Grade 2 Reading, Writing, (and Communicating) Standards & Alignment/Pacing Guide

Updated Fall 2015

**Standards by Quarter, Quick Look, listed at the bottom

Other Notes:

  • Skills should be building in complexity, rigor, and intensity throughout the year.
  • Skills should be presented in a spiral way: learn a foundation, then refer to that as you learn the next.


Basic wide-ruled paper. Always skip a line. Q2 - draft on the left side of the notebook, leaving the right side for revision. A skill of judging the imaginary middle-line must be taught explicitly before the basic wide-ruled paper is used.


All concepts begin with oral language, progress to modelled and shared writing, moving to written

Date / Week / Phonics & Word Study (Spelling)
Project Read / Grammar Skills
Writing Alive / Reading: Narratives / Writing: Narratives / Reading: Informational / Writing: Informational
3 day week / 1 / End of 1/beginning 2 Assessment
Sight word spelling test words 1-40 / Unit 1
Reintroduce sentence components
Sentence show / !st Qtr:
oAsk and answer questions such as who, what, where, when, why and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in text.
oRetell stories
oRead high frequency words (first 40 red words) with accuracy and speed
oDescribe overall structure of a story including the intro, what character wants, “but” something gets in the way, “so” what the character does to solve the problem, and “in the end”.
oIdentify characters, setting, plot. / 1st Qtr:
oWrite at least 3 complete sentences together on a topic.
oOrganize ideas using pictures, organizer, planner
oVerbalize a story using a planner. / 1st Quarter:
oAsk and answer questions such as who, what, where, when, why and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in text.
oIdentify the main idea
oIdentify the main purpose / 1st Qtr:
oWrite informational piece - 3 sentences on topic
oIntroduce topic
oGroup related information together
oProvide a conclusion
8-24 / 2 / Write first 40 red words in phonics notebook, followed by two blank pages for second grade red words.
Unit 15- Syllables - from this point on, enter skills into notebook each week on left side. Right side used for practice (words, sentences).
assess / Unit 2
Work on sentence building with shapes.
sentence game
First Daily Sentence Styling (in Toolbox booklet). Refer to editing checklist for editing symbols.
8-31 / 3 / unit 16 clusters:str,spr,spl,scr
enter into notebook
assess / Unit 3
Proper and common nouns
Read and retell
lesson. Use mentor book. (no copy of Belly Button Boy)
3 day week / 4 / unit 17 - ending blends
enter into notebook
assess / Unit 4
Prepositional phrases
Build sentences with individual shapes.Student verbalizes sentence, all make it with shape,
Copy one or two sentences in Phonics/Grammar book (phonics first half of book. grammar second half)
9-14 / 5 / Unit 18 - -tch, es, s
enter into notebook
assess / Unit 5
Verbs - past tense
9-21 / 6 / Unit 19 - R controlled vowels
enter into notebook assess / Week 6 Similes
Skip weeks 7 and 8
9-28 / 7 / Unit 20- open syllables, suffix -ed
enter into notebook
assess / Week 9 -
10-5 / 8 / Unit 21- Magic e and -ing
enter in notebook
assess / Week 10 -
(may revisit time transitions when we teach elapsed time in math)
3 days / 9 / Unit 22 - syllable division
enter in notebook
assess / Week 11
Combine this with Week 20 - dialogue punctuation! / 2nd Qtr.:
All of the above with increasing accuracy, independence and rigor, plus…
oDemonstrate use of self-monitoring comprehension strategies (rereading, checking context clues, predicting, etc.)
oDescribe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges
oUse information from illustrations to demonstrate understanding / 2nd Qtr.:
All of the above with increasing accuracy and rigor, plus…
oWrite a narrative which includes short sequence of events, details, and closure
oUse temporal words to signal order and closing. / 2nd Qtr.:
All of the above with increasing accuracy and rigor, plus…
oSummarize main idea using relevant and significant detail in a variety of texts or read alouds
oExplain how specific images (diagram, graph, etc.) can contribute and clarify text.
