Rosia Montana Conflict


1997- Rosia Montana Gold Corporation was founded according to the commercial low under the name Eurogold Resources, changing its name into the present one in 1999. RMGC represent a partnership between Gabriel Resources Ltd (80%), a Canadian specialized firm in mining exploitations and development, the Romanian Government through National Company of Copper, Gold and Iron Minvest S.A. Deva (19.3%), a mining company fully owned by the state and three minority stakeholders, Romanian commercial companies.

December 1998- Minvest Deva obtained the concession license for exploitation in the Rosia Montana perimeter, by the National Agency for Mineral Resources, Bucharest. Later on, in 2000 the license was transfer to RMGC.

June 1999- the concession is valid until 2018.

2000- The Report of the Bucharest Center for National Cultural Heritage Protection and the National Museum of Union, Alba Iulia build the multidisciplinary research project, archaeological and cultural “Alburnus Maior” in a long term function and funded by RMGC. Alburnus Maior is a research program with the purpose of developing archeological, ethnographical and architectural research studies on the cultural heritage of the region.

August – September 2000- RMGC initiated the socio-economic research for the proposed mining project, with the help of research institutions.

September 2000- Alburnus Maior Association was founded by the inhabitants and owners in Rosia Montana. The association represents the interests of over 300 families from Rosia Montana, plus 100 families from the neighboring village, Bucium. Alburnus Maior is the initiator of the “Save Rosia Montana” Campaign, opposing the RMGC mining project. The key points in the Alburnus Maior discourse and activity are environmental protection, cultural heritage, limited economic prospects and social impact through relocation and resettlement of local population. Alburnus Maior Association was designed as a representative of the families who refused to sell their land in order to make way for the RMGC project. During the last 10 years there were many contradictions regarding this association, starting from the number of members represented (first 400, than 350 and culminating with the declaration of the president Eugen David “…we don’t know how many remained because some retired, others have sold their land to the company and others were kicked off”. In the same time the contradictions are even bigger when we talk about the interest of it’s members. During this years it was a sudden change from “We don’t want to leave” to “We leave…but whit what?” to “We should also think to those who are outside the impact zone…they want to leave too”.

2001-2007- Heritage Program: RMGC invested 10 million $ for further archaeological rescue and restore of all 41 historic structures from Rosia Montana. Over 60 specialists from the most prestigious institutions in Romania have worked together with approximately 250 local workers in the largest preventive excavation action in South- Eastern Europe. Under this program, four archeological and ethnographical scientific volumes were published.

March 2001- The first meeting between RMGC and the local authorities. In the same month Alburnus Maior research project acted as a coordinator to the most important archeological research project in Romania and Europe. RMGC role was to provide the necessary condition for research, registration and protection, together with the public use of the cultural heritage of Rosia Montana.

April 2001- RMGC held the first public meetings in the region and also the first face- to- face meeting with the families from the affected area. The first number of the journal Gazeta appeared functioning as an instrument of communication with the community.

March 2002- The research program Alburnus Maior received the “Constantin şi Hadrian Daicoviciu” award for excellence in an archeological project.

June 2002- National Agency for Mineral Resources and Ministry of Industry and Resources gave RMGC the “Excellence Certificate” for the exploitation programs developed between 1997 and 2002, and the “Diploma for High Performance” from the Research Department of the Bucharest University. In the same month RMGC bought the first home in the area.

July 2002- The Local Council authorized the General Urban Plan for Rosia Montana region which defines the future industrial zone and the protected areas. In the same time the RMGC Department for the Development of Community is established, being responsible with the development and relocation of the local community.

28 July 2002- Alburnus Maior organized a public meeting in Rosia Montana with the participation of 350 local people and also 34 representatives of national and foreign NGO’s. The meeting culminated with a declaration of the NGO’s against the project, especially against the exploitation in open career, against the use of cyanide and against the forced relocation.

