June / July 2014



ALGOA PARK LIBRARY Tel: 041 452-5065

All these activities are for 20 children.

Tues. 01 Jul. 10h00 Storytime and make a paper plate bear.

Thurs. 03 Jul. 10h00 Storytime and make springy animals.

Fri. 04 Jul. 10h00 Enjoy a movie.

Tues. 08 Jul. 10h00 Storytime and make a picture frame. Please bring a photo.

Thurs. 10 Jul. 10h00 Storytime and make a ball pet.

Fri. 11 Jul. 10h00 Enjoy a movie.

Tues. 15 Jul. 10h00 Storytime and make a tiger mask.

Fri. 18 Jul. 10h00 Enjoy a movie.

ALLANRIDGE LIBRARY Tel: 041 994-1314

All these activities are for 15 children, 6 – 13 yrs.

Wed. 02 Jul. 10h30 An environmental event. No limit.

Thurs. 03 Jul. 10h30 Storytime and paint with salt.

Wed. 09 Jul. 10h30 Storytime and make a sparkling square.

Thurs. 10 Jul. 10h30 Storytime and make a dragonfly.

Thurs. 17 Jul. 10h30 Storytime and make a paper plate frog.

Fri. 18 Jul. 10h30 Storytime and make a disney mask.

BOOYSEN PARK LIBRARY Tel: 041 483-1954

FUN WITH PAINT All these activities are for 20 children, 10 – 13 yrs.

Tues. 01 Jul. 10h00 Storytime and colouring-in competition.

Wed. 02 Jul. 10h00 Storytime and make a snowflake painting.

Thurs. 03 Jul. 10h00 Storytime and make a beaded bracelet.

Tues. 08 Jul. 10h00 Storytime and an art workshop.

Wed. 09 Jul. 10h00 Storytime and make a mosaic photo frame.

Thurs. 10 Jul. 10h00 Storytime and an optical art workshop.

Tues. 15 Jul. 10h00 Storytime and paint your own bandana.

Wed. 16 Jul. 10h00 Storytime and paint your own t-shirt. Please bring a light coloured t-shirt.

CHATTY LIBRARY Tel: 041 481-4117

Tues. 01 Jul. 11h00 Storytime and make a pasta bracelet. Limit 10 children, 5 yrs +

Wed. 02 Jul. 11h00 Make a paper plate aquarium. Limit 20 children, 8 yrs +

Thurs. 03 Jul. 11h00 Storytime and decorate the letter of the alphabet.

Limit 26 children, 8 yrs +

Tues. 08 Jul. 11h00 Fun with fabric painting. Limit 10 children, 10 yrs +

Wed. 09 Jul. 11h00 Fun with fabric painting. Limit 10 children, 10 yrs +

Thurs. 10 Jul. 11h00 Storytime and make a penguin collage. Limit 20 children, 8 yrs +

Wed. 15 Jul. 11h00 Storytime and make dancing puppets. Limit 20 children, 8 yrs +

Thurs. 16 Jul. 11h00 Design and make your own fridge magnet. Limit 10 children, 8 yrs +

DESPATCH LIBRARY Tel: 041 994-1616

All these activities are for 20 children, 4 yrs +

Mon. 30Jun. 10h00 Storytime and make a marshmallow igloo.

Wed. 02 Jul. 10h00 Storytime and make a glitter CD snowman. Please bring an old CD

Mon. 07 Jul. 10h00 Recycling workshop. No limit.

Wed. 09 Jul. 10h00 Storytime and make a pipe cleaner snowflake.

Mon. 14 Jul. 10h00 Storytime and make a winter angel.

Wed. 16 Jul. 10h00 Storytime and make a cactus collage.


Tues. 01 Jul. 11h00 Storytime and make a paper plate clock. Limit 10 children, 6 – 13 yrs.

Thurs. 03 Jul. 11h00 Storytime and word search puzzles. Limit 24 children, 6 – 13 yrs.

Tues. 08 Jul. 11h00 Storytime and make a bracelet. Limit 15 children, 6 – 13 yrs.

Thurs. 10 Jul. 11h00 Storytime and make paper flowers. Limit 24 children, 6 – 13 yrs.

Please bring 2 toilet roll tubes.

Tues. 15 Jul. 11h00 Storytime and build puzzles. Limit 24 children, 6 – 13 yrs.

Thurs. 17 Jul. 11h00 Storytime and enjoy a movie.

GELVANDALE LIBRARY Tel: 041 452-3770

Tues. 01 Jul. 10h00 Make a safety pin bracelet. Limit 10 children, 6 yrs +

Thurs. 03 Jul. 10h00 Storytime and enjoy a movie.

Tues. 08 Jul. 10h00 Make a paper plate Chinese dragon puppet. Limit 15 children, 6 yrs +

Wed. 09 Jul. 10h00 An environmental event.

Thurs. 10 Jul. 10h00 An anti-animal cruelty presentation.

