Calverton Primary School




Calverton Primary School

Positive Behaviour Policy

Mission Statement

Calverton aspires to provide an inclusive school environment that is safe and stimulating for the children in our care. We aim to promote the highest possible levels of achievement for all members of the school community, valuing all learners equally regardless of their needs and developing within them an enthusiasm for learning and a desire for personal excellence.

We seek to do this through LEARN together and the 6 Golden Rules.

Listen }

Enjoy }

Achieve } Together

Respect }

Nurture }

The 6 Golden Rules are:

Do be kind and helpful / Do not hurt other people’s feelings
Do be gentle / Do not hurt anybody
Do look after property / Do not waste or damage things
Do listen to people and show respect / Do not interrupt or be rude
Do work hard / Do not waste yours or other people’s time
Do be honest / Do not cover up the truth

Teachers have a right to teach and children the right to learn.


·  For the Positive Behaviour Policy to be supported and followed by the whole school community – parents, teachers, children and Governors – based on a sense of community and shared values.

·  To foster a caring, family atmosphere, in which teaching and learning can take place in a safe and happy environment

·  Through the School Curriculum, to teach moral values and attitudes as well as knowledge and skills. (This will promote responsible behaviour, self-discipline, self-respect and respect for other people and property)

·  To reinforce good behaviour, by providing a range of rewards for children of all ages and abilities, rather than simply to punish inappropriate behaviour.

·  To make clear to children the distinction between minor misdemeanours and serious misbehaviour and the sanctions that will follow any misbehaviour.

·  To resolve behavioural problems in a caring and sympathetic manner as they occur, in the expectation of achieving an improvement in behaviour

·  To promote good relationships with the common purpose of helping everyone learn through class rules.

·  Whilst this Positive behaviour policy applies to all pupils, careful consideration must be taken of individual pupil’s needs e.g those with Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Emotional Behaviour Difficulties, Attention Deficit Disorders, Behaviour Support Plans and Pastoral Support Plans.


Pupils can expect staff:

·  To follow the Golden Rules;

·  To address them in a reasonable tone of voice;

·  To deal with them fairly, equally and consistently;

·  To value all aspects of their achievements and to congratulate them;

·  To act as role models and discuss things that go wrong and the reasons why we have rules;

·  To deal with bullying and racism;

·  To ensure a safe learning environment.

Staff can expect all pupils

·  To follow the Golden Rules;

·  To be punctual and ready to learn;

·  To sort out disagreements in a fair manner;

·  To understand that it is their behaviour that triggers the system of consequences.

·  To take responsibility for their own behaviour.

·  To know when to apologise and show regard for fellow pupils.

·  To report any serious grievances against another child to a member of staff who will take appropriate action.

·  To walk around the school quietly and calmly.

·  To tell an adult if they are being bullied or they know someone else who is.

·  Understand that foul or abusive language should never be used.

·  To be aware that they should not bring sharp or dangerous instruments to school.


We will not accept discriminatory behaviour of any kind from any party. All pupils and adults have a right to be respected and the responsibility to give respect to others including those with Special Educational Needs. This is in accordance with the 2010 Equality Act.

Refer to our SENs, Anti Bullying and Public Sector Equalities Duty for further details.

Promoting Positive Behaviour

Our emphasis should constantly be on praise.

Incentives and Rewards

These must be promoted by the whole school community. They operate on an individual basis as well as whole classes/houses working together. The following incentives and rewards for achievement apply:

·  House points awarded for keeping the Golden Rules;

·  Star of the Week certificates.

·  Class award system;

·  Negotiated treats of privilege time;

·  Pupils who show good manners and are always well behaved in the dinner hall, will sit at the Golden table on Fridays;

·  Weekly positive behaviour and good work assemblies;

·  Stickers/House points for instant reward for keeping the Golden Rules;

·  Verbal praise and reassurance;

·  Achievement time given to share achievement with others;

·  Weekly attendance cups (winners receive 10 minutes extra play);

·  Certificates for 100% attendance (end of term);

·  Bronze, Silver and Gold certificates awarded on an individual basis for

outstanding work/behaviour;

·  Special Head teacher/Deputy Head teacher stickers;

·  Best class for lining up and sitting quietly in assembly - sit on benches;

House Point System

The whole school is allocated a House which they will be in for their life at Calverton. The houses are named after trees – Oak, Elm, Sycamore and Beech. Siblings will be in the same house.

House points are given to children who keep a Golden Rule that needs publically acknowledging. Children can be given house points at any time of the school day and by any member of the school staff. No child can earn more than a maximum of 10 house points at any one time and this will be for doing something exceptional only.

Children take the house point to their class teacher who will convert it to an individual tally on their chart and keeping the house point in a container ready for the weekly achievement assembly. In this way we are working as a team as well as promoting individuals positive behaviour and good work.

Each week during Achievement assembly, which all staff are expected to attend, house points will be collected and displayed in the halls. Each house will have a tree on which the points gained throughout the week are displayed. 1 leaf on the tree represents 50 house points earned.

At the end of each term the house with the highest number of points will have an afternoon of treats.