oDescribe how reasons support points the author makes in a text.
oKnow and use various text features to locate key facts or information. / 2nd Qtr.:
All of the above with increasing accuracy and rigor, plus…
oWrite an informative text with an introduction, facts to develop points and a conclusion
oWrite letters and “how-to’s” that follow a logical order
oOrganize ideas using pictures, graphic organizer, etc.
oUse relevant details when responding in writing to questions about text.
4 days / 10 / Unit 22 - continue syllable division
enter in notebook
assess / Week 12
10-26 / 11 / Unit 23 -y as a vowel
enter in notebook
assess / Week 13
Present and past tense
Irregular verbs
11-2 / 12 / Unit 24 Lesson 1
enter in notebook
assess / Week 14
Clauses beginning with When
11-9 / 13 / Unit 24 lesson 2
ai, -ay
enter in notebook
assess / Week 16- Clauses with Before and After
11-16 / 14 / Unit 24 Lesson 3
oa, -ow, -oe
enter in notebook
assess / Week 17
Collective Nouns, Irregular Plural nouns
12-7 / 16 / Unit 26 Schwa
enter in notebook
assess / Week 18
Clauses starting with
If and While
12-14 / 17 / Unit 27 -cle
enter in notebook
assess / Week 19
Combine and compose compound Sentences
4 Days / 18 / Unit 27 - review -cle
and units 23-26 / Week 21
Commas in list, after clauses / 3rd Qtr.:
All of the above with increasing accuracy, independence and rigor, plus…
oDetermine a central message, lesson or moral
oAcknowledge difference in points of view of characters
oCompare and contrast two or more versions of the same story by different authors or different cultures.
oIdentify how word choice enhances meaning
oDescribe how words and phrases supply rhythm and meaning / 3rd Qtr.:
All of the above with increasing accuracy, independence and rigor, plus…
oWrite an opinion piece with an introduction, their opinion, reasons to support their opinion and conclusion.
oWrite with precise nouns, active verbs, and descriptive adjectives.
oDevelop characters in narrative writing both internally (thoughts and feelings) and externally (physical features, expressions, etc.) / 3rd Qtr.:
All of the above with increasing accuracy, independence and rigor, plus…
oDescribe the connection between historical events, scientific ideas, etc.
oCompare and contrast the most important points presented by two texts on the same topic.
oIdentify main topic a multiparagraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text. / 3rd Qtr.:
All of the above with increasing accuracy, independence and rigor, plus…
oOrganize informational texts using main ideas and specific supporting details.
oState a focus when responding to a given question and use details from text to support the focus.
oApply appropriate transition words to given focus.
1-11 / 19 / Unit 28 -dge
enter in notebook
assess / Week 22
Compound sentences with “but”
4 days / 20 / Unit 29 oo
enter in notebook
assess / Week 23
Expand and vary sentences
1-25 / 21 / Unit 30 oi, -oy
enter in notebook
assess / Week 24
Clauses beginning with before, after
2-1 / 22 / Unit 31 ou, ow
enter in notebook
assess / Week 25
2-8 / 23 / Unit 32 Common Suffixes
enter in notebook
assess / Week 26 Adverbs that show time
4 days / 24 / Unit 32
Common suffixes
enter in notebook
assess / Week 27
Possessive Nouns
2-22 / 25 / Unit 33 - hard and soft g
enter in notebook
assess / Week 28
Capitalize, Underline Book Titles
2-29 / 26 / Unit 34 - au, aw
enter in notebook
assess / Week 29
Interjections in dialogue
3-7 / Review / Week 30
/Differences Vocabulary
3 Days / Week 31
Reword from tell to show
This will be a review
3-28 / Week 32
Gerund and Gerund phrases
4-4 / Contractions
Meet with team- No specific curriculum for this skill
4-11 / Synonyms
No specific curriculum for this skill
Use dictionaries and thesaurus
4 Days / Antonyms
No specific curriculum for this skill
Use dictionaries and thesaurus
3 Days

2ndGrade Standards – 1st Quarter

Quick Look…DRAFT


·Skills should be building in complexity, rigor, and intensity throughout the year.

·Skills should be presented in a spiral way: learn a foundation, then refer to that as you learn the next.

·As you progress throughout the year, include the standards from previous quarters, plus add the new ones identified.

