CRSG — Newsletter Index W# Vol. No. Page

46 Eastwood Crescent
Markham, Ontario

Newsletter Index — 1981 to 1997 — #1 - 74


Volume 1 1981/82 #’s 1 – 8 Volume 2 1983 #’s 9 – 10

Volume 3 1984 #’s 11 – 15 Volume 4 1985 #’s 16 – 21

Volume 5 1986 #’s 22 – 27 Volume 6 1987 #’s 28 – 32

Volume 7 1988 #’s 33 – 37 Volume 8 1989 #’s 38 – 42

Volume 9 1990 #’s 43 – 47 Volume 10 1991 #’s 48 – 52

Volume 11 1992 #’s 53 – 57 Volume 12 1993 #’s 58 – 62

Volume 13 1994 #’s 63 – 67 Volume 14 1995/96 #’s 68 – 71

Volume 15 1997 #’s 72 – 74 (W.A. MacDonald)

SUBJECT — General W# Vol. No. Page

ABNC Christie’s Sale - Archives’ Acquisitions 46 9 4 —

Admiral Re-entries - Notes by Hans Reiche 25 5 4 23

Admiral Re-entries With A Difference 4 1 4 19

Albums: One Man’s Method 10 2 2 11

Another Way of Seeing (Viewing Re’s by back-lighting) 43 9 1 3

- A Follow-up — Black’s Mini-Viewer 49 10 2 16

Apologies to A.F. Smith (CANADIAN RLS Book) 45 9 3 22

Auction Results - Lee & Maresch 1981 1 1 1 4

- Lee & Maresch 1982 4 1 4 20

- Lee & Maresch 1982 — Editorial Re: Marler 7 1 7 37

Awards: Our Newsletter Wins A Medal - ORAPEX 91 50 10 3 22

A SILVER AT PhiLITex 92 !!! 58 12 1 8

Another SILVER BRONZE at ORAPEX 93 60 12 3 25

Another John S. Siverts Award For Your Editor!!! 61 12 4 33

SILVER BRONZES at STAMPEX 93 & STaMpsHOW 93 61 12 4 33

Another SILVER at WAPEX 93, Western Australia 62 12 5 42

SILVER at STAMPEX 94 in Toronto 65 13 3 28

Another SILVER at STaMpsHOW 94, Pittsburgh, PA 66 13 4 36

SILVER at ORAPEX 95 in Ottawa 70 14 3 24

SILVER BRONZE at STAMPEX 95 in Toronto 70 14 3 24

SILVER at STaMpsHOW 95 in St. Louis, MO 70 14 3 24

SILVER BRONZE at SESCAL 95 in Los Angeles, CA 70 14 3 24

SILVER at National Philatelic Lit. Ex. 95 in New Zealand 70 14 3 24

BNAPEX 84 - San Francisco - group meeting 12 3 2 13

BNAPEX 85 - Calgary - meeting? 15 3 5 35

- meeting, anyone? 16 4 1 2

BNAPEX 87 - Charlottetown, P.E.I. 30 6 3 24

BNAPEX 89 - Fast Approaching - See you in Hamilton 40 8 3 24

BNAPEX 89 - A Great Time In Hamilton! 41 8 4 29

BNAPEX 90 - Galveston, Texas 45 9 3 24

BNAPEX 90 - Final reminder of meeting 46 9 4 32

BNAPEX 90 & 91 47 9 5 40

BNAPEX 92 55 11 3 26

BNAPEX 93 - Oops! 56 11 4 34

BNAPEX 93 - Toronto, Ontario - Ideas for programme? 57 11 5 41

BNAPEX 93 - Toronto - BNA Re-entries Slide Program 58 12 1 8

BNAPEX 93 - Re-entry Group Meeting Time Set 59 12 2 16

BNAPEX 93 - Convention up-date 60 12 3 25

BNAPEX 93 - Report to Members 61 12 4 33

BNAPEX 93 Ramblings 63 13 1 4

BNAPEX 95 - A Re-entry Group Exhibit? (+Attachment) 68 14 1 8

Canada’s Most Modern Re-entry? 70 14 3 17

CAPEX ‘96 - A Re-entry Group Meeting? 69 14 2 16

CAPEX ‘96 - What Happened To CAPEX? 70 14 3 23

Classification of One Cent Numeral Re-entries 3 1 3 10-16

Classifying Re-entries on the 2¢ Numeral 9 2 1 4-5

Close-up Photography - Description of R.E.T.’s method 23 5 2 13-14

- With Extension Tubes 24 5 3 18-20

- Close-up Photog. — An Up-date 56 11 4 29

Correction of ‘Whole Number’ numbering error on #’s 22 & 23 24 5 3 20

Diefenbaker School Stamp Club - Request for Donations 70 14 3 24

Editorial Comment on John Hillson’s TOPICS Article 38 8 1 6-8

- Apology to John if above was misunderstood 39 8 2 15

Editor’s Comment on Contents of Newsletters 55 11 3 26

E-Mail 64 13 2 19

E-Mail Address Change () 66 13 4 36

“Flyspecks” ... Humbug!!! 11 3 1 6

‘Gremlins’ in the typewriter - Corrections to #’s 26 & 27 28 6 1 8

I’m B-a-a-a-c-k! 70 14 3 23

Important Announcement — My Resignation as of April 1997 71 14 4 37

Internet Address 70 14 3 24

ISSN For Our Newsletter 70 14 3 24

