6:30 pm Stephen Ministry / 6-7:30 pm:
Sr. High
Mid-week Story / 10 am Women’s Group
6:15 pm Bells
Offerings / September 30 / Weekly Budget
General Fund / $ 5,913.97 / $ 6,940.67
Missions Fund / $ 1,185.00 / $ 385.10
September Mission of the Month - Muskegon Pregnancy Services / $1,237.00