2. Reading for All Purposes:

·GLE 2.2.1 Fluent reading depends on specific skills and approaches to understanding strategies when reading literary text. (use grade level appropriate text)

oAsk and answer questions such as who, what, where, when, why and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in text.

oRetell stories

oRead high frequency words (first 40 red words) with accuracy and speed

oDescribe overall structure of a story including the intro, what character wants, “but” something gets in the way, “so” what the character does to solve the problem, and “in the end”.

oIdentify characters, setting, plot.

·GLE 2.2.2 Fluent reading depends on specific skills and approaches to understanding strategies when reading informational text (using grade level appropriate materials):

oAsk and answer questions such as who, what, where, when, why and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in text.

oIdentify the main idea

oIdentify the main purpose

·GLE 2.2.3 Decoding words with accuracy depends on knowledge of complex spelling patterns and morphology. (appropriate to grade level)

oRead short vowel words quickly and accurately

oDistinguish between short and long vowels in one-syllable words

oRecognize and read grade- appropriate irregularly spelled words (red words up through Unit 16)

oRead grade level text with purpose and understanding

oRead grade level tet orally with accuracy, appropriate rate and expression.

oUse context to confirm or self-correct as necessary.

3. Writing and Composition

·GLE 2.3.1 Exploring the writing process helps to plan and draft a variety of literary genres.

oWrite at least 3 complete sentences together on a topic.

oOrganize ideas using pictures, organizer, planner

oVerbalize a story using a planner.

·GLE 2.3.2 Exploring the writing process helps to plan and draft a variety of simple informational texts

oWrite at least 3 complete sentences on a topic.

oOrganize ideas using pictures, organizer, planner

oRespond in writing to text

·GLE 2.3.3 Appropriate spelling, capitalization, grammar and punctuation are used when writing.

oSpell high frequency words correctly (phonetically correct, red words)

oWrite complete sentences with subject/verb

oCapitalize beginning of sentences, proper nouns.

oPut period or question mark at the end of sentence.

2ndGrade Standards – 2ndQuarter

Quick Look…DRAFT

2. Reading for All Purposes:

·GLE 2.2.1 Fluent reading depends on specific skills and approaches to understanding strategies when reading literary text. (use grade level appropriate text)

oDemonstrate use of self-monitoring comprehension strategies (rereading, checking context clues, predicting, etc.)

oDescribe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges

oUse information from illustrations to demonstrate understanding

·GLE 2.2.2 Fluent reading depends on specific skills and approaches to understanding strategies when reading informational text (using grade level appropriate materials):

oSummarize main idea using relevant and significant detail in a variety of texts or read alouds

oExplain how specific images (diagram, graph, etc.) can contribute and clarify text.

oDescribe how reasons support points the author makes in a text.

oKnow and use various text features to locate key facts or information.

·GLE 2.2.3 Decoding words with accuracy depends on knowledge of complex spelling patterns and morphology. (appropriate to grade level)

oRead multi-syllabic words accurately and fluenty (up through Unit 22 – end of Book 2))

oDecode regularly spelled 2-syllable words (up through Unit 22)

oRecognize and read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words

oRead grade level text with purpose and understanding and with accuracy.

3. Writing and Composition

·GLE 2.3.1 Exploring the writing process helps to plan and draft a variety of literary genres.

oWrite a narrative which includes short sequence of events, details, and closure

oUse temporal words to signal even order and closing.

·GLE 2.3.2 Exploring the writing process helps to plan and draft a variety of simple informational texts

oWrite an informative text with an introduction, facts to develop points and a conclusion

oWrite letters and “how-to’s” that follow a logical order

oOrganize ideas using pictures, graphic organizer, etc.

oUse relevant details when responding in writing to questions about text.

