August 26, 2010

56 days and counting…to Diocesan Convention

Diocesan Convention will be here soon – Oct. 22-23 at the Capitol Plaza Hotel and ManerConferenceCenter in Topeka. Here’s the latest information:

Note the schedule change. Convention has a different schedule this year, starting with the convention Eucharist at 9 a.m. on Friday, Oct. 22 at Grace Cathedral. With North Carolina Bishop Michael Curry preaching (he’s widely regarded as one of the most dynamic preachers in the Episcopal Church), this is something no delegate will want to miss.

You can see the schedule at

Convention books in the mail next week. The convention book will be mailed to all lay and clergy delegates around Sept. 1. The book includes photos and brief biographies of nominees for offices to be elected, as well as the proposed mission plan (budget) for 2011, both with line items and a narrative summary describing what each ministry area does.

If you’re a delegate and don’t have your book by Sept. 8, please contact convention coordinator Michele Moss at

Convocation meetings set. Delegates already should have on their calendars the important pre-convention convocation meetings. Bishop Dean Wolfe, members of the Council of Trustees and members of the diocesan staff will be present to answer questions. Here’s the schedule:

Southeast Convocation: Saturday, Sept. 11, 10 a.m., St. John’sChurch, 1801 Corning, Parsons

Southwest Convocation: Saturday, Sept. 11, 2 p.m., TrinityChurch, 400 W. Ash, El Dorado

Northeast Convocation: Saturday, Sept. 25, 9 a.m., TrinityChurch, 1011 Vermont, Lawrence

Northwest Convocation: Saturday, Sept. 25, 1 p.m., St. David’s Church, 3916 SW 17th St., Topeka

Parish banners wanted!Bring your parish banners to help decorate the Sunflower Ballroom, where convention business takes place. Bring your banner (and a stand if you have one; if not, you can lean it against the wall) to the Sunflower Ballroom on Thursday evening oron Friday before noon.

Want to be an exhibitor? Exhibitors andvendors areback!We will once again be taking registration for exhibitors and vendors at this year's Diocesan Convention.We will haveoutreach displays, book vendors, jewelry vendors – even a vestments vendor from St. Louis will be here this year. Contact Convention Coordinator Michele Moss at or (800) 473-3563 if you have questions or to get a registration form. Register soon; slots are filling up fast!

Registration deadline is Sept. 24. Remember that all registrations for lay and clergy delegates need to be received by Sept. 24 to avoid the late penalty.

Congratulations to the Bishop-elect of Western Kansas

The Rev. Michael Milliken, rector of Grace Church in Hutchinson, was elected Aug. 21 as the fifth bishop of the Diocese of Western Kansas. Pending the canonical consents from bishops and Standing Committees, he will be ordained and consecrated on Saturday, Feb. 19, 2011, with Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori presiding.

More information about Bishop-elect Milliken is available from Episcopal News Service at

From 1859 until 1901, the state of Kansas was made up of a single Diocese of Kansas. In 1901 General Convention created the separate Missionary District of Salina, and in 1973 that area became the Diocese of Western Kansas.

Diocesan Habitat work days planned for Sept. 18-19

The diocesan Habitat for Humanity house in Coffeyville needs your help! Work days designed to allow people from across the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas to help have been set for Saturday, Sept. 18 and Sunday, Sept. 19.

Work will start about 8:30 a.m. on Sept. 18 and will continue until 4 p.m., with an evening barbecue supper planned at nearby St. Paul’s Church. Work will continue on Sunday afternoon, after church services, ending late afternoon.

Volunteers are welcome to spend the entire weekend, and housing in local homes can be arranged for Saturday night. All workers also are invited to church on Sunday morning at 9 a.m.