August 2002- Daniel Daianu, former Minister of Finances, together with other 82 teachers from the ASE University addressed a letter to the President Ion Iliescu, saying that the project is an economic failure and an environmental disaster. In the same month Hungarian Minister of Environment and Water Management, answering an interpellation made by 20 Hungarian NGO’s made the first step in activating the Espoo Convention (1991) on environmental impact in a trans- boundary context. One of the articles state that governments must realize that in order to stop the danger of environmental threats, they must notify and consult each other on all major projects under consideration that they might have adverse environmental impact across borders.

October 2002- The International Finance Corporation, part of the World Bank Group, has abandoned the intention to financially support the RMGC project, naming as one of their major reasons the social and environmental problems.

28 October 2002- Caroline Jackson, President of the European Parliament Environment Committee confirmed that Rosia Montana is a serious problem in terms of Romania EU accession

31 October 2002- 14 representatives of the Romano- Catholic, Unitarian and Calvin Churches announced that they would not sell any property- church or terrain- to RMGC; in the same press release they stated concerns about environmental and community impact.

1 November 2002- Petre Lificiu, Romanian Minster of Environment expressed publicly serious concerns on the economic and environmental aspects of the mining project.

4 November 2002- Prof. Dr. Geza Alfoldy wrote a protest letter addressed to Razvan Theodorescu, Romanian Minister of Culture. Until 2008, 1038 Romanian archeologists and historians have joined this protest letter.

15 November 2002- 14 of the members of the Romanian Academy from Cluj- Napoca wrote a protest letter addressed to Prime Minister Adrian Nastase, regarding the environmental impact of the mining project.

1 December 2002- 40 of the most eminent Romanian archeologists and historians have written to Romanian President Ion Iliescu explaining why saving Rosia Montana is such an important problem, and how this mining project would destroy this unique place. Among the signatures are also found some members of the Romanian Commission for Archeology.

5 December 2002- during it’s General Assembly, ICOMOS ( International Committee for the Conservation of Monuments and Sites) presented a strong resolution against the mining project because of the devastating impact on the Roman mining galleries in the region. At the same date, the European branch of Greenpeace launched the first campaign in Romania, with the support of Alburnus Maior.

December 2002- RMGC received the “Certificate of certification of technical competence” from the National Agency for Mineral Resources. This certificate authorized the company to conduct mining activities in Rosia Montana area.

January 2003- The RMGC Action Plan for removing and relocating the inhabitants of Rosia Montana is updated to comply with all of the World Bank’ policies and guidelines.

4 March 2003- The Romanian Academy asked all the Romanian authorities implicated in the mining project to stop the Rosia Montana project, presenting some environmental, geological, historical, economical and archeological conclusions, and the impact of the mining project on each of the domains mentioned above.

April- June 2003- members from Alburnus Maior went along members from other partner organization like PATRIR Cluj- Napoca in places like Arieseni, Albac, Horea, Campeni or Abrud where they informed the locals about the disastrous effects of the mining project and gathered signatures from the locals resident demanding a regional referendum.

5 June 2003- Prime Minister Adrian Nastase made a first public statement about the problem from Rosia Montana saying that the RMGC project involves serious environmental and social risks and that the project is not a priority for Romania. Prime Minister also said that he doesn’t want Romania to become a modern colony due to the implementation of this project.

16 June 2003- Members of Alburnus Maior, along with locals from the affected areas and members from other 10 NGO’s manifested in Bucharest in order to express their hopes for a durable ecological development in the area.

July 2003 – The bishops and archbishops of the Hungarian Historical Churches said that, if achieved, the project would have a disastrous impact on humans and the environment. They assume any responsibility for the local community of Rosia Montana, which is under enormous pressure due to the relocation. The statement reaffirmed their commitment to not sell their church property.

31 August 2003 – according to a regional survey only 20% of those asked think that RMGC project would bring economical benefits and 67% expressed their desire to have a referendum to decide on the mining project.

16 September 2003 – Hungary Greenpeace organized a demonstration with the goal that the Minister of Environment to exercise its rights according to the Espoo Convention. It should be mentioned that until this date Hungary, Serbia and Bulgaria have asked to be consulted if the RMGC’ project neither will or will nor receive a favorable agreement.

