Pastoral Questionnaire
City State Zipcode
Home Phone Cell Phone
Office Phone E-mail
Fax Number
Partner’s Name
What role does your partner play in your ministry or in the church?
How long have you pastored?
Call To Ministry
Describe your spiritual background:
The reasons I became a Pastor are:
The ways in which my call to ministry is being confirmed are:
My greatest “example to the flock” is:
I feel called to apply for this position because:
Describe your theology:
My preaching style is:
The worship style I prefer is:
To meet the preferred worship style of the congregation, I would tailor my style by:
An example of worship that is inspiring and illuminating would include:
My thoughts on the use of inclusive language are:
I believe lay participation should include:
The role of “Pastor” should entail:
Uniting people in a passion for the mission, vision and core values of a church can be accomplished by:
Developing and sustaining effective ministries requires:
To be a positive witness in leading the church in the teachings of Jesus I must:
To inspire, recruit and support people in ministry I need to:
My skills and experience to empower and equip staff and volunteers for effective service/ministry in the church include:
My proven history of growing a healthy and vibrant church consists of:
My relationship to staff and committee leaders will be:
My relationship to the Board of Directors will be:
Skills and Experience
Describe how you would create a safe, nurturing and mutually supportive environment, where people feel welcomed and affirmed.
What skills do you bring to assist our church in achieving significant outreach to new people, growth and change?
My experience in strategic planning, goal setting, and project implementation includes:
My experience in leadership/administration (in church and in other venues) and my success in these areas consist of:
What skills do you have in working with church leaders to develop stewardship programs that build generosity in the giving of people’s time, talents, and financial resources?
Please describe your training and experience in pastoral counseling.
Please define your track record of solid integrity and spiritual and emotional stability.
Please describe your experience in preaching and teaching.
Are you ordained within MCC?
Do you have a current license?
Have you ever grown a church?
-What have you learned from this experience?
-What would you never do again?
What do you think of the “Would Jesus Discriminate?” campaign?
Walk With God
Please List Your Most Coveted Spiritual Gifts:
My participation in the ministry of my current church is:
What in your present situation is disappointing to you?
What is missing in your current church that you would like to find with us?
My most satisfying ministry areas are:
My most challenging ministry areas are:
How do you maintain your own physical, spiritual and emotional well being?
Please list any questions you may have on another piece of paper.
Okay, you're finished...
We understand the above questionnaire may be slightly long and somewhat time consuming, however we, as the Pastoral Search Committee, believe it our responsibility to best serve the church by seeking out that one very special person that God has prepared for us. We sincerely thank you for your time and interest in our open Sr Pastor position.
Please note:
After completing the above questionnaire, you will need to save this document to your computer by clicking -- File, Save As. You will then need to attach it to email and send to .
Also, please mail a DVD or CD (WMV or QuickTime format),featuring you preaching a recent sermon, to New Spirit MCC, P.O. Box 23058, Cincinnati, OH 45233.
You will receive acknowledgement of your submitted questionnaire so that you are aware it has been received.