Tues. 15 Jul. 10h00 Storytime and make a beaded pen. Limit 15 children, 3 yrs +

Thurs. 17 Jul. 10h00 Art in a circle. Limit 10 children, 6 yrs +

KORSTEN LIBRARY Tel: 041 506-2668

All these activities are for 15 children, 3 – 14 yrs.

Tues. 01 Jul. 10h00 Make banjo musical instruments and storytime.

Please bring a shoebox with a lid.

Thurs. 03 Jul. 10h00 Storytime and make a shoebox train. Please bring a shoebox with a lid.

Tues. 08 Jul. 10h00 Storytime and make a stained glass picture.

Wed. 09 Jul. 10h00 Storytime and board games.

Tues. 10 Jul. 10h00 Storytime and make a puffy polar bear.

Wed. 15 Jul. 10h00 Storytime and make Debra the zebra.

Wed. 16 Jul. 10h00 An environmental event. No limits.

Thurs. 17 Jul. 10h00 Storytime and make a necklace.

KWADWESI LIBRARY Tel: 041 485-2517

All these activities are for 25 children, 6 – 13 yrs.

Mon. 30 Jun. 10h00 Storytime and make a frog.

Mon 07 Jul. 10h00 Storytime and make a doorknob hanger.

Tues. 08 Jul. 10h00 Storytime and have fun with beads.

Mon. 14 Jul. 10h00 Storytime and make a paper plate hedgehog.

Wed. 16 Jul. 10h00 Fun with outdoor games.

KWANOBUHLE LIBRARY Tel: 041 506-2674

Tues. 01 Jul. 10h00 Storytime and make a paper winter bear. 6 – 13 yrs.

Thurs. 03 Jul. 10h00 Make a paper puppet. 6 – 13 yrs.

Tues. 08 Jul. 10h00 Storytime and make a winter lantern. 6 – 13 yrs.

Thurs. 10 Jul. 10h00 Make a squawky parrot. 6 – 13 yrs.

Mon. 14 Jul. 10h00 An environmental event.

Tues. 15 Jul. 10h00 Storytime and make a paper bird. 6 – 13 yrs.

Thurs. 17 Jul. 10h00 Make a lanky giraffe. 6 – 13 yrs.

KWAMAGXAKI LIBRARY Tel: 041 463-1860

Tues. 24 Jun. 10h00 Make a door name plate. Limit 15 children.

Wed. 25 Jun. 10h00 Enjoy a movie.

Mon. 30 Jun. 10h00 Storytime and make a paper bag puppet.

Wed. 02 Jul. 10h00 Storytime and make a bookmark. Limit 15 children.

Tues. 08 Jul. 10h00 Storytime and colouring-in competition.

Thurs. 10 Jul. 10h00 Make a gift box. Limit 15 children.

Wed. 16 Jul. 10h00 Storytime and word search games.

Thurs. 17 Jul. 10h00 Storytime and make a mask. Limit 15 children.


All these activities are for 20 children, 6 yrs +

Tues. 01 Jul. 11h00 Storytime and make a caterpillar.

Wed. 02 Jul. 11h00 Make a butterfly box.

Tues. 08 Jul. 11h00 Storytime and make animal pals.

Thurs. 10 Jul. 11h00 Make jungle animals.

Tues. 15 Jul. 11h00 Storytime and make a dancing granny.

Thurs. 17 Jul. 11h00 Make a creepy insect.

Please bring your own glitter glue, pencil crayons and kokis.

MAIN LIBRARY Tel: 041 506-3466

All these activities are for children up to 13 yrs.

Tues. 01 Jul. 11h00 Storytime and make a paper plate cottonwool sheep. Limit 10 children.

Thurs. 03 Jul. 11h00 Storytime and make a loo roll giraffe. Limit 15 children.

Tues. 08 Jul. 11h00 Storytime and make a paper plate clock. Limit 15 children.

Thurs. 10 Jul. 11h00 Storytime and make a loo roll butterfly. Limit 15 children.

Tues. 15 Jul. 11h00 Storytime and make a paper plate mobile. Limit 10 children.

Thurs. 17 Jul. 11h00 Enjoy a movie.

MOTHERWELL LIBRARY Tel: 041 462-0298

All these activities are for 20 children, 3 – 13 yrs.

Tues. 01 Jul. 11h00 Storytime and word search games.

Thurs. 03 Jul. 11h00 Make a twirling monkey.

Tues. 08 Jul. 11h00 Storytime and make your family tree.

Wed. 09 Jul. 11h00 Library orientation and roller skating fun. No limit!

Thurs. 10 Jul. 11h00 Make a pair of binoculars.

Tues. 15 Jul. 11h00 Storytime and make Humpty Dumpty.

Wed. 16 Jul. 11h00 An environmental programme.

NEW BRIGHTON LIBRARY Tel: 041 454-6523

All these activities are for 30 children, 5 – 12 yrs.