·GLE 2.3.3 Appropriate spelling, capitalization, grammar and punctuation are used when writing.

oForm and use past tense of frequent irregular verbs.

oApply accurate subject/verb agreement.

oVary sentence beginning

oUse comma after greetings, closings

oCapitalize product names

oUse adjective and adverbs in writing to add detail

2ndGrade Standards – 3rdQuarter

Quick Look…DRAFT

2. Reading for All Purposes:

·GLE 2.2.1 Fluent reading depends on specific skills and approaches to understanding strategies when reading literary text. (use grade level appropriate text)

oDetermine a central message, lesson or moral

oAcknowledge difference in points of view of characters

oCompare and contrast two or more versions of the same story by different authors or different cultures.

oIdentify how word choice enhances meaning

oDescribe how words and phrases supply rhythm and meaning

·GLE 2.2.2 Fluent reading depends on specific skills and approaches to understanding strategies when reading informational text (using grade level appropriate materials):

oDescribe the connection between historical events, scientific ideas, etc.

oCompare and contrast the most important points presented by two texts on the same topic.

oIdentify main topic a multiparagraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text.

·GLE 2.2.3 Decoding words with accuracy depends on knowledge of complex spelling patterns and morphology. (appropriate to grade level)

oRead multi-syllabic words (up through Unit 34) including syllable types, long vowels, r-controlled, vowel teams, diphthongs, etc.

oDecode words with common prefixes and suffixes and to determine meaning.

oKnow spelling-sound correspondences for common vowel teams.

oUse knowledge of words to predict meaning in compound words

3. Writing and Composition

·GLE 2.3.1 Exploring the writing process helps to plan and draft a variety of literary genres.

oWrite an opinion piece with an introduction, their opinion, reasons to support their opinion and conclusion.

oWrite with precise nouns, active verbs, and descriptive adjectives.

oDevelop characters in narrative writing both internally (thoughts and feelings) and externally (physical features, expressions, etc.)

·GLE 2.3.2 Exploring the writing process helps to plan and draft a variety of simple informational texts

oOrganize informational texts using main ideas and specific supporting details.

oState a focus when responding to a given question and use details from text to support the focus.

oApply appropriate transition words to given focus.

·GLE 2.3.3 Appropriate spelling, capitalization, grammar and punctuation are used when writing

oUse collective nouns and reflexive pronouns

oForm and use frequently occurring irregular plural nouns

oProduce, expand and rearrange complete simple and compound sentences.

oCapitalize geographic names

oUse apostrophe to form contractions and frequently occurring possessives

oGeneralize learned spelling patterns.

oConsult reference materials.

2ndGrade Standards – 4th Quarter

Quick Look…DRAFT

2. Reading for All Purposes:

·GLE 2.2.1 Fluent reading depends on specific skills and approaches to understanding strategies when reading literary text. (use grade level appropriate text)

oRead and comprehend a variety of literature in grades 2-3 text complexity band.

oDescribe story elements, central message, overall structure of story, character description and responses

oCompare and contrast two or more versions

·GLE 2.2.2 Fluent reading depends on specific skills and approaches to understanding strategies when reading informational text (using grade level appropriate materials):

oRead and comprehend informational text including social studies and science in grades 2-3 complexity band.

oIdentify and summarize main idea, supporting details and how they support the main idea

oCompare and contrast the most important points from two texts on the same topic.

·GLE 2.2.3 Decoding words with accuracy depends on knowledge of complex spelling patterns and morphology. (appropriate to grade level)

oRead and decode multi-syllabic words applying all syllable types and vowel patterns.

oUse knowledge of root words, prefixes and suffixes as a clue to the meaning

of new words

oIdentify words with inconsistent but common spelling-sound correspondences

3. Writing and Composition

·GLE 2.3.1 Exploring the writing process helps to plan and draft a variety of literary genres.

oWrite an opinion pieces that are organized, state their opinion, connect the reasons to their opinion and have a conclusion.

oWrite narratives with well-developed characters, details to support, temporal words or transitions and a conclusion.

oWrite simple, descriptive poems.

oWrite using precise nouns, active verbs, and descriptive adjectives.

·GLE 2.3.2 Exploring the writing process helps to plan and draft a variety of simple informational texts

oWrite informative/explanatory texts which are well organized and include a topic, specific details or facts to develop points and conclusion.

oUse relevant details when responding in writing to questions about texts.

oApply transition words in writing

·GLE 2.3.3 Appropriate spelling, capitalization, grammar and punctuation are used when writing

oDemonstrate command of conventions in grammar and usage.

oDemonstrate command of conventions in capitalization, punctuation, and spelling in writing.