18 September 2003 – at a conference held in Cluj-Napoca by Alburnus Maior and PATRIR representatives of the Orthodox, Unitarian, Greek Catholic, Roman- Catholic Churches said jointly that they will not ever sell the church property and they have a responsibility to support local community in opposition to the project RMGC.

28 September 2003 - approximately 500 people from Rosia Montana and the region gathered in Cimpeni, to take part in an action organized by Alburnus Maior. The event culminated with the approval by all participants about a declaration which will inform the government that the region must develop on its own and that they would never accept a project so risky and dangerous as the one proposed by RMGC.

October 2003 - ICOMOS for the second time during the General Assembly in 2003, made public a very strong resolution against the destruction of the archaeological site of Rosia Montana.

6 October 2003 - Solidarity march with Rosia Montana began. On October 11 about 100 people came to Rosia Montana and held a public meeting, expressing their protest against the project RMGC and solidarity with the locals who do not want to move.

7-9 November 2003 - during its general assembly, the European Federation of Green Parties has made a very strong resolution against the project RMGC.

8 November 2003 - A delegation from the European Parliament was present at Rosia Montana, where she met with Association Alburnus Maior. The meeting was attended by about 200 local people and representatives of 20 NGOs in the country and abroad. The European Parliamentary then went to Bucharest where they made very strong statements to journalists: the resettlement of Rosia Montana should not begin until RMGC would have the necessary approvals, the Romanian state should not choose between protecting the environment and developing new places for work.

9 November 2003 - Alburnus Maior along other 15 NGOs from Romania and abroad held a night vigil in front of the Orthodox Metropolitan Church in Bucharest. Its aim was to encourage the Romanian Orthodox Church to take a strong position about the fate of the churches and cemeteries in Rosia Montana and not alienate them to RMGC.

11 November 2003 - Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church announced the strong opposition about the destruction which can be caused by the project and that its properties in Rosia Montana are not for sale.

11 November 2003- Alburnus Maior and other 3 NGOs organized a demonstration in front of the Canadian Embassy in Bucharest.

10 December 2003 - Alburnus Maior was awarded by the Civil Society Gala for the most active NGO in Romania in the field of public participation and civic behavior.

23 December 2003 - City Council ARAD, being extremely worried about the pollution of the river Mures and local population health damage due to use of cyanide, addressed to the Ministry of Agriculture, Water, Environment and Forests, demanding all the documents made so far by RMGC, and asked the Ministry to approve only those technologies that have absolutely no impact on the environment.

2004 - 2005 - Intensive process of public consultation, with the participation of international experts from the World Bank in order to clarify the remaining properties, including their situation and ownership.

15 January 2004 - Ministry of Culture has issued a certificate of archeological discharge for the Carnic Massif.

22 January 2004 - Alburnus Maior sent a request to Adian Nastase for an official investigation about the illegality of such certificate. Alburnus Maior sued MCC for such certificates.

11 February 2004 - in London was held a conference titled “Temptation of the Gold”. The conference was held at the Royal Society of Geography and was organized by Serban Cantacuzino, a renowned Romanian-born architect who firmly pronounced in favor for the project to be stopped and for the implementation of sustainable alternatives in Rosia Montana. The conference was attended by about 500 people, including archaeologists, architects, mining engineers, mining analysts, etc.

12 March 2004 - worried about the evolution of the project RMGC, Persányi Miklos, Hungarian Minister of Environment, called for urgent explanations from the Romanian authorities about RMGC project and signaled that the Romanian side violated the Espoo Convention, which obliges the Romanian part to inform potentially affected countries on any work undertaken.

28 March 2004 - Alba Environmental Protection Agency, after receiving a last-minute recommendation from the Ministry of Environment and Water, after an alert from Alburnus Maior, stopped the procedure for obtaining the environmental agreement by RMGC for the 2004 drilling campaign at Rosia Montana.