You can sign up to volunteer either day, and can make arrangements for lodging, by contacting Habitat Liaison Joe Miller at his home (620) 251-8219 or office (620) 251-6967. Leave a message if he's not available when you call. He also can be reached by e-mail at

Youth news

Fall Fun Fest. The Diocese of Kansas youth program kicks off the school year with this exciting retreat featuring thrilling games and a live concert with Isabel Zacharias, an exceptionally talented youth from St. Michael's who is a singer and song writer. The event is fun and welcoming and a great chance to attend a youth event for the first time. So invite a friend and don't miss it! It’s for youth in grades 6-12 and takes place Sept. 18-19 at St. Margaret's, Lawrence. Registrations and more information are available at

Youth Pages for Diocesan Convention. One way that youth can participate in Diocesan Convention is to serve as a page. Youth pages help with the administration of Convention, such as delivering and collecting ballots and distributing other materials. Serving as a page is an excellent opportunity to learn about the common mission of the diocese and to represent the youth of the diocese.Youth pages should be in grades 8-12. Contact Youth Missioner Chad Senuta by Sept. 15at o register a youth to be a page.

Happening #85.Happening is a weekend retreat put on "by teens for teens." The program is focused on the person and teachings of Jesus Christ andcentered on youth sharing their experiences and faith with other youth. It’s designed for youth in grades 9-12 and will take place Nov. 12-14 at St. Michael and All Angels in Mission. Registrations and more information are available at

Episcopal Church Building Fund expands church loan offerings

Saying that much of the financial strain facing struggling Episcopal Church congregations in United States can be directly attributed to their buildings, the Episcopal Church Building Fund recently announced what it called "strategic and focused changes to its offerings to benefit strapped congregations and prevent closures."

To make loans more feasible for small congregations, the building fund said in a press release that it has increased loan amounts to $500,000, and the term may now be extended up to 15 years.

The building fund also said it is developing new ways to support parishes struggling under the burden of old, difficult-to-maintain, under-utilized buildings. The organization helps parishes rethink their space and re-evaluate building usage and works with them to achieve financial sustainability.

More information is available at

Help offered for those teaching English as a second language

Lon Rogers, who has taught English as a Second Language at St. Matthew’s Cathedral in Dallas, has created 30 lessons aimed at helping students learning English. It’s available as a single PDF file, with lessons written as stories in informal American English. Selected vocabulary words, common idioms and slang expressions are highlighted in bold print.

The file can be downloaded free of charge at

Virginia Seminary calls for entries for preaching award

All preachers – bishops, priests, deacons and lay persons – are invited to submit one sermon for Virginia Theological Seminary’s John Hines Preaching Award. Sermons should reflect the prophetic voice that characterized the sermons of John Hines, presiding bishop from1965 to 1974.

The sermon must have been delivered to a congregation in the Episcopal Church between Advent I 2009 and the last Sunday after Pentecost 2010.

The deadline to submit sermons is Dec. 15. The recipient of the award will receive $2,000.

More information is available at

Memorial service set for Winnie Crapson

A memorial service honoring the life and ministry of Winnie Crapson, a noted lay leader in the Episcopal Church, has been set for Tuesday, Sept. 14 at 2 p.m. at her home parish, St. David’s, located at 17th Street and Gage Blvd. in Topeka. Crapson died on Aug. 11.

More information on her life and work is available at

Anniversaries of ordinations

Congratulations go to these people as they celebrate the anniversaries of their ordination in the next two weeks:

Sept. 1: Deacon Christine Lampe, St. Thomas, Garden City, Diocese of Western Kansas (3 years)

Sept. 9: Deacon Gail Reynolds, St. Paul’s, Kansas City (10 years); Deacon Dick Tracy, Trinity, Lawrence (10 years); Deacon Rita Tracy, Trinity, Lawrence (10 years)

Diocesan office closed for Labor Day

The diocesan office will be closed for the Labor Day holiday on Monday, Sept. 6. The office will resume regular office hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 7.

Next DioLog

The next edition of DioLog will be sent to subscribers on Thursday, Sept. 9. Information to be included should be sent to Melodie Woerman, diocesan director of communications, at , no later than Tuesday, Sept. 7.

DioLog is a publication of the Office of Communications of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas.

Parishes are free to excerpt anything printed in DioLog; attributionthat material is reprinted fromDioLogis appreciated. Feel free to copy this and make it available to parishioners in whatever way is most useful.

To subscribe, send an e-mail to with the subject line “subscribe DioLog.”