Examiner Information Pack

Examiner Information Pack:



Context and background

Terms and Conditions of Service (TACOS) overview
- Contract and role
- Work pattern
- Benefits
- Travel

  1. lntroduction

The British Council is committed to providing an employment model that will attract qualified and experienced IELTS examiners to work at Centres around China. The package is designed to allow flexibility as well as an opportunity to generate an income that will allow for a good standard of living in China and savings potential.

The IELTS examiner package in China is based on a ‘core + top-up’ model. There are two components to the package: a core number of days work in exchange for a guaranteed salary and a ‘top-up’ component that allows for flexibility in terms of schedule and the opportunity to increase earnings further.

The British Council will apply for a working visa for examiners employed by us. Additional benefits will include annual leave and medical insurance. These are outlined below.

This document is designed to provide an overview of key aspects of the package.

Context and background

The British Council delivers IELTS tests to candidates in more than 60 cities throughout China. In China, our exams work operates as, BC Education Consulting (Beijing) Company Limited. Our 350+ exams staffare part of the global British Council network, as are our contracted examiners.

Examiners are based in one of four cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chongqing. Both Speaking and Writing marking are conducted in the main cities and examiners also are required to travel regularly to conduct speaking tests in different cities around China. Trips normally last between one to three days, with transport and a good standard of hotel accommodation provided by the British Council.

China is an exciting place to live and facilities are improving rapidly; infrastructure and transport are, in and between large cities, better than in most developed countries. The field of language testing is growing in East Asia and this presents an opportunity to gain valuable experience and professional development. As with any country where the language and systems might be unfamiliar, there are challenges to living, working and travelling in this new environment, of course. This role suits someone who enjoys challenges, is flexible and has some experience living and working in a different culture.

2. Terms and Conditions of Service (TACOS) overview

2.1. Contract and roles
Contracts are fixed termfor 1-year. These are renewable subject to the agreement of both parties.

The main role of the examiners is to conduct IELTS speaking interviews, mark scripts and do second marking for both speaking and writing. Examiners are required to certificate and remain active in both the speaking and writing modules. All examiners will be trained up to be second markers.

Senior Examiners are engaged as examiners and also have Examiner Trainer and/or EOR marker responsibilities. As opportunities for these roles arise, they will be recruited for amongst the examiner cohort. This represents an excellent opportunity for professional development as an examiner.

In addition to examining responsibilities, examiners may be given the opportunity to do exams-related support work.

2.2 Income scenario and example of a work pattern

The China examining model is designed to include key aspects of flexibility and control of earning potential. Examiners will receive a base salary payment of CNY 8,000 per month for their 6 core days. As most examining work is paid on a per-item basis, income fluctuates across the year, with August and December usually the busiest months. Examiners have the possibility of earning an average of CNY20, 000 per month after tax and contributions if they are readily available to do examining work; income can vary between CNY14,000 during low months and CNY35,000 over peak periods.

The 6 core days are scheduled by the British Council in advance. These will usually be made up of speaking interviews, but there may be instances where writing or other exams-related work is assigned instead. The days cannot be exchanged or moved around. This forms your core commitment to the British Council as a contracted employee.

Outside of these 6 days, examiners are asked to submit their availability using the IELTS Examiner Portal (or substitute) on a monthly basis. Work is offered according to operational needs, examiner availability and a rotation system that ensures fair distribution of top-up work.

To give you an idea of what a monthly working schedule might look like, here’s an example.

Example of a Monthly Schedule
MON / TUES / WED / THURS / FRI / SAT / SUN / Essential SPK / 6
WK 1 / Top-up SPK / 3
WK 2 / WT-as top-up / 5
WK3 / 2nd Marking / 1
WK4 / Total 1 / 15



2nd Marking= Speaking & Writing

Based on this work scenario, an income scenario is illustrated below. Note that should examiners be available for more work, income can be increased.

January 2016:£1 = RMB¥ 9.62

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2.3. Benefits

Medical insurance:
An individual medical insurance policy is included in the examiner employment package. The policy provides comprehensive inpatient and critical illness cover within Mainland China. Examiners can opt to pay for additional benefits such as outpatient cover, inclusion of dependents, wider geographical coverage, dental, or wellness packages.

Annual leave:
A pro-rata leave entitlement of 6 days per year is included in the benefits package. These 6 days refer to working days. Annual leave must be taken across one calendar month or 2 x two weeks within the contracted year. Annual leave applications are subject to approval by the EAM (Examiner Administration Manager) and applications will be invited up to a year in advance. Examiners are asked to submit two preferences for annual leave dates so that leave can be managed around operational needs.

Unpaid/exceptional leave:
The core-working days model allows examiners to arrange family demands, travel plans and study needs around their primary examining commitments. As such, unpaid leave will not be considered unless circumstances are exceptional. Applications for exceptional leave (which is unpaid) should be made to the National Examiner Manager and decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis. Note that this form of leave is exceptional and applicants will need to demonstrate compelling reasons for this to be granted.

2.5. Travel

Travel is an integral part of this position and has been taken into account in determining core hours remuneration. In addition, there will be a per-trip allowanceand overnight subsistence. All examiners are required to travel whether for core working hours or top-up work. Travel includes by train and by air and examiners cannot opt out of travel, or out of a particular mode of travel. Wherever possible, travel will be by train (first class) rather than by air (economy class). The deployment teams will make every effort to evenly distribute travel assignments.

Finally applicants should be aware that costs are incurred when relocating to a new city and country. Although the British Council covers the following visa application costs: Visa processing and medical check the successful applicant must pay for a Criminal Record check from their home country as well as meeting the cost of getting to China. A salary advance is available at the start of a contract (max. CNY 24,000), repayable over 6 months.

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