Content creation: PowerPoint® hyperlinks

PowerPoint®: Hyperlinks

Why use hyperlinks?

Microsoft® PowerPoint® can be used to create and deliver interactive learning resources in the form of presentations containing one or more slides. Each slide may contain text, graphics, animation, internal and external hyperlinks, and audio and video clips. Graphics used in moderation within a presentation can help reinforce points of learning for students or be used as part of an activity in the presentation.

Hyperlinks allow a user to:

  • jump to another slide within the presentation (internal hyperlink)
  • jump to an external website (an external hyperlink).

How to create a PowerPoint® presentation with internal and external hyperlinks

The following instructions will help you amend an existing presentation to include hyperlinks.

To create a non-linear internal hyperlink

  1. Open the PowerPoint® file named Citizen. Browse the E-Guides USB memory stick: Content creation Activity files Citizen.ppt.
  2. On Slide 1 insert the image domesday into the space provided (Insert Picture From File. Browse the E-Guides USB memory stick: Content creation Activity files).This image needs to be linked with the text on Slide 4.
  3. Go to Insert Hyperlink or click on the Insert Hyperlink shortcut symbol on the toolbar.
  4. Click on Place in this Document and select Slide 4. Confirm OK.

To create a linear internal hyperlink

  1. Forward action buttons need to be placed on slides 1, 2 and 3 so the user can move forward at each slide in a linear way.

Go to the Drawing toolbar. Select Autoshapes Action Buttons Forward or Next. On Slide 1, click and drag the mouse to create the Forward action button on the slide. The Action Settings dialogue box will confirm that the action is to move to the next slide. Confirm OK.

Copy this Forward/Next button and paste onto Slide 2, then onto Slide 3. You will note that the position of the action button is the same on all three slides.

  1. On Slide 4, place a Back or Previous action button so that a user can click onto the button and return to Slide 1.

To create an external hyperlink

  1. On Slide 3, click onto the image. Go to Insert Hyperlink or click on the Insert Hyperlink shortcut symbol on the toolbar.

In the Link to section click on Existing File or Web Page, then add the following web address in the section Type the file or Web page name:

  1. Save the new changes you have made to the presentation. File Save As and name your presentation as Citizen 2.
  2. Preview the Slideshow by selecting Slide Show View Show or by pressing the F5 key on the keyboard.

Note: you will not be able to test the external hyperlink unless the computer is connected to the Internet.

Now that you have added hyperlinks to a PowerPoint® presentation why not create another activity?

You could also look at PowerPoint: Hyperlinks, internal and external on SDELC (http: Module 7.0: E-learning content - sourcing and creatingInformation about using Microsoft PowerPoint and the PowerPoint® presentation Virtual Ilam. Follow the instructions to create the more advanced activity using hyperlinks with PowerPoint®.

Suggestions for use

The following are examples of learning materials produced using Microsoft® PowerPoint®:

The interactive game uses a flash animation for the dice and links to the score and activities.

Further resources:

  • Editing an Excel Spreadsheet:
  • Business Planning:
  • Masculine/Feminine French nouns:
  • Health and Safety quiz:
  • Bacteriopoly:

E-Guides training programme 2007 - 2008