Laser Copying 60 12 3 19-20

Literature - BNAPS Library resource 2 1 2 7

- H.H. Brown’s Notes on Numerals available 6 1 6 31

- “A Stamp Is Made” - Swedish P.O. Booklet 7 1 7 35

- CANADIAN STAMP HANDBOOKS now available 8 1 8 41


- CANADIAN STAMP HANDBOOKS - New Publisher 9 2 1 2



- Re-entry Book in Progress - Announcement 46 9 4 30



- “The Canada Queen Victoria 1898 Numeral Issue” 74 15 3 18

Long-awaited note from your editor 11 3 1 3-4

Master List of Re-entries - Initial Proposal 10 2 2 9-10

- Further thoughts on the above 12 3 2 11-12

Medal Announcements - How Do You Feel About Them? 63 13 1 10

- • Results 64 13 2 19

Membership Cards? 10 2 2 8

Membership Cards Enclosed 61 12 4 33

Membership Lists Now Available 36 7 4 28

Misalignment of Transferred Impressions 64 13 2 15

More Mats? 12 3 2 12

More Re-entry Goodies in Unitrade’s Specialized Canadian Cat. 70 14 3 22

New Addition to Newsletter — Table of Contents 50 10 3 24

New Computerized Membership List Available 56 11 4 31

New Expanded Completely Up-Dated ‘Newsletter Index’ Available 56 11 4 32

Newsletter Index - Vol.1-4 22 5 1 4-7

Newsletter Index - Vol.1-12 (Copies to all members.) 62 12 5 —

Newsletters cut back to five per year 30 6 3 24

Our New Appearance — Macintosh Computer 59 12 2 16

Photocopying Problems 55 11 3 26

Postage Due Re-entries 21 4 6 43

Postcard P1 - Re-entries reported 7 1 7 36

- Re-entries on Postal Stationery 17 4 2 13-14

A Pot of Re-entry Gold at the End of the Small Queen Rainbow 65 13 3 21-23

Proposed Classification System Of Re-entries & Misplaced Entries 46 9 4 27-28

Questionnaires - with Newsletters 47 9 5 —

- Comment on Questionnaires 48 10 1 8

- Results of Questionnaire 53 11 1 8

Re-entries on Curved Plate 13 3 3 20

Re-entry Terms — “fresh entry” vs “initial re-entry” 47 9 5 38-39

Re-entry Terms, Part II — “shifted transfer” 59 12 2 10-11

Second Canadian Double Denomination 28 6 1 3

Secord School Stamp Club - Request for donations 53 11 1 —

Secord School Stamp Club Thanks You 54 11 2 13

- A Great Big ‘Thank You’ 56 11 4 34

Sending Stamps For Me To Examine - A Possible Alternative 64 13 2 19

Small Queen Collectors Take Note! (Gummed Labels available) 66 13 4 30

Smeared Impressions 35 7 3 24

Something New Has Been Added to My Macintosh - A Scanner 66 13 4 31

Something New Has Been Added! - 1997 New Group Leadership 72 15 1 —

‘STAMP CAMP’ 91 51 10 4 28

‘STAMP CAMP’ 92 56 11 4 31

Stamp Condition to the Re-entry Collector 23 5 2 11

Statement of Policy re: Newsletter inclusions 36 7 4 32

Thirkell Philatelic Position Finder 20 4 5 34

The Transfer Roller 60 12 3 21-22

Transfer Rolls and the 5¢ on 6¢ Small Queen 62 12 5 37-38

Where Are All The Admiral Re-entries 40 8 3 21

Where Are All The Admiral Re-entries? 63 13 1 8

- Some Comments 64 13 2 17

- Further Comments 65 13 3 20

Word from John Burnett, New BNAPS Study Group Co-ordinator. 10 2 2 8

Your Editor Notes - A Plea for Participation 7 1 7 39

- Time Flies When You’re Having Fun! 8 1 8 41

SUBJECT — Specific Stamp Re-entries


Scott# / Stamp Description / Article(s) / Whole # / Volume / Number / Page


4 3d Beaver red - Photo of Major from A47 12 3 2 13

- Major Re-entry from B61 59 12 2 15

7 10d Cartier blue - Re-entry on Proof - Pos’n #16 53 11 1 2

- A Major Re-entry - Pos’n #9 (?) 62 12 5 35-36

8 2d Queen Victoria - Major #72 22 5 1 1-2

- #120 versus #72 24 5 3 16-17

- A Few Notes 31 6 4 31

- Another Major Re-entry #84 51 10 4 25

- An Abundance of Major Re-entries 61 12 4 26-32

(Position #’s 10, 22, 42, 46, 58,

60, 70, 72, 84, 96, 102 & 120)

