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How have the principles of the enlightenment influenced the creation and success of America being the longest lasting democracy in history?

Paragraph #1 background and Thesis
Background: (Give a description of where the Enlightenment came from) The Age of Absolutism was a time when rulers had sole authority over its people by claiming divine rights of kings. During this time period wars over religion raged. Nobles and peasants alike were property of the state. Rule and order was arbitrary and changed with the whim of the ruler. (Explain what the Enlightenment was) It was at this time Philosophers and scientists began to use reason to look for universal laws to explain nature and used reason to explain the role of government and the individuals place in it. This time period was known as the Enlightenment or Age of Reason
Thesis: (Answer to the Question) The concepts of Natural law were the driving principles of the Enlightenment which occurred during the (Time Period) 17th and 18th centuries (location) in Western Europe. These principles all would influence the creation and success of the United States as being the longest lasting democracy in the world These principles included: (3 Main Ideas) 1. The questioning of the nature of political power, 2. the sharing of scientific knowledge and 3. the idea of religious freedom.

Paragraph #2
1. The questioning of the nature of political power,
(Topic Sentence) At the center of Natural law during the Age of Enlightenment were the philosophers who questioned the nature of political power of Absolutism. (Simple example)
Doc1 will need more development than the rest!!!!! Due to the Concept of Natural Law Paragraph 2 will be by far your largest paragraph
(Introduce Document) the concept the document is about) Most influential to the creation and success of America was John Locke. He began to question what the core purpose of any government should be. (Extra outside information optional: How should governments be created? When can a government be abolished? Are all men created equal? What are rights? Where do they come from?)
In document 1- Locke’s 2nd Treaties on Government. (Description of Document) which was and essay written in the 17th century on Locke’s concept of natural law in government. (Using the Doc) Locke states …” it (government) can have no end or measure…… but to preserve their lives, liberty and possessions.”
(Analysis) Locke is stating the main purpose of government is to protect individual rights. Life, liberty and possessions. Locke also makes the point in this document that this cannot happen under absolutism or arbitrary power. The reason for this is that if power is arbitrary a ruler can make up laws or rights as he or she sees fit. (Influence and success) Jefferson would eloquently use this and his other ideas created by Locke in the 2nd paragraph of the Declaration of independence. In fact the entire 2nd paragraph is built on John Locke’s ideas. “We hold these truths self-evident all men are created equal endowed with certain unalienable rights …” Locke’s influence on our Constitution can be summed on in three words. “We the People.” Here Madison used Locke’s concept that the people were creating the government with the consent of those be governed. This was a first in world history and has lasted as the single longest lasting democracy in the world to this date.
You may indent but you are still in paragraph 2
(Introduce Document) A major concern of Enlightenment Philosophers was that under absolutism power was centered in a single ruler. Montesquieu was a philosopher who argued that power should not be centered in one person, but should be divided. Doc. 3 Give name (Description of Document) A Book, Follow above format!!!!
(Use of the Document) find useful parts of quote, Paraphrase, Key Ideas
(Analysis) explain the meaning, give examples
(Influence and Success)

Introduce document
Description of document
Use the document
Paragraph summary statement See example on How to guide for humanism and art.

Use chart on how to page for the documents you are using in the next paragraphs

Paragraph 3: Topic Sentence for sharing of scientific knowledge
Follow Format

Paragraph 4: Topic Sentence for Religious freedom
Follow Format

Paragraph 5: Conclusion
Carry ideas into 21st century
Request a missing doc. Can be used anywhere but 1st paragraph
Closing summary quote optional

What not to do when using a document.

document 1- Locke’s 2nd Treaties on Government. (Description of Document) which was and essay written in the 17th century on Locke’s concept of natural law in government. (Using the Doc) Locke states …” it (government) can have no end or measure…… but to preserve their lives, liberty and possessions.”

Never use a document without introducing the concept in it!!!!

Influence: John Locke on the
1. All men created equal
2. Endowed by a creator with certain unalienable rights
3. Among these life, liberty (Property) and pursuit of happiness
4. Gov. created by men with consent of the governed
5. Gov. Role is to protect individual rights
6. When over a long period rights are not protected a government may be changed or abolished

What concepts of the Enlightenment does the enlarged “We the People” in the US constitution refer to?
Locke influence first three words for John Madison -Governments are created by man with the consent of the governed.
Why the big letters???? This is the first time in history people are creating their own gov. based on enlightenment ideas!!!!

Montesquieu Influence on the US Constitution -
Separation of powers
Article 1 – leg
Article 2 – Exc.
Article 3 – Jud.
Power is too great to be centered in on person

Voltaire – Religious tolerance for all and argued against absolute monarchy to absolute monarchs!!!

Influence 1st Amendment establishment Clause

Thomas Hobbes
Power is natural the fight for it will lead to war. Society will suffer. People need a strong leader. People sacrifice rights for the overall success of the nation

Influence: Our founding fathers rejected this idea. But would be a later model for dictators like Saddam Husain