August 6, 2009

Sullivan Saddle Club Minutes

Meeting called to order at 7:35 pm by Tyler Simpson

Secretary Report (June) read by Kelly Onder. Motion to accept reports made by Mike Onder, Seconded by Mary Loomis. Motion passed. July minutes read by Kelly Onder. Amendment to minutes: We cannot bring in alcohol; therefore we must pay for a bartender. July minutes accepted with amendment by Alan Jones. Seconded by Mike Onder. Motion passed

Board Report read by Kelly Onder. Motion to accept board report made by Lyle Kwast, seconded by Mike Onder. Motion passed.

Treasurers Report read by Kelly Onder. Beginning balance $9,057.11. Deposits of $2,693.60and expenses of $2,578.02, ending balance of $9,172.69. Motion to accept treasurers report made by Lyle Kwast and seconded by Jane Dunn. Motion passed.

Show Committee:

Mary Loomis stated that September 12th is our Sponsor Show and to please sign up for a dish to pass. Invitations went out August 5th. We will do a small Grand Entry. We will have a signed Sponsor Board (signed by the kids) carried in by kids. We need workers help at this show. Suzanne will not be able to announce. The board decided it is ok to help before and after the September meeting & use points for non-show working hours.

We have to cover the tables at VFW. Cindy Beckett to get pricing for rolls of paper. We will have ½ hog pulled off bone and smoked chicken for the awards banquet. Foxtrotter show is August 8th. Members can work the show for non open hours. Show starts at 6:30.

Old Business:

July trail ride was an excellent ride. Everyone had a good time. Lyle is to get measurements of windows for quoting pricing of bars to prevent vandalism.

New Business:

Another trail ride at Medlin’s is scheduled for Sunday September 6th. An overnight trail ride is scheduled at Whispering Pines on October 17th, 18th. Nominations need to be in to Tyler by August 31st. Our flag was stolen out of the building. A motion was made by Kelly Onder to replace the flag. Motion to accept made by Lyle Kwast, seconded by Alan Jones. Motion passed. Mike Onder to get pricing at Wal-Mart. Tyler has received e-mails asking for the meetings to be non-smoking.

August 15th is a clinic on halter and pleasure showing from 9:00-11:00 for members only. Cindy Beckett mentioned that Action Photography on Main St. Sullivan had some good pictures from the shows and also had good pricing. Cindy also asked if it was ok to use the meeting room for 4-H meetings next year.

Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Mike Onder and seconded by Sarah Kwast. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.