9 72d Queen Victoria - The Re-entered Imprint #117 58 12 1 1

- The Re-entered Imprint #118 62 12 5 34

- Re-entered Imprint #25 64 13 2 12

12 3d Beaver (Perf’d) - Re-entered Imprint #3 or #8? 64 13 2 12


14 1¢ Victoria - Re-entries - Article with mats 5 1 5 21-22

- Response to above article 6 1 6 28

15 5¢ Beaver - Photo of The Major from Position #28 12 3 2 13

17 10¢ Albert - Prince Albert Double Epaulettes found 2 1 2 7

- Another copy found 17 4 2 15

- The Enigma of the 1859-1868 Plate 48 10 1 6-7

18 122¢ Victoria - Two Major Re’s - Pos’ns #61 & #62 62 12 5 38-41

- The Re-entry from Position #71 65 13 3 24

- The Re-entry from Position #80 66 13 4 30

- The Major Re-entry from Position #94 70 14 3 19-21

19 17¢ Cartier - A New Major Re-entry 64 13 2 11

- A New Major Re-entry - Revisited 65 13 3 27

20 2¢ Victoria - Two Re-entries on Plate, Pos’ns 8 & 94 49 10 2 10


21 2¢ L.Q. - Two Re-entries Pos’ns #1 & #11 65 13 3 26

24 2¢ L.Q. - The Major Re-entry #7 37 7 5 33

27 6¢ L.Q. - Re-entry Plate 1 Pos’n #95 41 8 4 30

- The Major Re-entry Plate 1 Pos’n #93 55 11 3 17-18

29 15¢ L.Q. - Cracked Plate Variety found 31 6 4 30

- The Major Re-entry on the 15¢ L.Q. 57 11 5 35-36


34 2¢ S.Q. - The Major Re-entry 1R49 11 3 1 1-2

- The Major Re-entry - Further News 13 3 3 22

- Minor Re-entries & Plating Gutters 13 3 3 16-19

- Additional Re’s - Right Pane, incl. 8 mats 14 3 4 25-27

- Plate Scratches Aid Plating 15 3 5 34

- Major - Update 17 4 2 15

- Imprint - Not a re-entry after all 37 7 5 34

- A Major Re-entry 1R10 37 7 5 36

- A Major Re-entry 1R96 38 8 1 2

- Imprint - A Further Update 38 8 1 2

- The Major Re-entry - Revisited (2 states) 54 11 2 12-13

- A Runner-up To The Major Re-entry - 1R98 58 12 1 2

- The Half Cent Small Queen 72 15 1 1-8

35 1¢ S.Q. - Strands of Hair: Re-entries? 28 6 1 7

- An Unlisted Major Re-entry (Reiche’s) 49 10 2 11

- The Major Re-entry (Hurst’s) 50 10 3 18

- A Major Re-entry - C26? 68 14 1 2-3

- Another Re-entry on the 1¢ 69 14 2 10

36 2¢ S.Q. - Four Majors found - Info to follow 2 1 2 7

- Major Re-entries - with 8 mats 5 1 5 23-24

- Latent - Upper (2nd type) Reiche #3 12 3 2 7-8

- Latent Re-entries — New Information 13 3 3 15

- THE Major Re-entry 14 3 4 23-24

- Latents - The Latest Chapter 15 3 5 32

- Latents: The Saga Continues 16 4 1 3-8

- Latents: Correction following above 18 4 3 16