At the end of the Year the house with the highest number of points gained throughout the year will have a ‘Special Day’.

House Captain:

Each house will elect a house captain from the year six pupils. Each campaigning house captain will draw up a manifesto and will be elected during the formal school council elections that take place once a year. The house captain will have the following responsibilities:

·  Be a leader for the house.

·  Be a good behaviour role model for the whole house and school.

·  Represent the house when it comes to prizes and decision making about the end of term/year treat.

·  Present awards at Sports Day.

·  Once a term during assembly house captains give feedback to the whole school about positive things regarding behaviour they have seen around school and give suggestions about any areas of improvement.

·  Organise inter-house events such as Quiz shows. The Quiz shows are for the houses to compete in so as to earn house points.

·  Leading good work assemblies.

Star of the Week

Each week teachers will nominate 2 children in their class who have kept the Golden Rules or have shown a marked improvement in working towards achieving the Golden Rules. The teachers will say in the weekly achievement assembly why these children have received a Star of the Week certificate. The certificates will then be displayed in the hall for a week on the Star board. At the end of the week the certificates will be given back to the class teacher to hand to the parents/pupil. At the end of each week the Stars of the Week will also be rewarded with a special star of the week prize from the head or deputy.

Bronze, Silver and Gold Certificates

As well as working together in achieving house points, children need individual incentives for positive behaviour and good work. This will be achieved through working towards bronze, silver and gold awards. Each time a child earns a point for their house they also get a stamp on their individual chart and vice versa. To achieve a certificate they need to gain the following:

Bronze – 100 house points}

Silver – 200 house points} Key Stage 1 only

Gold – 300 house points}

When a child has achieved the above they will be presented with a certificate in the weekly Achievement assembly.

Promoting Attendance

At Calverton we feel promoting good, consistent attendance also contributes to positive behaviour and a good work ethic.

Each week, during Monday assembly, attendance will be promoted and rewarded with a trophy for the classes and ten minutes extra play supervised by the class teacher. They will be awarded as follows:

KS1 – Attendance cup

Years 3 and 4 – Attendance cup

Years 5 and 6 – Attendance cup

Weekly attendance for each class will be displayed on the attendance board.

Individuals who have achieved 100% attendance in the term will get a special certificate and a reward. In this way we are promoting both individual and class effort.

In Class Award System

Classes can work towards a treat by setting themselves targets to achieve, with children working together to gain the reward that they have decided on as a class. Children can also be rewarded individually with a stamp towards their bronze, silver and gold certificates.

Procedures to follow if rules are broken

Teachers have a right to teach and children the right to learn.

Children who break school rules stop teachers from teaching, and stop others and themselves from learning.

There are times in every classroom when children disrupt others. The school procedure begins when a child has been given a chance to correct their behaviour and they have CHOSEN not to. The behaviour levels and warning system listed below should be started afresh each morning and afternoon. Warnings and levels should not be transferred between staff – if a different teacher takes the class the procedures should start afresh.

Any member of staff working with groups or individuals should apply the behaviour policy and follow the procedures in the same way as class teachers.

Each classroom and work space should have the Golden Rules displayed. Unacceptable behaviour should be made explicit and the child continuously encouraged to re-consider their choices.

In each classroom there is a Positive Behaviour Ladder with 5 steps. At the beginning of each morning and afternoon sessions all the children’s names will be displayed on the middle step, in this way they can move up if they demonstrate good behaviour and work, therefore promoting the behaviour of the children who always follow the Golden Rules and are in school to learn.

At the same time children can move down steps if they have chosen to behave inappropriately and not respond to warnings.

If a child at any point changes their behaviour they are able to make steps up the ladder if the good behaviour continues.


·  Level 1 – strategies developed in the classroom.

Use refocusing, redirecting, and a reminder before a warning is given.

If the child does not respond they are given a warning and told that the procedure has begun.

At this point they stay on the middle step.

If another warning is given it takes them to Level 2.

·  Level 2 – the child is moved to another area of the classroom and told:

“This behaviour is unacceptable.”

The child will be moved down a step on the Learn chart.

Time out here should be for a maximum of 10 minutes and they should carry on with their work.

If another warning is given it takes them to Level 3.

·  Level 3 – the child is sent to their agreed buddy class and told:

“This behaviour is unacceptable. Here is the work I expect to be done.”

The child should be sent with a level 3 form with the message section completed for the receiving teacher. The Level 3 child should be sent, where possible, with another adult or a sensible child.

The child should remain in the buddy class for the rest of the session completing any work given.

Buddy Classes for 2012 – 2013

5M buddy with 6SL

5B buddy with 6KL

3W buddy with 4M

3P buddy with 4L

KS1 Buddies

2R buddy with 1E

2K buddy with 1P

If the work is not done they should complete it in the sanction room at playtime. All children getting to Level 3 will miss their playtimes in the sanction room where their names will be recorded. If a child’s name is in the sanction room book 5 times they will be referred to the Head or Deputy. It is the job of the Key Stage Leader to monitor this on a weekly basis.