Weekly Newsletter – Monday, 22 October 2018

Park Community School

Key Dates / Attendance

Wed 29thMarch

/ Official opening of the new playground 9am
Parent showcase 9am

Fri 31st March

/ Egg hunt
Cake sale at 1.30pm
End of spring term (1:30 finish)

Mon 17th April

/ Bank holiday – school closed

Tues 18th April

/ Children back to school for Summer Term

Thurs 27th April

/ Craft / Coffee event 1pm-3pm

Thurs 27th April

/ 2pm – Year 1 scooter training.

Mon 1st May

/ Bank holiday – school closed

Fri 5th May

/ Class Photos - AM

Tues 9th May

/ Parents Evening – Details to follow

Thurs 11th May

/ Parents Evening – Details to follow
/ Whole school to date – 95.93%
(increase from last week)
Willow - Year 2 – 92.61%
Oak - Year 1 – 100%
Apple - Rec – 95.60%
A big well done to Oak Class!!
Find us on Facebook and Twitter for fun weekly updates!
Term dates for 2017 – 18 are on the school website.

Playground Update

The Creative Play team have been busy working on the newplayground structure this week, even in the heavy rain on Tuesday! It’s looking really good out there!

The final part needs to be finished off on Monday and then allowed 24 hours to dry, so as a result the children can start using it from next Wednesday. We have updated the children and they are all really looking forward to trying out their new climbing frame!

Red Nose Day

Thanks for the huge effort that was made by the parents and children today to raise money for red nose day. It was nice seeing all the bright red outfits. I am pleased to announce that we have raised £65.50 that will go directly to the charity.

New Bike Rack

Our new TfL funded bike rack is now installed and ready to use in the front playground! So why not dust off those bikes and start riding to school and park your bikes securely in the new rack.

Apple class news

'In Apple Class children were eager to perform in front of an audience.

We voted and decided to perform "The Three Little Pigs".

We had to make masks, write down our roles and give out "hundreds of tickets". What a busy day!"

Whole school trip – Pinot! The musical

I am excited to let you know that the school has been given free tickets to visit Pinot! The Musical at the New Wimbledon Studio Theatre. It is a fun-packed comedy musical that makes learning French exciting. This will be a whole school trip and will take place on Friday June 16 at 10.30am.

Look out for full details after Easter!

Club news

If you have not yet handed in your child’s club forms please make sure you do ASAP. Clubs are filling up fast and some places are limited. The final days for the Music forms is Tuesday morning so that we can confirm the details before half term.

Friday 31st March- Last day of term

Next Friday 31st March - we will be holding a cake sale at the end of the day (1.30pm) this will be to raise money for class room resources.

We will also have a stall selling chocolates and a 'guess how many chocolates are in the jar' competition to help raise money for Momentum a local charity in Kingston that support children with Cancer and life-limiting conditions.

Please bring some change to support both of these causes.

Thank you

Thank you to the PTFA and parents who gave up their time last Friday to make a start on tidying up the front play area. They all worked very hard and as a result we now have an area that we can start to use to plant trees and flowers.

Thank you also to all of you that have donated plants and flowers already for this area. Please bring any more donations to the office.

Stars of the Week

Congratulations to the following children for being the wonderful Stars of the Week: Apple Class: Vivien and Ruby, Oak Class: Ben and Maria, Willow Class:Zamir and Ayah.Miss Street’s Manners Merit: Tamari