Tues. 01 July 11h00 Storytime and make a snowman.

Thurs. 03 Jul. 11h00 Storytime and make a bookmark.

Tues. 08 Jul. 11h00 Storytime and colouring-in fun.

Thurs. 10 Jul. 11h00 Make a snow flake.

Tues. 15 Jul. 11h00 Storytime and word search games.

Thurs. 17 Jul. 11h00 Enjoy a movie. No limit.

NEWTON PARK LIBRARY Tel: 041 365-1403

All these activities are for children, 6 yrs and older.

Tues. 01 Jul. 10h30 Storytime and make a pipe cleaner bracelet.

Thurs. 03 Jul. 10h30 Storytime and make a hibernating polar bear.

Mon 07 Jul. 10h30 An environmental event.

Tues. 08 Jul. 10h30 Storytime and make a snowman.

Thurs. 10 Jul. 10h30 Storytime and make a pom-pom caterpillar.

Tues. 15 Jul. 10h30 Make a native American shaker. Please bring an empty Pringles can

Thurs. 17 Jul. 10h30 Make a pasta necklace.

NORTH END LIBRARY Tel: 041 484-7610

Mon. 30 Jun. 10h30 Storytime and make a heart decoration. Limit 15 children, 7 – 14 yrs.

Wed. 02 Jul. 10h30 Storytime and mini Olympic games. Limit 20 children, 5 – 14 yrs.

Tues. 08 Jul. 10h30 Storytime and make a clay egg cup. Limit 15 children, 7 – 14 yrs.

Wed. 09 Jul. 10h30 Storytime and paint the clay egg cup (continued).

Mon. 14 Jul. 10h30 Storytime and paint a paper plate mask. Limit 20 children, 5 – 14 yrs.

Wed. 16 Jul. 10h30 Storytime and enjoy a movie. No limit, 5 – 14 yrs.


CAREERS/LOOPBANE All these activities are for 10 children, 6 – 13 yrs.

Tues. 01 Jul. 10h00 - 11h00 Storytime and be a manager – make a memo pad.

Thurs. 03 Jul. 10h00 - 11h30 Storytime and be an astronaut – make a paper plate space scene.

Tues. 08 Jul. 10h00 - 11h30 Storytime and be a textile designer – weave a place mat.

Thurs. 10 Jul. 10h00 - 11h30 Storytime and be a farmer – make a peek-a-boo-barn scene.

Mon. 14 Jul. 10h00 - 11h00 A talk by a game ranger. No limit.

Tues. 15 Jul. 10h00 - 12h00 Storytime and be a teacher – make a toothpaste tube desk tidy.

Limit 5 children only.

Thurs. 17 Jul. 10h00 - 11h30 Storytime and be a builder – make a paper house.

WALMER LIBRARY Tel: 041 581-4111

All these activities are for 30 children only.

Wed. 02 Jul. 10h30 Storytime and make a dino-puppet.

Thurs. 03 Jul. 10h30 Storytime and paint your own dinosaur t-shirt or pillow case.

Please bring a light coloured t-shirt or pillow case.

Wed. 09 Jul. 10h30 Storytime and make fossil cakes and dino eggs.

Thurs. 10 Jul. 10h30 Dino-lympics and other games.

Wed. 16 Jul. 10h30 Storytime and make your own ‘dino-rama’.

Thurs. 17 Jul. 10h30 Storytime and make and paint your own dinosaur.

WEST END LIBRARY Tel: 041 481-4834

All these activities are for children 5 yrs and older.

Tues. 01 Jul. 10h00 Storytime and make Dora the explorer.

Wed. 02 Jul. 10h00 Storytime, have fun with dyed pasta beads and colouring-in fun.

Thurs. 03 Jul. 10h30 Storytime and have fun with dyed pasta beads (continued).

Tues. 08 Jul. 10h00 Storytime and have fun printing leaves on fabric.

Wed. 09 Jul. 10h30 Storytime and make a plastic bottle chime.

Thurs. 10 Jul. 10h30 Storytime and make a gift bag.

Tues. 15 Jul. 10h00 Storytime and make an ocean scene in a box.

Wed. 16 Jul. 10h30 Storytime and make a snakes and ladder board game.

Thurs. 17 Jul. 10h30 Storytime and make a tic tac toe board game.

ZWIDE LIBRARY Tel: 041 464-2287

All these activities are for 20 children, 3 – 14 yrs.

Tues. 01 Jul. 11h00 Storytime and make a candle holder.

Wed. 02 Jul. 11h00 An environmental event. No limit.

Thurs. 03 Jul. 11h00 Storytime and a make door knob hanger.

Tues. 08 Jul. 11h00 Storytime and library orientation.

Thurs. 10 Jul. 11h00 Storytime and make a greeting card.

Tues. 15 Jul. 11h00 Storytime and enjoy a movie.

Thurs. 17 Jul. 11h00 Storytime and make a pencil holder.

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