Outdoor & Environmental Studies: Unit 3 AOS 2


(Teachers Marking Criteria)


·  This SAC assess the following 3 topics:

1.  Types & Patterns of interactions with natural environments

2.  The role of technology in mediating relationships with natural environments

3.  The role of commercialisation of outdoor experiences in shaping relationships with natural environment

·  You are permitted to bring a pen & 1 x A4 cheat sheet double sided (Hand written notes only) – No other materials, notes or text books are permitted in the SAC

·  5 Minutes reading time

·  40 Minutes writing time

·  7 questions

·  40 marks


1) List the 5 Types of Interactions humans can have with a natural environment & give 1 example relating to the Alpine National Park for each (5 Marks)

·  ½ Mark for each correctly listed type of interaction

·  ½ Mark for each relating example


1.  Commerce - Eg. Ski resort, hydro-electricity scheme, etc.

2.  Recreation – Eg. Bushwalking, skiing, mountain biking, etc.

3.  Conservation – Eg. Track maintenance, weed eradication, etc.

4.  Tourism - Eg. Horse track riding across the high country, etc.

5.  Aesthetic Appreciation – Eg. Bird watching, photography, etc.

2) Draw & complete a table that outlines the patterns of interaction with the Alpine National Park as outlined below: (5 Marks)

·  1 Mark for each correctly completed interaction type with complementing examples (only 1 example required in each box)

Interaction Type / 1900 / 1950 / Present
1. Commerce / - Substance farming / - Some company owned farms / - Wide spread company owned farms
2. Recreation / - virtually no recreation in the outdoors / - Bushwalking
- Snow skiing
- Day trips / - Recreation industry using the outdoors
- Technology allows greater access
3. Conservation / - virtually no environmental conservation movement / - Field naturalists
- Small pockets of land conservation / - Expansion of state & national parks
- membership of environmental movements
4. Tourism / - Virtually no tourism focussed on the outdoors / - Bushwalking
- Snow skiing & visits
- Holiday locations / - Rapid growth in eco-tourism
- Greater participation in tourism in the outdoors
5. Aesthetic Appreciation / - No recognition of nature as important for reflection
- Indigenous people did this naturally / - Growing appreciation for nature as source of inspiration / creativity / - Widespread recognition of nature as important source of inspiration, solitude, creativity

3) Using a number of examples from the table below, write approximately 300 words on the positive & negative consequences of technological changes in bushwalking over time. (8 Marks)

·  3 Marks for identifying the positive consequences of increased technology for bushwalking over time (A. Safer, more comfortable, more accessible, etc)

·  3 Marks for identifying the negative consequences of increased technology for bushwalking over time (A. detachment from nature, increased costs, increased impact on environment, etc)

·  2 Marks for using specific examples from the table when discussing positive & negative impacts

4) Reflecting on the cartoon below, write approximately 300 words on the way technology mediates our relationships with nature in contemporary society. (8 Marks)

·  2 Marks for addressing the key concepts in Leunig’s cartoon & how they relate to studied theory

·  1 Mark for identifying technology has distanced humans from nature.

·  1 Mark for identifying most humans experience natural environments through the use of technologies

·  4 Marks for discussing the differences between city & rural peoples connection with the natural environment

5) List & explain four key dates in the evolution of commercialisation of the outdoor experience.

(4 Marks)

·  ½ Mark for each correctly listed key date in the evolution of commercialisation of the outdoor experience.

·  ½ Mark for explaining why the/how the key date is important, for each


1.  Historical origins – early European settlers used aboriginals as guides & paid them with flour, alcohol & tobacco

2.  1880 to 1950 – Vic railways conducted 1st ever tours to Mt. Buffalo, Vic state tourist committee established, mountain cattlemen charged walkers & riders for guide service

3.  1950 to 1980 – Commercial activities pursued in: alpine areas (skiing); Grampians (rock climbing); Lorne (sea kayaking)

4.  1980 to Present – since 1980’s, establishment of businesses that sell outdoor experiences & skills. Outdoor experiences can be viewed as a commodity. Rapid increase in commercialisation of the outdoor experience.

6) Outline what is meant by ‘commercialisation of the outdoor experience’. (2 Marks)

·  1 Mark for complete definition

·  1 Mark for identifying this has shaped & changed human relationships with nature

Answer: Commercialisation of outdoor experiences occurs when private companies charge clients money to experience activities in natural environments – this has shaped & changed our relationships with nature.

7) List 2 different examples, outlining the positive & negative consequence of commercialisation of outdoor experiences in the Alpine National Park &/or the surrounding communities. (8 Marks)

·  1 Mark for each example of commercialisation

·  3 Marks for identifying the positive consequences of commercialisation

·  3 Marks for identifying the negative consequences of commercialisation