Unit Eight Study Guide – U.S. History – Cold War – Vietnam War

Part One: New Frontier and Great Society (Ch. 20)

John F. Kennedy

Flexible Response

Fidel Castro

Berlin Wall

Hot Line

Limited Test Ban Treaty

New Frontier


Peace Corps

Alliance for Progress

Warren Commission

Lyndon B. Johnson

Economic Opportunity Act

Great Society

Medicare and Medicaid

Immigration Act of 1965

Warren Court


Miranda Rights

Short Answer

1)Explain the factors that led to Kennedy’s victory over Nixon in the 1960 presidential campaign. How did the Bay of Pigs invasion strengthen Castro’s power in Cuba? What were the most significant results of the Cuban Missile Crisis?

2)What were Johnson’s goals as President? Describe the ways that Great Society programs addressed the problem of poverty. How did the Supreme Court increase the political power of people in urban areas? Explain how the Supreme Court expanded the protections provided to people accused of crimes.

Part Two: The Vietnam War Years (Ch. 22)

Ho Chi Minh


Domino Theory

Dien Bien Phu

Geneva Accords

Ngo Dinh Diem


Ho Chi Minh Trail

TonkinGulf Resolution

Robert McNamara

Dean Rusk

William Westmoreland


Agent Orange

Search-and-Destroy Mission

Credibility Gap

New Left

Students for a Democratic Society

Free Speech Movement



Tet Offensive

Clark Clifford

Robert Kennedy

Eugene McCarthy

Hubert Humphrey

George Wallace


Silent Majority

Pentagon Papers

Henry Kissinger

Khmer Rouge

War Powers Act

Short Answer

1)How did the Tonkin Gulf Resolution lead to greater U.S. involvement in Vietnam? Why did much of the American public and many in the Johnson administration support escalation in Vietnam? List three factors that contributed to the sinking morale among U.S. troops fighting in Vietnam.

2)What acts of violence occurred in the United States during 1968 that dramatically altered the mood of the country? Briefly describe how the military conflict in Vietnam soon came to an end after the last U.S. combat troops departed in 1973. What were the immediate effects and more lasting legacies of the Vietnam War within America?