Keynsham Development Advisory Group (KDAG)

Keynsham Civic Centre, 26th August, 2015 5.30pm
Attendees: Cllr Charles Gerrish, Cllr Brian Simmons, Cllr Alan Hale, Cllr Lisa O’Brien, Cllr Clive Fricker, Cllr Tony Crouch, John Wilkinson (B&NES Community Regeneration), Tim Hewitt (B&NES Regeneration), Neil Best (B&NES Planning), Sara Dixon (B&NES Stronger Communities), Richard Daone (B&NES Planning)
Apologies: Cllr Patrick Anketell-Jones, Jo Swift (Keynsham Town Council), Cllr Marie Longstaff, Cllr Tim Warren, Cllr Bryan Organ, Peter Dawson (B&NES Transport), Marc Higgins (B&NES Leisure)
  1. Civic Centre

Issues to be discussed at separate meeting
  1. Placemaking Plan

Minor changes can be made between consultation and submission to the inspector
Consultation Event: ensure published in The Voice, cut-off date 26th August 2015 (POST MEETING NOTE: COMPLETED)
As part of the Placemaking Plan, there is a public consultation event on 15 September. B&NES have combined five issues to maximise publicity, attendance and opportunity for the community to comment.
  1. Transport Strategy

Pedestrian routes: prioritise routes into town centre from Memorial Park, Ashton Way, Railway Station and Somerdale, there are narrow pavements eg. Charlton Road, not enough dropped kerbs and accessible junctions. Bottom of Wellsway, near cycleway Charlton Road designed inappropriately, 4 houses obstructed. ACTION: B&NES HIGHWAYS
  1. Leisure Centre Options

Various site options are being assessed for a new Leisure Centre. Comments were made by Members as follows:
Ensure all landowners informed in advance eg. Hawkswell
Central Location essential: spend in the town centre, economic vitality, access for all, bus routes, would benefit the majority of users
St Keyna: vehicular access and parking (esp coaches) could preclude this site
Ashton Way: key risk is the lossof parking during development (approx. 200 spaces)
St Keyna: do the school need the land in the future
Ashton Way: Scouts have reserved access and will remain in their current premises
Wellsway: access restrictions, further discussions with school required
Somerdale: already has planning permission, flooding, housing land value
Hawkswell: adjacent residents
Concluded that shortlisted options for public consultation should be:
  • Riverside
  • Ashton Way
  • Hawkswell

  1. East of Keynsham

Engage Ashmead Traders Association (Tom Fox)
Ashmead Road needs rebuilding
May require remodelling of Waitrose roundabout: not signalised, A4 has priority
Highways access critical
  1. AOB

WoE housing numbers
Somerdale: Junction planning condition discharge
Cadbury’s buildings: St Monica’s (C block)
K2B traffic issues re Parkhouse Lane – Cllr Hale to evidence to Scrutiny Panel. ACTION: Cllr Hale & Cllr O’Brien to discuss with Peter Dawson, Group Manager Transport Policy.
Next meeting October, to be arranged