Amsco AP Review: Chapter 25: Diplomacy and WWII, 1929-1945, p 525-53

The American Pageant, Chapter 34: FDR and the Shadow of War, 1933-1941, p 810-820

The American Pageant, Chapter 35: America in WWII, 1941-1945, p 821-848

WWII was a crucial event in the history of the US. Millions of people engaged in the effort to stop Nazi and Japanese aggression, and the conflict became the turning point of their lives. This war will also shape international relations. The US entered into a strategic alliance that paved the way for the UN. Coming out of the war, many countries found their positions in world affairs weakened. The US and the Soviet Union, on the other hand, emerged from the conflict as major powers. The 2 countries had cooperated to defeat Germany, but mistrust each other every step of the way, then were aggravated by a nuclear arms race after the world which manifested in the Cold War.

America was not only wounded but also roused to national unity by Pearl Harbor. FDR settled on a fundamental strategy of dealing with Hitler first, while doing just enough in the Pacific to block the Japanese advance. With the ugly exception of Japanese internment, WWII proceeded without the fanaticism and civil rights violations that occurred in WWI.

Domestically, the years following the bombing of Pearl Harbor had tremendous economic effects on the US. The years from 1941-1945 offered abundant and sundry opportunities for many people. Even though racial and gender tensions remained, economic opportunities increased for all minorities. Many of these problems will be “resolved” in the post-war era. Nevertheless, the nation mobilized to win the war, and the war effort led to bigger business, labor organizations, agricultural operations and BIGGER government.


1.  do all of the PEDLIGS on page 537-538

2.  Outline Bailey Chapters 34 & 35

The Allies

aka the Good Guys Their Leaders in WWII

Great Britain ______

France ______

Soviet Union ______

United States (1941) ______

The Axis Powers

aka the Bad Guys Their Leaders in WWII

Germany ______

Italy ______

Japan ______

Sure, there were other good guys like Canada, Australia, China but the big players are the ones we’ll concern ourselves with. Hey, what happened to Big, Bad Spain?


1.  Why did the Neutrality acts fail to prevent America’s growing involvement in military conflicts in Asia and Europe?

2.  Would the US have entered WWII if the Japanese had not attacked PH?

3.  What was America’s stance to Jewish refugees during WWII? How did it change after the war was over? Evaluate what you think our role should have been.

4.  What was the wisest strategic decision of WWII; what was the most questionable?