- Latents: Here We Go Again! 30 6 3 18-19

- Re-entered Imprint Pos’n #51 53 11 1 4

- THE Major Re-entry - Revisited Pos’n #97 54 11 2 9-11

- A Major Re-entry R&S 3-3A 55 11 3 19-20

- Correction: Pos’n A10 not 3-3A 56 11 4 34

- A Sharp Re-entry 65 13 3 27

- A Second Major Re-entry R&S 3-9 68 14 1 4

37/41 3¢ S.Q. - A Major Find - Bill Burden’s Major Re-entry 6 1 6 27-28

- Variations on Shoemaker #9 (w/8 mats) 8 1 8 42-44

- A Latent Re-entry on the 3¢? (Hurst) 27 5 6 38

- Reiche #16 R&S 4-38 36 7 4 29

- Reiche #18 R&S 4-39 37 7 5 35

- A Major Re-entry R&S 4-29 52 10 5 35

- The Major Re-entry - A Clearer Look 55 11 3 21-22

- A Pot of Re-entry Gold 65 13 3 21-23

- A Nice Clockwise Twisted Re-entry 73 15 2 11

- Two more re-entries reported 74 15 3 19

38/42 5¢ S.Q. - UR doubling found 20 4 5 34

- An Unlisted Strong Re-entry 53 11 1 3

- Re-entered Imprint Pos’n #31/41 left 53 11 1 4

- The 5¢ S. Q. Major Re-entry Pos’n #196 56 11 4 28

- Another Major Re-entry Plate 1, Pos’n #18 64 13 2 13-14

39 6¢ S.Q. yellow brown - The Major Re-entry Pos’n #67 57 11 5 37-38 - An Interesting Re-entry 63 13 1 4

43 5¢ on 6¢ - Annotated Bibliography 19 4 4 24-31

- Responses to above article 20 4 5 37-38

- Another Opinion 25 5 4 24-26

- Controversy Continues 26 5 5 31-32

- 1¢ Strand — Related? 26 5 5 31-32

- 1¢ Strand - early reference 28 6 1 7

- The Worst Possible Copy 31 6 4 25-26

- Other positions (‘Lessers’) 33 7 1 1-2

- Response to 5¢ on 6¢ Situation & lessers 35 7 3 21

- Guide dots on 5¢ & 6¢ Plates 36 7 4 28

- Three Plate Positions of the Strong Type 47 9 5 35-37

- The ‘Lesser’ Positions of the 5 on 6 (4) 51 10 4 26-28

- Transfer Rolls and the 5¢ on 6¢ 62 12 5 37-38

43 6¢ S.Q. red brown - Major Re-entries Part 1 - A24 41 8 4 25-26

- Major Re-entries Part 2 - C7 42 8 5 33-34

- Major Re-entries Part 3 - C81 43 9 1 1-2

- Major Re-entries Part 4 - B87 44 9 2 9-10

- Re-entries Part 5 - B95 45 9 3 18

- Re-entries Part 6 - B97 Hair Flaw 46 9 4 29

- Re-entries Part 7 - B85 48 10 1 2-3

- Correction - C81, not B81 48 10 1 2

- Re-entries Part 8 - B86 & B94 49 10 2 12

- A 6¢ S.Q. Disagreement w/R&S 55 11 3 20

- A Re-entered Misplaced Entry C26 57 11 5 39

44 8¢ S.Q. - The Major Re-entry 15 3 5 29

45 10¢ S.Q. - The Initial Re-entry - Pos’n #89 56 11 4 27

47 50¢ S.Q. - The 50¢ Widow Weeds ‘Major’ That Isn’t! 58 12 1 3